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Discuss how erectile dysfunction Josmer 'Jozy' Altidore is here


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I don't really follow any of this shit but that is funny.

Still mad that you didn't originally type "limp dick" though. Bonus points if it had been "limpdick" as one word.

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i'd link a gif of him In Action but they're literally all either him falling over, totally fucking up his first touch or missing a clear chance on goal that Big Steven Fletcher would put in the back of the net with ease

well the one PL goal he did score was pretty cool but this is a thread for hate

please feel free to link players of any sport you like though, i want to make this accessible for all

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I don't think I even know any players that are super good (the only ones I'd be interested in), let alone ones that utterly suck. Any of them I knew have been forgotten.

You should post those GIFs though. Watching people fuck up horribly is about as entertaining as watching them succeed superbly.

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Big Steven Fletcher isn't super good so much as when he kicks or heads the ball it goes where he wants it to go, which makes him unique in our team's centre-forwards

I will search for gifs tomorrow! aka repost from my computer what i have assembled, dropbox or something idk

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Big Steven Fletcher isn't super good so much as when he kicks or heads the ball it goes where he wants it to go, which makes him unique in our team's centre-forwards

I will search for gifs tomorrow! aka repost from my computer what i have assembled, dropbox or something idk

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oh man I haven't watched a history of gay inventors in years. Did they like quit updating for a while? I went through the whole series and eagerly anticipated more and then they never delivered. ;(

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Yeah, Dandy's flow of uploads has slowed down since the start for sure, though he did upload something in last October so it's more like "infrequently updated" than dead

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