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So, tell me which jobs pay great


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I don't have any particular interest on what to study, once I finish high school. However, if it pays well (and doesn't interfere with my personal tastes and beliefs or principles), I may consider it.

I'd like to refrain from things regarding Medical studies and maybe being a lawyer, since I find it boring.

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If you're bilingual, you could try interpreting. UN interpreters get paid a lot, from what I hear.

banking banking banking

Moving money and pulling money out of the money to put money into money and watch the money reproduce

Finance basically

Does accounting go into this category? I heard it was a popular major.

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doesn't pay as much as banking.

you could also become a physicist. depending on how good you are, you can make something like $230k a yr.

I wouldn't recommend physics to a person who wants to make money. It isn't a field where you can easily make money.

Alternatively, if you don't care for finance and such, you could try going into the field of computer science. Lots of money to be made there and the employment opportunities are quite varied since you can find work in pretty much every field of science (and other fields outside of science l suppose [but science is all that matters anway]) knowing how to program well.

Edited by SlayerX
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Don't do compsci if you just want to make money

Do compsci if you have a fucking passion for compsci

Because if you don't have a fucking passion for compsci it's not worth all the deadlines and no sleep ever

Get a major that doesn't turn you dependent on large doses of caffeine even without an addiction if you don't actually WANT to do it

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I wouldn't recommend physics to a person who wants to make money. It isn't a field where you can easily make money.

Alternatively, if you don't care for finance and such, you could try going into the field of computer science. Lots of money to be made there and the employment opportunities are quite varied since you can find work in pretty much every field of science (and other fields outside of science l suppose [but science is all that matters anway]) knowing how to program well.

you're not going to make money easily in ANY field.

Don't do compsci if you just want to make money

Do compsci if you have a fucking passion for compsci

Because if you don't have a fucking passion for compsci it's not worth all the deadlines and no sleep ever

Get a major that doesn't turn you dependent on large doses of caffeine even without an addiction if you don't actually WANT to do it

yeah, what he said. if you try to do comp sci, you'll find out real quick whether or not it's something you can do for the rest of your life

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you're not going to make money easily in ANY field.

True enough but there are fields which give you better chances to get money. Physics is a difficult subject to learn and it isn't easy to make it big in physics.

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Addendum: my CS statement probably can apply to several other fields but I can only personally speak for CS as a third-year CS student

Plenty of people have dropped out of the major in my school because they can't handle the workload

I also study statistics a lot and I'm not sure how that pays since I'm looking at CS jobs mostly but I think it ties into finance somewhat and it's less caffeine-intensive than CS but I really hope you like/am good at math if you're going to do that because it's not going to be pretty if you aren't

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True enough but there are fields which give you better chances to get money. Physics is a difficult subject to learn and it isn't easy to make it big in physics.

true, but it's an amazing subject to learn. :p banking and comp sci were already said, i couldn't think of much else.

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true, but it's an amazing subject to learn.

I agree. Its rather unfortunate research in physics is not funded extensively in North America though *sadness*

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I live in Denmark, so what I advise may not be the case where you live, but my class-where we all have specialised in science- was told that Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Biomedicine/Medical Chemistry are very safe to study, because the unemployment rates are very low in those branches. Also, it pays pretty well .

Btw, I just realised that you do not want to study something Medical. You did not say whether it was because you dont like blood or because you find it boring, but if it is the former, the two Medical studies I mentioned should be safe for you since they focus on developing new medicine rather than treating patients.

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Where I am, the trades are much better choices than jobs that would need university education (i.e. lawyer, medical or god help you research) for the average person. The effort you have to put in is much less. The difficulty in getting acceptance is negligible if you're of standard intelligence, while acceptance is a huge barrier to professional schools. Monetary pay-off is solid. You have a good amount of extra time, relatively speaking; spend a little of it trying to secure a job in advance if you have the willpower to be proactive. Most people don't go that far, but hell, why not?

Don't get suckered into university education if you don't have a plan. I've seen a lot of people who've wasted 4 years and have nothing to show for it. Think carefully.

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If you live in the coastal areas in the states, working offshore as a deckhand pays quite a lot and you can move up in ranking if you stick to it. It's great work if you are single, not so much in a relationship since some boats will want you to work 2-5 months. But you get 3 weeks up to 2 months off as well.

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Banking doesn't make as much as it's supposed to make because it's mostly going towards stockholder dividends and (to a lesser extent actually) executive pay. Being a department head at a major bank will make less than all your scientific jobs. Therefore, you really shouldn't just go into banking expecting to make lots of money.

Hito's idea works but if you want to get married, then you've got to move to another field.

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As a recent grad from a top research university, a lot people go into chemical engineering to make money and they are heavily needed in fields like oil and stuff. I personally just did chemistry and they are also needed in a lot of different areas and is specialized enough to where its pretty easy to find a job like I did.

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