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mooks in video games are funny

There's this conversation between Riddler mooks about him wanting to replace them with robots in the Catwoman dlc and that one is amazing too

"It's all about a robot army! But being a minion's all about the personal touch. Can a robot get Riddler's cup of cocoa just right?"


"Metal sons of bitches."

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I've recently just got back to playing FF-0 more actively now. And spoiled myself. <__< Man, Rem and Trey are pretty damn fun to play as. King comes close. Deuce is coming along, maybe.

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what yes. :P

Oh okay. I'm not too certain if it works as effective as the PS4 since both videos I found were for the PS4 soooooooo.

Seven is a bit hard to use, but uh, let's just say I wanna get some summer uniforms for some people.

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what yes. :P

Oh okay. I'm not too certain if it works as effective as the PS4 since both videos I found were for the PS4 soooooooo.

Seven is a bit hard to use, but uh, let's just say I wanna get some summer uniforms for some people.

You yes.

Well, it should be fine, same game and all.

What's a Seven? <w<

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