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man kpop really made me forget how much i love singing, i read my sf interview a few months ago and i was like "wow why did i like singing so much" but now that i am utaite-ing again i remember

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3 minutes ago, Hitori said:

man kpop really made me forget how much i love singing, i read my sf interview a few months ago and i was like "wow why did i like singing so much" but now that i am utaite-ing again i remember

Heh, I had a similar realization recently.
Reading Tolkien stuff that isn't the darkening of Valinor and the flight of the Noldor really made me forget how much I loathe Fëanor, but now I read about it in Morgoth's Ring a few days ago and I just instinctively started loathing the guy again.

Singing is so cool though, I wish I could do it.

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3 minutes ago, Hitori said:

man kpop really made me forget how much i love singing, i read my sf interview a few months ago and i was like "wow why did i like singing so much" but now that i am utaite-ing again i remember

Heh, I had a similar realization recently.
Reading Tolkien stuff that isn't the darkening of Valinor and the flight of the Noldor really made me forget how much I loathe Fëanor, but now I read about it in Morgoth's Ring a few days ago and I just instinctively started loathing the guy again.

Singing is so cool though, I wish I could do it.

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5 minutes ago, Hitori said:


thx idk if thats a good thing or not but thx


sylv how have u been

or maybe you've watched so much kpop youtube thinks ur korean

i've been PRETTY GOOD my doctor gave me this expensive ass medicine for my face and wow there is not a single pimple on it anymore it feels liberating


3 minutes ago, Hitori said:

o yea i loev ur theme a lot btw

thx i love u

1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

Who cares about that though, let's talk about Mandos.

what is Mandos

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2 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

what is Mandos

oh man i am so glad you asked but i am also kinda tired so (trying to keep it) short explanation


So basically in Tolkienology, God (whom we call Eru Ilúvatar) created the World and allowed the Ainur (holy beings he had created from his thought) to go there, shape it, make it ready for the coming of His Children and govern it in His name.
The mightiest of the Ainur are called the Valar. Since the Valar were created from the thought of Ilúvatar, each has mastery of part of his mind. One of these Valar is Námo, but he is usually called Mandos, which is properly the name of the halls where he dwells.
Mandos is the master of fate, especially death. The Halls of Mandos are located on the edge of Valimar, the city of the Valar. Besides living rooms for him and his wife Vairë, most of the halls are actually used to house the souls of dead Elves and Dwarves (which is why the halls of Mandos are ever expanding).
Mandos knows far more of the future than any other Vala, but he speaks seldom, and of the future he only speaks at the bidding of Manwë, the Lord of the Valar.

And I just love him so much.

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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Heh, I had a similar realization recently.
Reading Tolkien stuff that isn't the darkening of Valinor and the flight of the Noldor really made me forget how much I loathe Fëanor, but now I read about it in Morgoth's Ring a few days ago and I just instinctively started loathing the guy again.

Singing is so cool though, I wish I could do it.

whos fëanor and y does he suck?? also heh truly we have so much in common

1 minute ago, sylveonzoroark said:

or maybe you've watched so much kpop youtube thinks ur korean

i've been PRETTY GOOD my doctor gave me this expensive ass medicine for my face and wow there is not a single pimple on it anymore it feels liberating


thx i love u

o god i have reached a new level of koreaboo

!!! wow expensive-ass sounds eyes emoji but im glad that it is working!!! self-confidence is gr8

i love u too

2 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Hi Kim, how are you? I hope you are okay.

@ both sylv's "wbu" and hatt's "how are you" i am good, i was extremely stressed over some school things this week but i ended up getting full marks on them so i feel betterish. miraculously i am actually....not really that stressed over many things right now?? i am overloaded with lots of homework (i have done ~19 hours of homework within the past three days and i feel like im abt to die) but it's not super hard and i am very interested in the material. it feels something

also music is killin me in all the good ways rn ;_;



but bash @ my lit teacher, i was supposed to turn in something online but the assignment didn't show up for me and it was 9 p.m. the night before it was due and i was crying because i didn't know what to do but it turned out that she just put it up super late. like, literally three hours before it was physically due


it doesn't matter that much bc my grade isn't affected as long as i turn it in physically (it just doesn't get graded until it is turned in digitally) but i was very crying about it



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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

When I stand still to think about it, Fëanor is actually a very tragic character and he doesn't deserve my loathing.

Poor Fëanor.

still should have been less of a dick tbh

me @ byakuran except without the tragic part

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