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Why do you care so much about what others expect?

my answer is, stupid parents forcing their stupid ideals on kids and having them be miserable their whole childhood. most parents hate to have their kids even be homosexual let alone help them with any gender identity crises. it's bad.

and god, is it annoying how often gender has to be mentioned in general.

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I feel like i'm in serious discussion


It's...I feel it is best I remove myself from the topic. Let us change the subject to chicken.

Fries are done

I actually just are fries. Working on the chicken I ordered.

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Why do you care so much about what others expect?

So your choices are: human being with a gender, or...slugs and bacteria.

Because when you're pestered over it constantly, it becomes annoying.

my answer is, stupid parents forcing their stupid ideals on kids and having them be miserable their whole childhood. most parents hate to have their kids even be homosexual let alone help them with any gender identity crises. it's bad.

and god, is it annoying how often gender has to be mentioned in general.

This was a huge problem for me.
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I don't really mind that I'm a girl, but I don't go out of my way to act like the stereotyped "girl" and I just don't care that much if people have expectations out of me. I do what I want because I enjoy it.

There are times when I can be pretty "girly" but I don't care if it's considered girly or not, I just care that I do what I like to do.

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There's more to it than just social stereotypes and norms, ya know. People are often treated differently and sometimes unfairly due to their gender, be it for better or worse, and whether well intent or not

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Different treatment in itself wouldn't be bad as long as it retains a neutral stance. The moment there is an intent that carries superiority or condescension, that's when it becomes bad, or gets a bad rep. Well, that's what I think if I'm wording it correctly.

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There's more to it than just social stereotypes and norms, ya know. People are often treated differently and sometimes unfairly due to their gender, be it for better or worse, and whether well intent or not

Yeah I agree, the sexism can get pretty bad...

This isn't as bad a case because I haven't dealt with extreme sexism afaik, but when I said to some of my relatives that I wanted to be a landscape architect at first they thought I meant the labour kind (but it's the artistic kind, where I just draw my own landscape designs and then others do the work), they asked me "Wow really, is that the kind of job for a girl?? Doing all that work?" I mean sure I am incredibly tiny and weak, but if that was actually the kind of job that interested me why should that be the wrong job for me?

I think that is one of the cases where the stereotypers (wee making up words... I think) had no ill will at all, they seriously thought that that job probably wouldn't have been enjoyable or too hard for me and that I could have searched for an easier job, but if that were the kind of job that I wanted or interested me enough then I think it shouldn't concern them and I would make it work out~

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Different treatment in itself wouldn't be bad as long as it retains a neutral stance. The moment there is an intent that carries superiority or condescension, that's when it becomes bad, or gets a bad rep. Well, that's what I think if I'm wording it correctly.

Yeah, there's that.

What I was going at is how gender treatment can lead to unsavory situations.

For girls, there's gaining unwanted and/or unnecessary attention from guys, and always being played easy on

And for guys, there's being put on the spot constantly, along with extensive labors

Course, there are cases of both for both genders, but there is a large variance in frequency

These are but a few that came off the top of my head

EDIT: Yes, Freohr. Pretty much that

Edited by The King
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