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I've gotten bored of Xenoblade as hard as that is to believe

well, I didn't get bored of xenoblade back when I was playing it, and I finished and really enjoyed it, but Xenoblade talk is something that bores me. Like, incredibly so. So I believe you.

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Sorry, my bad. English only it shall be from now on!

I am most pleased by this.

Noted~ (yes, I have an actual pastebin for this)

Oh, that's rather nice, I look forward to seeing the final thingamathing.

Hmmm, sounds like a combination of your general character of being positive about everything and your little sister being freaking adorable. Yes, I know you didn't mention that last part but I'm just inferring based on my interpretation of your relationship with her.

You infer correctly sir. I suppose my patience would be less for someone much older.

Baaaaad Anon

*sprays self*

Hmmm, interesting...


This seems to fit well with my data.

Glad to hear it.

This makes sense. I approve

And yeah, kokoro = heart

With this much approval, I could run for president.

I see, and to think I figured that out based on knowledge of Mario 2.

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Gah, Kitty answering these questions are not good for my imagination!

Adorable little siblings, yay~

This is a really interesting situation. I'm gonna re-post (and alter) some of my questions to Anon for now and think up more for these specific situations later.

3. There were likely multiple instances in which you've had to directly tend to the needs and/or reasonable demands of your youngest siblings, for whatever reasons. How do you feel about having to take care of your sibling in these situations? This likely varies depending on the specific circumstances, but can you outline the different kinds of feelings you've had?

4a. If there were also instances in which your younger siblings have made unreasonable demands, how do you generally react?

4b. And how do you feel about the fact that they're making such demands?

4c. How do you feel about your response to them?

5. Outside of taking care of your younger siblings' needs, how often do you feel the desire to dedicate some time into just bonding with your younger siblings as opposed to doing something else? Does it differ with the sibling?

3. It depends on the situation really, tbh. When it comes to food I get annoyed cause they are really picky and then I end up having to eat all the food they don't want for the next couple of days as leftovers. For things like academics, I typically help them with their work as well as teach them new ways to solve problems (though they don't seem to like it when I do!) Though when it cuts close to risking their health/safety I go into some weird nurse mode and make sure they're all okay.

4a. I just make a face at them and tell them that I can't do it due to whatever reason it may be

4b. They need to do things for themselves for once since I won't always be here to do the things for them

4c. It's for their own good since they won't be able to live on their own at this rate if they depend on others for everything they need.

5. I don't do it enough, which is something I'll regret in the future. I try to do it now when I can when it comes to our weekly dinners on Friday but the both of them hate when I give any sort of affection so it's rejected in the end rip. Both siblings I give the same amount of attention unless the middle kid's in her pissed off mode then I tend to avoid her

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I'm not sure why I still post here

I never have anything to say.

: (

Don't say that, you're fun to have around

Maybe I'll revive the story.

If I can get off my lazy butt.

"It's okay, I'm a lazy butt."

~Glaceon Mage, 2015

[spoiler=very minor, completely unrelated to the story, Fates Spoilers.]

So, apparently there will be a new beach DLC haha


wow Elise looks younger than I thought... creepy.

romhackers getting work done.

Edited by Soledai
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[11:17:47 PM] Carge: So far, it seems her supports are shit too.

[11:17:53 PM] Kim: wow spoilers

[11:18:18 PM] Tristian S.: WANNA KNOW A SPOILERS?

[11:18:22 PM] SaffFlaff: What was the gag?

[11:18:25 PM] Tristian S.: YOU CHOOSE A SIDE

[11:18:28 PM] Tristian S.: OOOOOOoooo

[11:18:33 PM] Kim: NOOOOOOOOO

[11:18:35 PM] Kim: game ruined

[11:18:36 PM] Carge: lol

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no one answered but I pretty much decided flora for conquest and orochi for birthright

I'm also going to do a dark mage/sorcerer only run

but there were like

four posts answering, but ok

what works best

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