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4 minutes ago, Hitori said:


wow i had no idea the interview thread had lasted that long either......also thanks for reminding me, i meant to say this a while ago but we haven't talked in like 20 years: THANKS FOR TAKING OVER THE INTERVIEWS FOR SO LONG, IT'S A VERY LOVELY THREAD THAT BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER AND IM HAPPY THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO HOST IT






I was actually afraid for a while that the interview thread was dying out but then the introduction of re-interviews spiced things up a bit and then later the influx of new members (most notably arcanite) brought life back to the thread and i'm really pleased with how it is now (even though i can't keep up with the actual interviews anymore)



2 minutes ago, Hitori said:

haha yes history about hitori our favourite things

Yes! And it has language too!

Now if only it had Tolkien, FE, law and cycling too, then it'd be perfect for me......

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man this track used to be on yt but since it isn't any more i just have to resort to linking the crossfade







the entire gimmick of the princess for princess album is that it's a bunch of female utaite with somewhat tomboyish voices (which is why they're drawn as androgynous men on the cover) and all of them have two solo songs on the album. most of them have one song with their regular, higher-tone voice and one song with their lower, more masculine voice


iirc the only song she uses her regular voice in is her group song with 96neko and toriko, but even then it's still considered the "male" counterpart of yamai's/usa's/wotamin's song and i really do think she would have used her male voice anyway if it were just her own song lmao

i love hitori


also appreciation for the art


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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, personally I wouldn't see it as that sort of posting. From both.

It brings more variety to the place.

w-wow acacia i wish i could express how much that means to me (and also probably to hatt, on his behalf)


thank you very much

(also i was going to say this earlier but thought it would be kind of unwelcome or awkward (?), i really enjoy seeing your posts talking about the progress in the games you're playing tbh. i don't get it and i'm sure that several other users don't either but it matters to YOU and it's nice seeing so much detail in them because you clearly enjoy writing them)

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thankfully (or...unthankfully ;~;) kain and aho no sakata and senra and nayugorou and yorukichi are all still there...........and in fact my only one fave who is no longer active is hitori



; - ;

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i was flipping through my brother's sketchbook and found this (photo taken with his permission, of course)

(text: "You eat banana u dy")

Edited by Hitori
stan hitori
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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, personally I wouldn't see it as that sort of posting. From both.

It brings more variety to the place.

I agree with you, but I think we settled on calling it shitposting for lack of a better word? Or because people were annoyed by it.

Actually, there is a better word: kimposting (whatever happened to that word?). Though I don't know if it suits my posting that much.

58 minutes ago, Hitori said:


i was flipping through my brother's sketchbook and found this (photo taken with his permission, of course)

(text: "You eat banana u dy")

How inspirational...

28 minutes ago, Fleece said:

o man i hate when i get put on a new medication its like playing russian roulette with my body 

Are you okay? :(

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Just now, Claudius I said:


Are you okay? :(

Yeah I'm fine!! just a bit nervous because side effects are a thing but hey everyone is different 

like i think i'm rly apprehensive because i've been put on medication for diabetic neuropathy before for possible digestion problems and things were fine but like a week in i got like this awful feeling like it was impossible for me to sit in one position and constantly had to move around and i felt constantly uncomfortable and i was super jittery and it made sleeping harder which was the worst and i didn't have that problem before so i suspected which was the medicine and i was right!!! and when i did research i heard that the medicine can cause tardive dyskinesia which had some symptoms that fit what i was going through like idk if thats what it was for certain but its better to be safe than sorry its a good thing i got off of it so soon because i can't imagine living a life having that 24/7 like what the fuck??????? i couldnt deal it was too awful 
i think my doc agreed that the symptoms sounded like that idr either way he told me not to take it anymore so whew

thats also why im not on any meds for depression/mood related stuff even though i probably rly need them because some of the side effects sound rly worrisome oh by the way pleaseplease don't take this as me saying meds are bad i would never discourage people from taking anything you just gotta be aware of changes and junk

wew im just rambling at this point

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34 minutes ago, Motendra said:

Big pharma and all their meds' a scam, fuck em all

ah shit sorry HK i didnt see this at first and idk how to post quotes in edited messages because it just shows up in the new post textbox

i agree theres like issues and stuff with the industry i can't rly think of anything else meaningful to add i am POOPED

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34 minutes ago, Motendra said:

Big pharma and all their meds' a scam, fuck em all

ah shit sorry HK i didnt see this at first and idk how to post quotes in edited messages because it just shows up in the new post textbox

i agree theres like issues and stuff with the industry i can't rly think of anything else meaningful to add i am POOPED

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30 minutes ago, Fleece said:

ah shit sorry HK i didnt see this at first and idk how to post quotes in edited messages because it just shows up in the new post textbox

i agree theres like issues and stuff with the industry i can't rly think of anything else meaningful to add i am POOPED

Iss cool aha.

Tbh, I've been meaning to make a post for a while but I've found that lately I've nothing to actually talk about + laziness makes for a bad mix. You just happened to give me an opening ^^;

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Okay, here is my follow-up (and correction) to last night's essay.

First, I should rectify a minor detail.

18 hours ago, Claudius I said:

The Heirs of Elendil
The Southern Line of Gondor: The Anárioni
1 Elendil
    born S.A. 3119    lived 322 years    slain 3441 = T.A. 1
2 Anárion
                    3219            221 years    slain 3440
3 Meneldil   3318            280 years     died T.A. 158

(Source: The History of Middle-earth: The Peoples of Middle-earth, "The Heirs of Elendil".)

This source does not mention Isildur among the Southern Line of Gondor at all. While that may at first seem to contradict my earlier conclusion that Isildur was for a while King of Gondor, I believe that it does in fact not do so: this is not a list of the Kings of Gondor, this is a list of the line of Anárion. Isildur was Anárion's brother, and therefore not of his line. 

I skipped over something minor (but important) here: I said that Isildur was not of the line of Anárion and was therefore excluded from the list - but Elendil was of course also not of the line of Anárion (being Anárion's father).

I think this can be easily explained though. The list is technically not a list of the line of Anárion, but it is technically a list of the line of Elendil through Anárion. Likewise, the list of the Northern Line of Arnor (the Isildurioni) begins with Elendil; this is technically not the line of Isildur, but the line of Elendil through Isildur. Of course, most people aren't lawyers, and therefore readily use "the line of Anárion" or "the line of Isildur" to refer to what technically should be called "the line of Elendil through Anárion" and "the line of Elendil through Isildur". These lists of the Northern and Southern Lines, likewise, were compiled by historians rather than lawyers. 

That brings me to my actual rectification.

18 hours ago, Claudius I said:

So the matter in question involves Elendil, Isildur, Anárion, Meneldil and Valandil. 

Elendil was the leader of the Faithful Númenóreans who came to Middle-earth after the Downfall of Númenor; here they established the Realms in Exile: Arnor (in the north) and Gondor (in the south). Later, the realms were estranged from each other: Arnor's kings were reckoned from the line of Isildur, the older son of Elendil, through Isildur's son Valandil; while Gondor's kings were reckoned from the line of Anárion, the younger son of Elendil, through Anárion's son Meneldil.


Arnor. Elendil died S.A. 3441 [i.e. the year 3441 of the Second Age], Isildur died 2 [i.e. the year 2 of the Third Age], Valandil 249 [...]


Kings of Gondor. Elendil (Isildur and) Anárion died S.A. 3440, Meneldil son of Anárion 158 [...]

(Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, "Annals of the Kings and Rulers", I, (ii).)

Arnor is clear: Elendil was King of Arnor until his death; he was succeeded by his eldest and sole surviving son Isildur, who was in turn succeeded by his sole surviving son Valandil.

Gondor is just phrased really confusingly. It says Elendil, Isildur and Anárion, but then Isildur is bracketed? It also only lists the date of Anárion's death, not the dates of Elendil's and Isildur's deaths. It seems to imply though that at first, Elendil, Isildur and Anárion were all jointly Kings of Gondor, at least until Anárion's death in S.A. 3440. They were succeeded by Meneldil, Anárion's only son. But when? 
I can interpret it as this: originally, Elendil, Isildur and Anárion were all Kings of Gondor; after the death of Anárion in S.A. 3440, only Elendil and Isildur were left as Kings of Gondor; after Elendil's death in S.A. 3441, the Kingship of Gondor passed from him and Isildur (even though the latter was still alive) solely to Meneldil, and that is why Isildur's name is bracketed: because he was King of Gondor just as much as Elendil and Anárion, but was succeeded by Meneldil after the deaths of Elendil and Anárion, rather than after his own death.


  1. Originally, Elendil was King of Arnor; he was also King of Gondor together with Isildur and Anárion.
  2. After Anárion's death, Elendil was King of Arnor; he was also King of Gondor together with Isildur.
  3. After Elendil's death, Isildur became King of Arnor; Meneldil became King of Gondor; Isildur apparently relinquished that office to him.

I missed a very important detail here. I shall now give the quotes more fully.


The Northern Line
Heirs of Isildur

Arnor. Elendil died S.A. 3441, Isildur died 2, Valandil 249 [...]


The Southern Line
Heirs of Anárion

Kings of Gondor. Elendil (Isildur and) Anárion died S.A. 3440, Meneldil son of Anárion 158 [...]

These lists are different from the ones given in The Peoples of Middle-earthThe Peoples of Middle-earth gives lists solely of the line of Elendil through Isildur and the line of Elendil through Anárion; but "Annals of the Kings and Rulers" gives a list of the line of Elendil through Isildur, the Kings of Arnor; and a list of the line of Elendil through Anárion, the Kings of Gondor. This explain's why Isildur's name is bracketed: for Isildur was King of Gondor, but he was not of the line of Elendil through Anárion.

The bracketing of Isildur's name therefore does not mean that he gave up the Kingship of Gondor after the death of Elendil. This would have been a breach of the system too. Let's take a moment to analyze the system of the Realms in Exile prior to the interregnum after Isildur's death (hereafter: the Long Interregnum).

We have seen that Elendil was the High King of the Dúnedain, the King of Arnor and the King of Gondor, and that Isildur and Anárion were Kings of Gondor. Elendil had his abode in Annúminas, the capital of Arnor; the capital of Gondor was Osgiliath; Isildur had his abode in Minas Ithil, east of Osgiliath; Anárion had his abode in Minas Anor, west of Osgiliath. 

The Kingdom of Gondor was co-administered by three Kings. However, these Kings were not of equal standing, for Elendil was also High King of the Dúnedain, and therefore the superior of Isildur and Anárion. But there is another difference: Elendil was also sole King of Arnor and did not reside in Gondor. 

So on the one hand Elendil could override any decision made by the other Kings of Gondor (by virtue of him being High King of the Dúnedain), but he could not involve himself with the government of Gondor as much as they (having also Arnor to tend to), nor could he always react as quickly (not residing in Gondor). This led to a system where Elendil was the "high king" of Gondor and Isildur and Anárion were the "governing kings" of Gondor. The governing kings were more directly involved in the affairs of Gondor, but the high king could always override their decision.

Why then would Isildur abandon this system by relinquishing his office of King of Gondor? There is no indication anywhere that Isildur intended to change the governmental structure of the Realms in Exile. 

Let us recall the words of Arvedui to the Council of Gondor: 


"[...] While Elendil still lived, the conjoint rule in the South was committed to his sons; but when Elendil fell, Isildur departed to take up the high kingship of his father, and committed the rule in the South in like manner to the son of his brother [i.e. Meneldil]. He did not relinquish his royalty in Gondor, nor intend that the realm of Elendil should be divided for ever. [...]"

In my first essay I interpreted the words "did not relinquish his royalty in Gondor" as referring to the High Kingship of the Dúnedain. While he may have relinquished the office of King of Gondor, he did not relinquish his royalty in Gondor, for he was still High King of the Dúnedain. 

I interpreted these words in this way because I was already under the impression that Isildur did relinquish his office of King of Gondor. Now that my vision of that has changed, so does my interpretation of these words. What's more, the words strongly underline my above hypothesis that Isildur did not intend to change the governmental structure of the Realms in Exile (he "committed the rule in the South in like manner to the son of his brother", i.e. according to the existing governmental system). 

So, to sum up, I now believe that Isildur did not relinquish his office as King of Gondor when he established Meneldil as King of Gondor: he merely continued the system that had been set in place in the time of his father Elendil.


38 minutes ago, Fleece said:

Yeah I'm fine!! just a bit nervous because side effects are a thing but hey everyone is different 

like i think i'm rly apprehensive because i've been put on medication for diabetic neuropathy before for possible digestion problems and things were fine but like a week in i got like this awful feeling like it was impossible for me to sit in one position and constantly had to move around and i felt constantly uncomfortable and i was super jittery and it made sleeping harder which was the worst and i didn't have that problem before so i suspected which was the medicine and i was right!!! and when i did research i heard that the medicine can cause tardive dyskinesia which had some symptoms that fit what i was going through like idk if thats what it was for certain but its better to be safe than sorry its a good thing i got off of it so soon because i can't imagine living a life having that 24/7 like what the fuck??????? i couldnt deal it was too awful 
i think my doc agreed that the symptoms sounded like that idr either way he told me not to take it anymore so whew

thats also why im not on any meds for depression/mood related stuff even though i probably rly need them because some of the side effects sound rly worrisome oh by the way pleaseplease don't take this as me saying meds are bad i would never discourage people from taking anything you just gotta be aware of changes and junk

wew im just rambling at this point

Wow, that sounds really uncomfortable. I'm glad you took action pretty much immediately when those symptoms started showing up though!

Just goes to show that you should always look out for possible side effects when taking new meds. I don't think it's something you really need to be nervous for though; I'd encourage people to try out medication that could help them. Just be on the look-out for side effects and if they do show up, consider whether the benefits of the medication are more beneficial or the drawbacks of the side effects are more harmful, so you can make a good decision on whether you should continue taking it or not.

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Just now, Motendra said:

Iss cool aha.

Tbh, I've been meaning to make a post for a while but I've found that lately I've nothing to actually talk about + laziness makes for a bad mix. You just happened to give me an opening ^^;

nice, i'm glad i could help!!!!!!! having nothing to talk about sucks especially when people are talking and theres nothing you can comment on like i'll go through pages of people talking or in chats scrolling and i'll just sit there like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

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Just now, Motendra said:

Iss cool aha.

Tbh, I've been meaning to make a post for a while but I've found that lately I've nothing to actually talk about + laziness makes for a bad mix. You just happened to give me an opening ^^;

nice, i'm glad i could help!!!!!!! having nothing to talk about sucks especially when people are talking and theres nothing you can comment on like i'll go through pages of people talking or in chats scrolling and i'll just sit there like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:


Wow, that sounds really uncomfortable. I'm glad you took action pretty much immediately when those symptoms started showing up though!

Just goes to show that you should always look out for possible side effects when taking new meds. I don't think it's something you really need to be nervous for though; I'd encourage people to try out medication that could help them. Just be on the look-out for side effects and if they do show up, consider whether the benefits of the medication are more beneficial or the drawbacks of the side effects are more harmful, so you can make a good decision on whether you should continue taking it or not.

Yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head! its just like depending on how things go i'm gonna be out of state in less than two weeks and I was wondering if I should hold off trying it until I get back because that'd be pretty awful to deal with any possible side-effects when I'm suppossed to be having fun its REALLY rough making decisions and trying to figure out what to do ugh

also I just keep thinking back on what I should have done and feel like an idiot like I should have talked to my endo about this rather than my primary doctor and I should have asked more questions and wonder if I'm really bad at giving details like............I'm really bad at talking to people and often hold back 

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1 minute ago, Fleece said:

Yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head! its just like depending on how things go i'm gonna be out of state in less than two weeks and I was wondering if I should hold off trying it until I get back because that'd be pretty awful to deal with any possible side-effects when I'm suppossed to be having fun its REALLY rough making decisions and trying to figure out what to do ugh

also I just keep thinking back on what I should have done and feel like an idiot like I should have talked to my endo about this rather than my primary doctor and I should have asked more questions and wonder if I'm really bad at giving details like............I'm really bad at talking to people and often hold back 

Hmm, well, in that case, I think you should ask yourself two questions.
1. How much do you need the new med?
2. How likely and how bad are possible side effects?
Like, if you don't need the new med that much, I'd say wait until you're back, unless the side effects are so unlikely to happen and/or so minimal that you can safely take it anyway. But if you urgently need the new med, I'd say start right away, unless the side effects are so likely to happen and so harmful that they'll get in the way of enjoying your trip. 

Well, the important thing is that you got it figured out in the end! I also think you're not looking at this the right way. Instead of thinking "I feel like an idiot because I should have talked to my endo etc.", try to think "Things worked out, but next time I should try to talk to my endo etc." You got it figured out in the end and that's a good thing, so treat is as a good thing. Don't beat yourself up over what you could have done better; take it as a lesson for next time, so you'll do even better then! Approaching this whole thing with a positive mindset (while it may be hard to do) will make it a lot better for you, I think.
And I totally understand about being bad at talking to people and often holding back. I'm very much the same. Though I'm trying to improve on that. I'm not really sure how to improve on that though.

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6 hours ago, Claudius I said:

I'm afraid shitposting will be less fun than it used to be because you either have to wait 5 minutes for your own post to show up or refresh the page every time you post. =(

what about SF being an ass with its double posting problem?

2 hours ago, Fleece said:

Yeah I'm fine!! just a bit nervous because side effects are a thing but hey everyone is different 

like i think i'm rly apprehensive because i've been put on medication for diabetic neuropathy before for possible digestion problems and things were fine but like a week in i got like this awful feeling like it was impossible for me to sit in one position and constantly had to move around and i felt constantly uncomfortable and i was super jittery and it made sleeping harder which was the worst and i didn't have that problem before so i suspected which was the medicine and i was right!!! and when i did research i heard that the medicine can cause tardive dyskinesia which had some symptoms that fit what i was going through like idk if thats what it was for certain but its better to be safe than sorry its a good thing i got off of it so soon because i can't imagine living a life having that 24/7 like what the fuck??????? i couldnt deal it was too awful 
i think my doc agreed that the symptoms sounded like that idr either way he told me not to take it anymore so whew

thats also why im not on any meds for depression/mood related stuff even though i probably rly need them because some of the side effects sound rly worrisome oh by the way pleaseplease don't take this as me saying meds are bad i would never discourage people from taking anything you just gotta be aware of changes and junk

wew im just rambling at this point

ramblings important
helps to vent out any sort of thoughts bubbling up
would be better to get them out instead of it being locked up to fester into something not too pleasant 

its also real good you took the steps necessary once symptoms popped up
basically what hatt said is exactly right and i agree with it all instead of just regurgitating it

2 hours ago, Motendra said:

Big pharma and all their meds' a scam, fuck em all

Preach it

2 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Actually, there is a better word: kimposting (whatever happened to that word?). Though I don't know if it suits my posting that much.

it went to hibernation for a long time
but has it awakened?
Wait and hope

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