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Which is the better skill, Galeforce or Armsthrift?

Garland Chaos

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Galeforce gives you a much larger strategical advantage. You're essentially screwed in Secret Apo without it. Armsthrift is a convenience, more than anything.

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This really pains me since on female units, I make Armsthrift and Galeforce mandatory skills.

Uh. . .

In post-game, if you're incredibly wealthy, Galeforce takes priority since you can just pump out weapons left and right with huge amounts of gold, which makes Armsthrift a novelty.

So I would go with Galefroce.

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If you don't mind grinding endlessly for money and Regalia, then Armstrift won't matter to you, so Galeforce will be better. Even if you don't want to waste your life grinding unnecessarily, Galeforce is still better since it has an effect that can't be replicated as easily with massive grinding.

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Is this a question?

Galeforce has map-clearing value, and is hands down, along with Limit Breaker and Vantage, one of the strongest skills in the game.

AT... doesn't do anything but let you spend less of an infinite resource. It's basically a wasted skill slot.

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Once again, the hive mind of the FE:A subforum fails to take other factors into account, such as context.

During the main game, are you really going to get any use out of Galeforce unless you're on a massive grind run? The amount of levels you have to pump into Sumia/Cordelia/Cynthia is 25 total levels minimum (18 for Cordy, 15 for Cynthia) to get it, and, knowing the people here, probably more for additional stats. For characters such as Lissa/Maribelle, it's even worse because you need to re-class them first, meaning they have to be at a total level count of 35 in order to access the beloved Galeforce. Gender-lock outside of inheritance hurts too.

AT, meanwhile, gets a lot more use simply due to better availability. Yes, grind runs do make it moot with the gold you'd obtain, but unless you're on Normal, where Reeking Boxes can essentially be flipped for a 2x profit, money's still gonna be somewhat tight until mid-game at least. As well, it doesn't require a promotion to get it, either; just switch someone to Mercenary and you're good to go. Overall, it's more common than Galeforce, as well: 4 non-MU Gen 1 characters (Donnel, Gregor, Cordelia & Flavia) all have access to AT, with at least three Gen 2 characters (Inigo, Morgan & Severa) possessing access to AT naturally, with as many as four others being able to get access to it via inheritance, and with much less grinding, too, since at most you need ten levels to get it, and that's only to class change to said Mercenary class, and only with Donnel & MU.

Post-game DLC shit is much more cut-and-dry in this regard, since availability is really no longer a factor. Galeforce easily makes post-game DLC outside of Apo a non-factor, that much is true. However, availability really hinders Galeforce in the main game, thus muddying the matter.

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Personally, I'm too lazy to buy weapons when they break so I tend to favor Armsthrift over Galeforce. However, in most situations, Galeforce will be the better choice since you're likely to kill an enemy anyway. But if it really came down to choosing the between the two, I would go for Armsthrift simply because I can spam forges and A rank weapons without having to going through the trouble of getting them again.

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Once again, the hive mind of the FE:A subforum fails to take other factors into account, such as context.

During the main game, are you really going to get any use out of Galeforce unless you're on a massive grind run? The amount of levels you have to pump into Sumia/Cordelia/Cynthia is 25 total levels minimum (18 for Cordy, 15 for Cynthia) to get it, and, knowing the people here, probably more for additional stats. For characters such as Lissa/Maribelle, it's even worse because you need to re-class them first, meaning they have to be at a total level count of 35 in order to access the beloved Galeforce. Gender-lock outside of inheritance hurts too.

Getting Galeforce has been the staple for LTC and efficiency run though, so its definitely possible. I manage to get one after the end of part 1 in my slow-ish plays, and its even easier if the player decided to play even slower

That and the only realistic Armthrift user are those that did not need it. Cordelia post reclass is already broken, so is everyone with reclass in mode other than Lunatic. Inigo don't exist. Flavia might as well not exist. Donnel is shit. Severa is pretty much an afterthought. Gregor has low luck. Avatar is lolavatar. Morgan is is lolmorgan and comes right after the game thrown in so much money on your face that you have enough money to one round everything and still have enough to make broken forge for Grima.

At that point the only skill that can help those "broken" characters is if you have 2 copy of them. Which is exactly what Galeforce did

Edited by JSND
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Well, I have a personal bias....

But the only things I'll say are:

I would only see Galeforce being an ABOSLUTE must have for Apotheosis or Lunatic/Lunatic +. Otherwise, grinding for all those levels for the Gen 1 character to get/pass to children or to grind for the children if you didn't pass them on is just a real pain in the ass. It's made trivial if you have the EXPonential Growth DLC map, but if you don't... Well, have fun.

Armsthrift, while I love the hell outta that skill, is a niche skill. It's nice sure, and it's quick to grind 10 levels on Merc but honestly, to get the real usage out of it you would have to put that on units with high Luck caps (or you could grind Limit Break tomes to get everyone beyond 50 Luck, but that's more grinding that could be done with Galeforce instead if you so chose) to get it used quite a bit. A percent is still a percent, so while you might have a 98% chance to not use it, you might just get a big string of 2%s and just have it not work at all.

All in all, be thrifty! But with force. (I'm basically picking the middle ground here; there's honestly no reason not to have both if you so desire.)

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I was waiting for someone to say both. Thank ye kindly, sir.

Galeforce, moving again is an amazing and valuable skill.

However, AT is more widely available. DLC!Seliph having both as a Dread Fighter is amazing...


Once again, the hive mind of the FE:A subforum fails to take other factors into account, such as context.

During the main game, are you really going to get any use out of Galeforce unless you're on a massive grind run? The amount of levels you have to pump into Sumia/Cordelia/Cynthia is 25 total levels minimum (18 for Cordy, 15 for Cynthia) to get it, and, knowing the people here, probably more for additional stats. For characters such as Lissa/Maribelle, it's even worse because you need to re-class them first, meaning they have to be at a total level count of 35 in order to access the beloved Galeforce. Gender-lock outside of inheritance hurts too.

AT, meanwhile, gets a lot more use simply due to better availability. Yes, grind runs do make it moot with the gold you'd obtain, but unless you're on Normal, where Reeking Boxes can essentially be flipped for a 2x profit, money's still gonna be somewhat tight until mid-game at least. As well, it doesn't require a promotion to get it, either; just switch someone to Mercenary and you're good to go. Overall, it's more common than Galeforce, as well: 4 non-MU Gen 1 characters (Donnel, Gregor, Cordelia & Flavia) all have access to AT, with at least three Gen 2 characters (Inigo, Morgan & Severa) possessing access to AT naturally, with as many as four others being able to get access to it via inheritance, and with much less grinding, too, since at most you need ten levels to get it, and that's only to class change to said Mercenary class, and only with Donnel & MU.

Post-game DLC shit is much more cut-and-dry in this regard, since availability is really no longer a factor. Galeforce easily makes post-game DLC outside of Apo a non-factor, that much is true. However, availability really hinders Galeforce in the main game, thus muddying the matter.

? Others said what basically amounts to both before that, Garland.
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Galeforce. Infinite money lowers Armsthrift's main draw.

In no grind I'd also vote Galeforce, because, while impractical, has good distribution in strong characters. Meanwhile, Armsthrift's only 1st gen user without reclassing is Gregor, and it's hardly a help unless in later missions when your characters have higher Lck.

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Galeforce. Infinite money lowers Armsthrift's main draw.

Instead of constantly going back to The Golden Gaffe to get infinite gold why don't you equip Armsthrift to those that can use it and forge Brave weapons or anything you'd like to as far as it can be forged and never expend a weapon use? And on top of this use Galeforce to have infinite weapon use and move twice per turn. But I think only Female MU and Cordelia besides the children can do this strategy which puts some characters way above others.

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Instead of constantly going back to The Golden Gaffe to get infinite gold why don't you equip Armsthrift to those that can use it and forge Brave weapons or anything you'd like to as far as it can be forged and never expend a weapon use? And on top of this use Galeforce to have infinite weapon use and move twice per turn. But I think only Female MU and Cordelia besides the children can do this strategy which puts some characters way above others.

That's only possible with pair up or Limit Breaker, I believe.

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Instead of constantly going back to The Golden Gaffe to get infinite gold why don't you equip Armsthrift to those that can use it and forge Brave weapons or anything you'd like to as far as it can be forged and never expend a weapon use? And on top of this use Galeforce to have infinite weapon use and move twice per turn. But I think only Female MU and Cordelia besides the children can do this strategy which puts some characters way above others.

All female Einherjar and some males such as DLC!Seliph can do that.
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Promoted/special classes have a Lck cap of 45. Anyone can use a Lck tonic for +2, so +3 needs to be made up somewhere through mods/skills. Ways to do that include +Lck Avatar/Maribelle/Lissa/Donnel's children (sometimes depending on the father), RK Inigo/Morgan/Spotpass characters, spotpass characters with Lck+4, and the elusive Barracks Boost. So no, 100% AT+Galeforce without DLC/Pairup isn't limited to Avatar and Cordelia.

I think it's silly to compare the two skills because they're different skills with very different purposes. One is a skill to make farming and training easier/faster, and one is a skill that massively improves your kiting/skirmishing ability.

Edit: Availability: They're both readily available, but in different ways. Armsthrift is one Second Seal away, obtainable as early as Cht.4, on the character who is likely going to be getting a majority of your exp/levels for most of the game and the only one to stand a chance ingame at getting it high enough to make a difference (and possibly allow some forge/legendary spam).

Galeforce takes a bit of work to get, but isn't entirely unfeasible: Sumia can get a pile of exp by hiding behind a choke holder in Cht.3 and killing stuff with her Javelin, both Pegs can get some safe, easy exp in Cht.8 due to movement disparity and an abundance of weak Mages, and in Cht.12 there's a pile of Cavalry waiting to be Beastkillered and an easy choke to funnel them through. The important thing about Galeforce, though, is that once you have it, if you have Sumia marry Chrom (or either one with Avatar) then you get two practically free children with Galeforce who grow fast enough to be able to use it right off the bat and use it well a few chapters later.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Personally I think both are good, Armsthrift being more readily available is also much more useful for say people who do not have Infinate Regalia so they would be able to use those 1 time weapons much more often. But Galeforce can just wipe out everything. In my opinion, Both. I have no problems using one or the other, or both

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If you have the Golden Pack, Armsthrift is useless and stupid. Armsthrift is highly overrated, and just takes up a skill slot. I mean unless you're using something like an Aversa's Night tank (in which Aversa's Night has durability), you may actually need to consider Armsthrift.

So basically, Armsthrift isn't exactly an OP skill, but it is useful in the main storyline and game play.

Galeforce on the other hand has quite some uses. Allowing you to move twice a turn is pretty much giving you at most, double the movement range(on second turn). Galeforce might be overused, but I really can't say that it's overrated.. Go with Galeforce unless you don't have DLC and you don't want to waste your forged/regalia weapons. Infact, if you're able to get Galeforce, it's smart to use it unless all your skill slots are used by thing you need more.

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If you have the Golden Pack, Armsthrift is useless and stupid. Armsthrift is highly overrated, and just takes up a skill slot. I mean unless you're using something like an Aversa's Night tank (in which Aversa's Night has durability), you may actually need to consider Armsthrift.

The only situation in which AT is legitimately 100% useless is on Avatar!Lucina when she's using the Parallel Falchion (or Marth with a Falchion). It may not help you win battles, but it's hardly without value, especially if you don't have unlimited time to devote to the game.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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