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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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If you have a phobia of quoting, then I would classify as at least partially weenie.

Excuse me... For a short while I thought you were LuxSpes...

Also, Glac, sometimes you have to try more than once before it works

Edited by shytende
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@Anon: No, my Wii

If you have a phobia of quoting, then I would classify as at least partially weenie.

If you have a phobia of quoting, then I would classify as at least partially weenie.

No, my Wii U was not quoting for awhile.
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So...who here liked the second Thor film?

i did. Despite its plot wonkery, it was pretty gr9.

Mainly : Even with intense babying, he probably will never have A rank. (Unless you decide to Arena Abuse)

There's also the fact that with Pent's Con means that he have to have at least 3 Speed to be anything worthwhile.

Pent is an excellent unit. He is objectively the best Sage of the game, and one of the best Magic unit.

Indeed. Priscilla and Lucius are damn good mag users too. Id rank the best mag users in the game as follows:



Priscilla (cuz mounted healers are yes)






(Not counting Athos cuz hes just bamfy and only exists in one chapter.

Ha! Sounds hilarious, that :L And here it is


Damn you Loki !

I fell right into your nefarious plan !



...are you a weenie?


[spoiler=super saiyan water skiing weenie]


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if the thread is always this entertaining, i just might. :V

She did for the sake of argueing with me.

The unwise oft need be put in their place. For the unwise never knoweth what to say when questioned by others.


Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I just confused the 2 avatars.

I may not be enetirely awake.

Aren't Lux's avatar in mine in similar pose? Even though his has blond blond and mine has clayish hair.

@Anon: No, my Wii

No, my Wii U was not quoting for awhile.

Ah, I see.

I had drivers ed, did I miss David?

Shadow did you find me fan art yet

I had drivers ed.

I passed it.

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