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Isn't Faye the only one with rescue?


2 minutes ago, Graham said:

i wish I had someone with rescue, that's something I've been really missing

I have Faye as a paladin as well as Clive and Mathilda and to be completely honest I'm not a huge fan of any of them. Mathilda is the best, but Gray and Delthea hit so much harder and Clair is my best high mov unit so Mathilda is a bit outclassed

There's one dude that comes by later that I found as my main paladin/gold knight. But you'll get to him eventually 

Did anything special with Clair? Or did she just naturally turn out good?

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Just now, Graham said:

Well at the time of promoting the villagers I already had a cleric and I did not have a cavalier so that was my logic there

I remember back when Faye was revealed I decided I was gonna make her a Peg Knight but then her Cleric spell list was revealed and at that point there was only one option really

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Just now, Trisitei said:

Isn't Faye the only one with rescue?


There's one dude that comes by later that I found as my main paladin/gold knight. But you'll get to him eventually 

Did anything special with Clair? Or did she just naturally turn out good?

well this is awkward for me


Clair started off kinda slow but after a couple level she just became amazing and now has like 20-21 attack and 23 speed and just destroys everything with Gray near her

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Just now, Trisitei said:

Isn't Faye the only one with rescue?


There's one dude that comes by later that I found as my main paladin/gold knight. But you'll get to him eventually 

Did anything special with Clair? Or did she just naturally turn out good?

well this is awkward for me


Clair started off kinda slow but after a couple level she just became amazing and now has like 20-21 attack and 23 speed and just destroys everything with Gray near her

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1 minute ago, SecondWorld said:

I remember back when Faye was revealed I decided I was gonna make her a Peg Knight but then her Cleric spell list was revealed and at that point there was only one option really

the Graham logic is

"oh I can't make Faye a pegasus knight because I'll have a couple others"

"oh I can't make faye a cleric because I already have a cleric"

"let's make two villagers mercenaries and then have like five because there aren't enough in the game"

I make sense

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1 minute ago, SecondWorld said:

I remember back when Faye was revealed I decided I was gonna make her a Peg Knight but then her Cleric spell list was revealed and at that point there was only one option really

the Graham logic is

"oh I can't make Faye a pegasus knight because I'll have a couple others"

"oh I can't make faye a cleric because I already have a cleric"

"let's make two villagers mercenaries and then have like five because there aren't enough in the game"

I make sense

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4 minutes ago, Graham said:

Well at the time of promoting the villagers I already had a cleric and I did not have a cavalier so that was my logic there


sup dan, been awhile mate

cleric Faye is great, early physic is really good


Hey. Yeah, it's been some time. I've been fine, how about you?

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13 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Huck Reinfardt

Huf Ckeinrardt

Reinhark isn't much of a problem with me. Like you said, Nino deals with him pretty well, but that's really only with Fury heh.

Not to mention bait tactics are pretty epic as well. Just set my Lyn up, put Nino behind her while she's still next to Azura for buffs, and Voilá!

You have yourself a good ol fashioned Reinfart trap!

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4 minutes ago, Graham said:

Well at the time of promoting the villagers I already had a cleric and I did not have a cavalier so that was my logic there


sup dan, been awhile mate

cleric Faye is great, early physic is really good


Hey. Yeah, it's been some time. I've been fine, how about you?

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13 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Huck Reinfardt

Huf Ckeinrardt

Reinhark isn't much of a problem with me. Like you said, Nino deals with him pretty well, but that's really only with Fury heh.

Not to mention bait tactics are pretty epic as well. Just set my Lyn up, put Nino behind her while she's still next to Azura for buffs, and Voilá!

You have yourself a good ol fashioned Reinfart trap!

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2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

I'm certain you'll be fine

that actually sounds real good from Clair

also, Deen or Sonya?

Sonya, I thought you got the one you beat so I went for Deen because mercs <3 but I was wrong and got Sonya and I don't regret it, she's one of my better units and super hot

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2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

I'm certain you'll be fine

that actually sounds real good from Clair

also, Deen or Sonya?

Sonya, I thought you got the one you beat so I went for Deen because mercs <3 but I was wrong and got Sonya and I don't regret it, she's one of my better units and super hot

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Huf Ckeinrardt

Reinhark isn't much of a problem with me. Like you said, Nino deals with him pretty well, but that's really only with Fury heh.

Not to mention bait tactics are pretty epic as well. Just set my Lyn up, put Nino behind her while she's still next to Azura for buffs, and Voilá!

You have yourself a good ol fashioned Reinfart trap!

Oh, as I said, I don't have problems dealing with Reinhardt since I have Julia, Nino and Fae. The problem is that he stops me from using Hector since my 'green slot' is dedicated to a Reinhardt counter.

I could maybe run Hector if I was using an hyper offensive line-up with a dancer, where I'd bait Reinhardt without leaving anyone in his range and then proceed to 1HKO him with someone like B!Cordelia or Linde.

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1 minute ago, Nobody said:

cleric Faye is great, early physic is really good


Hey. Yeah, it's been some time. I've been fine, how about you?

now I feel bad

I've been doing well, had a pretty easy summer so far and I just got back from vacation. Other than that I've been working, gotta make that money so college can suck it all away

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1 minute ago, Nobody said:

cleric Faye is great, early physic is really good


Hey. Yeah, it's been some time. I've been fine, how about you?

now I feel bad

I've been doing well, had a pretty easy summer so far and I just got back from vacation. Other than that I've been working, gotta make that money so college can suck it all away

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2 minutes ago, Graham said:

Sonya, I thought you got the one you beat so I went for Deen because mercs <3 but I was wrong and got Sonya and I don't regret it, she's one of my better units and super hot

Sonyas a real good mage. Tbh I don't think it really matters too much, guess it's wha do you want more. Good mage or a unit in one of the best classes in the game?

very true

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2 minutes ago, Graham said:

Sonya, I thought you got the one you beat so I went for Deen because mercs <3 but I was wrong and got Sonya and I don't regret it, she's one of my better units and super hot

Sonyas a real good mage. Tbh I don't think it really matters too much, guess it's wha do you want more. Good mage or a unit in one of the best classes in the game?

very true

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4 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I could maybe run Hector if I was using an hyper offensive line-up with a dancer, where I'd bait Reinhardt without leaving anyone in his range and then proceed to 1HKO him with someone like B!Cordelia or Linde.

Oh okay I got you now lol


I don't know how to use Hector cause I was never blessed with his prescience. Even if I got him, he's definitely going to be fodder cause I can't bother with lugging a slug across a stage

Vantage Hector is GREAT for arena defense though!

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Oh okay I got you now lol


I don't know how to use Hector cause I was never blessed with his prescience. Even if I got him, he's definitely going to be fodder cause I can't bother with lugging a slug across a stage

Vantage Hector is GREAT for arena defense though!

I have a Vantage Hector, but I never bothered putting him on the defense team since every time I faced a team with a Vantage Hector, he's a complete farce. Azura becomes a non-issue because she's obsessed with dancing Hector, meaning you're pretty much 4v2 until Hector arrives and then, I let Sanaki vaporize him before he has chance to use Vantage. 

I'd only use him on defense if it was alongside other armors, since they'd move as a block (though even then, horse emblem is much scarier than armors)

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2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I have a Vantage Hector, but I never bothered putting him on the defense team since every time I faced a team with a Vantage Hector, he's a complete farce. Azura becomes a non-issue because she's obsessed with dancing Hector, meaning you're pretty much 4v2 until Hector arrives and then, I let Sanaki vaporize him before he has chance to use Vantage. 

I'd only use him on defense if it was alongside other armors, since they'd move as a block (though even then, horse emblem is much scarier than armors)

It depends on what the enemy is using and whether or not you gave your vantage Hector BONFIRE

My Lyn can eat 2 hits from Hector, but if he has bonfire in vantage range, my WHOLE team can get solo'd, assuming I'm using Sharena, Lyn, Azura, and Nino. You have a viable Sanaki, and I do have Celica, but she doesn't give as much points as my Lyn does because Galeforce! So I wouldn't say he's a farce for everyone, especially since you're part whale ;)

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8 hours ago, Arcanite said:

1. How many feathers do you have right now?

2. What level is your Olivia (IF SHE ISN'T 4 STARS, YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE)?

Sophia is trash compared to Tharja, Catria is okay, Esr sucks, Tiki is meh and Corrin is also meh (I could give explanations, but I'd rather go the easy cheap reliable route)

3. Did you give Maria rehabilitate? (I love how the one you put in strike through interested me the most

Getting a unit to level 40 isn't even that hard -_- Lazy humans.....

4. Do you have a Subaki that is 3 or 4 stars?

1. 172

2. What Olivia?

3. Not yet..... (Me too)

4. Ummm...nope...

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