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If Earlier Games Had Support Convos


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Sheeda x Roger - They don't have one in FE12 IIRC, and this is from one of the best recruitment convo in the entire series, so....

Sheeda x Catria

Sheeda x Minerva

Mostly because of the interesting prospect behind it. Catria has a crush on Marth so.... yeah

Minerva is the only other princess in the cast, and theres some part about the story that make this pretty interesting IMO.

Sheeda x Lorenz - Again, there is none in FE12 because Lorenz x TNT is canon so....

Finn with all the other knights, mostly Glade. I'm interested in learning how Glade does his shit in Leonster in general. Finn with Selphina is pretty interesting mostly because their initial convo is a support bait

Beowulf x I dunno. This guy comes literally out of nowhere, and suddenly he orders Lachesis to go to Finn with a lot of interesting parts like "I know your true feeling" right after saying "give him(Finn) a hand". So maybe with one of the Leonster guys?

Edited by JSND
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What would you like to see? Who would you like to them to support with and what would you like them to talk about?

I'd actually be just fine with a combination of base conversations/event conversations. I realize I'm in the minority here, and possibly a minority of one.

I honestly find the C-B-A-S format limiting and trite and even though FE12 and FE13 made the conversations far less painful to obtain than they were in the GBA era, the content was arguably worse than circa FE7-9. FE4 with a bunch of gimmick/gimmick/gimmick/hey now we're married! conversational strings doesn't sound like an improvement to me.

I guess IF the supports were easy to get and IF they had the quality of writing of 7-9, it could be a nice addition. But the last two games were so hit and miss when it came to quality of writing in the supports that I mostly feel meh about it.

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I'd actually be just fine with a combination of base conversations/event conversations. I realize I'm in the minority here, and possibly a minority of one.

Make that two, just more conversations would be enough, no need for supports, yeah supports can flesh out characters but also, so can just one line of dialouge...

*See Marth and Cain=FE11* (dammit Ranger Jack, I can't forget this now) You can give just one line and that has the potential to define that character entirely

You don't need a great scroll to define something like that, just concise and proper wording

Edited by Soledai
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Maybe Browolf and Brolyn, as they're the best characters in the game both mercenaries

"So... do you actually know anyone in this army?"

"Nah, just Ayra... what about you?"

"Just Lachesis..."

"Wait, do we have the same barber?"

There were some removed FE4 convos between Alec and Noish and Alec and Ethlin, they're actually pretty interesting... no idea why they were cut, they at least appeared in the Twilkitri patch's source files.

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Make that two, just more conversations would be enough, no need for supports, yeah supports can flesh out characters but also, so can just one line of dialouge...

*See Marth and Cain=FE11* (dammit Ranger Jack, I can't forget this now) You can give just one line and that has the potential to define that character entirely

You don't need a great scroll to define something like that, just concise and proper wording

Heh. Though defining a character through one really powerful line of dialogue only works if that one line isn't used as the basis for multiple conversations.

The supports in the GBA era and PoR are definitely better than in FE12/13 but for what it's worth, I really like all of the non-Avatar supports in FE12.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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"So... do you actually know anyone in this army?"

"Nah, just Ayra... what about you?"

"Just Lachesis..."

"Wait, do we have the same barber?"

There were some removed FE4 convos between Alec and Noish and Alec and Ethlin, they're actually pretty interesting... no idea why they were cut, they at least appeared in the Twilkitri patch's source files.

Have those removed files been translated and if so where can I read them?

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I would also prefer the SNES/Telius/TRS approach of having events and/or base conversations.

With supports, you can't really write dialog that is actually relevant because it can be triggered anywhere in the story.

With a war going on, the storyline should be the most important time in the life of anyone who participates.

But while during the story armies and kingdoms fall and countless people die, the characters seem visibly unaffected by all of that. That's a huge waste.

Anyway, I would appreciate anything that sheds some light on Levin's relationship with Forseti, Julius' with Lopotuso and gives some depth to Manfroy.

I would also like to hear more about Cyas' life. The relationship of Aida and Alvis must have been very interesting. And how the Loptu church extended their influence in the empire over time and how this affected the lives of everyone. Come to think of it, I want an Alvis spin-off now.

Edited by BrightBow
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I would also prefer the SNES/Telius/TRS approach of having events and/or base conversations.

With supports, you can't really write dialog that is actually relevant because it can be triggered anywhere in the story.

With a war going on, the storyline should be the most important time in the life of anyone who participates.

But while during the story armies and kingdoms fall and countless people die, the characters seem visibly unaffected by all of that. That's a huge waste.

Supports in Fe9 change if characters die. Except no one really gets them since everyone resets when ever a character dies.

I want an Alvis spin-off now.

Someone please make it now.

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We get the bonuses from the start, so nope.

Well, it could be handled like TearRing Saga. After all, Characters start with supports but they were still able to gain new ones or raise existing supports through events. One might as well use support conversations for that purpose.

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I would also prefer the SNES/Telius/TRS approach of having events and/or base conversations.

With supports, you can't really write dialog that is actually relevant because it can be triggered anywhere in the story.

With a war going on, the storyline should be the most important time in the life of anyone who participates.

But while during the story armies and kingdoms fall and countless people die, the characters seem visibly unaffected by all of that. That's a huge waste.

Anyway, I would appreciate anything that sheds some light on Levin's relationship with Forseti, Julius' with Lopotuso and gives some depth to Manfroy.

I would also like to hear more about Cyas' life. The relationship of Aida and Alvis must have been very interesting. And how the Loptu church extended their influence in the empire over time and how this affected the lives of everyone. Come to think of it, I want an Alvis spin-off now.

Yeah, imagine supports in FE5 that result in some Leif/Asvel friendship fluff or Selphina/Roberto comic antics right after Dorias dies.

I'd like a fleshed-out Gen2 in FE4. Shanan and Oifaye spent seventeen years raising Seliph, so how about a chat when they reunite in Chapter 7? Neither of them has seen Finn in about eighteen years, how about some kind of conversation there? How about any of those guys really reacting to Gen2!Lewyn? How about Finn and Hannibal dealing with the minefield of issues between them on who rules Thracia? How about giving Ares some more development post-recruitment (talking to someone other than Nanna), or giving Lester/Ulster/Delmud any development at all? How about some of the kids (Arthur comes to mind) grappling with the weight of their inheritance prior to the Epilogue?

Gen1 could use some rounding out as well (Holyn never talks to anyone but Ayra, Beowulf never talks to anyone but Raquesis, Jamke gets to be the token Noble Savage and nobody cares how he feels about it), but Gen2 does some things really well and just doesn't even touch other things that cry out for exploration.

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Yes, they have been.

Chapter 8, Leaf crosses a line

Thank you much

Leaf ん? ・・・あそこに見えるのは

Hm? ... Over there, I can see a
female Thracian Dragon Knight!
... But, for some reason, her eyes look so sad...

I can see why they took that one out. Seems like Leaf has super awesome eyesight.

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Chapter 8, Leaf crosses a line

Thank you much

Leaf ん? ・・・あそこに見えるのは



Hm? ... Over there, I can see a

female Thracian Dragon Knight!

... But, for some reason, her eyes look so sad...

I can see why they took that one out. Seems like Leaf has super awesome eyesight.


Instead they went with Finn's psychic powers or whatever that aura-detection stuff in Chapter 9 that NO ONE else seems to mention across two entire games actually is.

I really don't get why the Alec/Ethlyn scene got cut, though.

Edited by Cymbalina's Revenge
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I'd like a fleshed-out Gen2 in FE4.

This so much.

FE4's 2nd gen feels so generic and empty. You only care about it because of the 1st gen, and it's supposed to be the main part of the game.

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Minerva x Whitewings (though some, if not all of them, can support in Shin Monshou no Nazo).

Lorenz x Marth (because they seem close at the start of Mystery of the Emblem Book 2, despite having 1 conversation in Book 1, and even that one can be done by Shiida).

Est x Abel

Palla x Cain

Catria x Shiida (as both are in love with Marth).

Marth x Roger (both are in love with Shiida).

Draug x Gordin (they're implied to be friends, plus they were all buddy-buddy in the OVA).

Alm x Misen (because I honestly have no idea how Alm feels about his grandfather).

Matthis x Julian (Lena's protective brother and Lena's "dangerous" lover. I'm not sure, but they may be able to support in Shin Monshou no Nazo).

Luca x Clive (Liberation Army bros 4 lyfe).

Clive x Clair

Cuan x Fin

Leif x Seliph

Beck x Jake (I mean, they already spend most of their time camped out with each other in the back of the map. It's only natural that they'd talk about something).

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How about some of the kids (Arthur comes to mind) grappling with the weight of their inheritance prior to the Epilogue?

Arthur: Now that I killed everyone who could pose a threat to my ruling of Freege, I will kill everyone who doesn't support me as the rightful Duke! Besides, there is no one else left so, why shouldn't they appreciate me?

Or, if Arthur inherits something else say...

Edda : Corpul, come here a second, I have some family murdering to do. Dozel : Johan/Johalva, let's have a chat, with my Toron spell doing the talking. Velthomer : Time to wipe out every Fala desce- oh shit who the hell is Cyas?. Silesse : Now I am sure there isn't anyone trying to usurp my claim.

Funsies done, I would like some :

Seliph/surviving axe bro support, or even base conversation about how it feels "to kill your brother", prior to the ending chapter. It was lampshaded by Azel in the First gen to be something really horrible to kill a relative, maybe Seliph wouldn't care because he never knew Julius but it would add more depth to the axe bros besides fawning over Lakche.

And a convo between Raquesis and Deirdre, about witch hunts of Augstry against Loptyrians, not that Deirdre would reveal everything but ask about it...

Still, I wonder how it could be for children characters, because dialogue could change/improve/decrease following their genes, I mean Skas Ulster could have some convo with an axe bro going differently if he is Lex's son or Holyn's we all know how Isaac deals with a surplus of Crusaders anyways. It could go from "why are you doing this to us, especially women" to "I fought against my uncle, is murdering your family a thing in Granvalle? Because in Isaac, it is not I do not know about the rumored Galzus".

Fallacy is the paired ending without any supports, hence the compulsory Dagda and Marty convo, to answer to us all rabbid shippers, why is he "The man whom Dagda loved" and there isn't any convo like Othin and Tanya when you pick Marty to rescue Dagda from Gomez to flesh it out in-game. A pity. The support could give some +1 build to each other provided they're adjacent?

Anyway, I would appreciate anything that (...) gives some depth to Manfroy.

I would also like to hear more about Cyas' life. (...) And how the Loptu church extended their influence in the empire over time and how this affected the lives of everyone. Come to think of it, I want an Alvis spin-off now.

Manfroy's depth could be found through Sara (she could maybe explain why he will become senile and won't kill Julia instead of locking her in a dungeon for latter brainwash), but the only person with whom I could find Cyas discussing about himself (even if Grandpa Coen told him to keep his heritage a secret) would be either with Ced (but you can't have them in the same chapter!) or with August (and that would mean choosing him over Ced).

Maybe Leif could have a convo with Salem, after all the mage writes a book at the end of the war about the Loptyr Church so he might know about their gradual rise to power.

Alvis spin-off, never, only to avoid that (slightly modified with italics and Alvis' name replaces Sigurd's in this convo of chapter 1)


Diadora, I can understand why you're scared. You've got amnesia after all!

But there's no reason to let this ruin your whole life for you.

Diadora, I vow to keep you out of harm's way. I won't let anyone hurt you. Don't fear Manfroy, he is just another attendant of mine.

If we both feel the same for each other, then we've nothing to fear. Our son will be the sweetest child ever, he would never hurt us.

Dear Lord, if you deem our love for each other to be a sin, I beg of you... punish me! I'm sure I won't get it that bad.

I won't regret it... even if it means a thousand slashes upon my heart! I will get Great Shield anyways when I will become Emperor.

I only ask that you watch over my beloved Diadora... unto all eternity!

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