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Cherche is a descendant of Neir/Dozel, and thus has Major Dozel, thus her "canon" weapon being Helswath as seen in the official art.

Ricken is of Val/Fala descent, which explains all the Azel parallels.

The weapon Cynthia and Sumia were making before Sumia dies in the Original Timeline was/is Luna.

Emmeryn did, in fact, die. However, she was resurrected by the effect of the Valkyrie Staff which someone, Plegian or otherwise used on her, before taking her out of the reach of Gangrel.

Walhart is actually under the influence of Duma.

Ike was involved with a war very early into his arrival into Archenea/Valm, else there wouldn't be any legends of the Radiant Hero for people to be following to find Priam.

Robin knows so much about strategy because (s)he IS Mark. Robin's mother tried to take him/her to absolute safety from Validar by sending him/her through the Outrealm gate (and was summarily killed, likely by bandits). Ultimately, curiosity gets the better of him/her and he passes through the Dragon's Gate, which is Elibe's Outrealm Gate, leading him/her back to Archenea [this explains Robin's location at the start of the game.]

Saias -> Kris/Katarina -> Robin

Sigurd/Deirdre->Seliph/Julia->Marth/Caeda->1st Exalt->Chrom->Lucina

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1. ノットディスシットアゲン


3. English Olivia is a dumb airhead blonde.


I came here for this, I knew a certain japanese speaker would appear with some wit, so I bided my time:

1. プロファニティ ゴーゴー!

2. SoC has played or at least knows Alpha 3.... surprised.jpg.

3. Yes, quite frankly, I do.

Jokes aside, if no one addressed the clone thing, you oughta know that clones aren't limited to being an absolute copy of the original, I've seen more cases of the clones not being an exact copy.

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This isn't how I played the game, but when I saw that Chrom marries the village girl in the drama CD it inspired a pretty emo headcanon. Chrom and the and the feMU (lets call her Robin) have obvious, powerful bonds. Eventually that develops into unspoken romantic feelings. Robin, however, is terrified of the dream she had and doesn't want to get too close to Chrom, fearing that such closeness might bring about her nightmare. Chrom being Chrom is very clumsy at showing his feelings anyway so Robin does her best to, and succeeds, in completely friendzoning him even though it's tearing her up inside. Eventually Chrom marries the village maiden . At the wedding Robin looks on, joining the feast as a trusted friend and adviser. but we know she is not doing so well emotionally because One Republic's "Say" is playing in the background of this scene. As she watches Chrom dance with his bride, the One Republic gets louder and we cut to Robin imagining herself in the maiden's place. This melancholic reflection is interrupted by Virion asking her to dance. She accepts to get her mind off it

Imma go cry now

edit: Loki is right, it would be cool if Virion was a lord

Edited by irma_gedden
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Robin knows so much about strategy because (s)he IS Mark. Robin's mother tried to take him/her to absolute safety from Validar by sending him/her through the Outrealm gate (and was summarily killed, likely by bandits). Ultimately, curiosity gets the better of him/her and he passes through the Dragon's Gate, which is Elibe's Outrealm Gate, leading him/her back to Archenea [this explains Robin's location at the start of the game.]

I really like that idea.

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Aversa is Micaiah's descendant.

Im adding this to my list, brah. This is brilliant.

Priam isnt Ike's direct blood descendant. But is Mist's grandkid.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Priam can't be any Tellius character's grandkid, Awakening takes place like 2000 years later. xP

I personally believe he legitimately IS Ike's direct descendant though. I mean, IS went to a lot of trouble to make him resemble Ike, reference him, and have him claim to be his descendant. Plus he has Ragnell (which never belonged to Mist). Making him of Mist's line or not related to Ike at all would kind of defeat the purpose of all this, imo.

But this is just my opinion.

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Priam can't be any Tellius character's grandkid, Awakening takes place like 2000 years later. xP

I personally believe he legitimately IS Ike's direct descendant though. I mean, IS went to a lot of trouble to make him resemble Ike, reference him, and have him claim to be his descendant. Plus he has Ragnell (which never belonged to Mist). Making him of Mist's line or not related to Ike at all would kind of defeat the purpose of all this, imo.

But this is just my opinion.

Eh. In Awakening, you can have anyone use the FE4 holy weapons. Not to mention that Marth isn't even a direct-line descendant of Anri, the first guy we knew of who used Falchion. Marth and Chrom and Lucina are all descended from the little brother of the big hero, not from Anri himself.

As far as my headcanon's concerned, Priam's just a random weirdo, one in a long line of flaky pretenders/impostors that pop up in FE games.

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Wow. This thread turned out a lot differently than I was expecting it to.

Anyway, I find it almost headcanon worthy to watch Avatar-M, Nowi, Gaius, and Tharja's supports in the following order: Nowi x Gaius C/B, Tharja x Gaius C, Avatar x Nowi C/B/A, Avatar x Tharja C, Nowi x Tharja C, Nowi x Gaius A, Tharja x Gaius B, Avatar x Nowi S, Tharja x Gaius A/S, Nowi x Tharja B/A. It takes two otherwise normal pairings and makes them quite funny in context.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Eh. In Awakening, you can have anyone use the FE4 holy weapons. Not to mention that Marth isn't even a direct-line descendant of Anri, the first guy we knew of who used Falchion. Marth and Chrom and Lucina are all descended from the little brother of the big hero, not from Anri himself.

As far as my headcanon's concerned, Priam's just a random weirdo, one in a long line of flaky pretenders/impostors that pop up in FE games.

Doesn't mean the same absolutely has to apply to Priam. XP And I said he HAS Ragnell, not that he's the only one that can use it. :P

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Tiki implied Sigurd and Chrom were related, not Sigurd and Marth. Two different family trees can converge you know.

Tiki: Chrom might more resemble a different ancestor, from the age I was born in. Another great man in their line, from 1000 years before Marth...

in their line

Anyway, it doesn't matter since it's all bullshit retcon in mind. Same with Tiki's crush on Marth when she was just a 10 year old mentally (even by Manakete standards since she'd been aspleep for her whole life aside from those 10 or so years when Bantu first woke her up and hence shouldn't even know what Sigurd was like aside from what tales would say) and clearly thought of him as a elder brother.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Owain the son of Endgame, has a conflict with Endgame because he want to become a Hero. Or Swordmaster. Or anything that allowed him to use his Sword Hand. However, Endgame refused his proposal because he want Owain to use Nosferatu.

After a long conflict with Endgame over Nosferatu vs Missiletain, Owain decided to leave his home with his companion and cousin Cynthia. It is said that they travelled to a land far, far away known as Tellius. In Tellius, Owain, after reclassing from Sorcerer into a Hero, changed his name into Gawain and served Daein. Owain's legendary skill with his sword hand make him known as one of the Four Riders of Daein, with the title "Divine Knight". Her cousin, Cynthia decided to reclass into a Cleric and served as a priestess with the last Second Seal that she bring with him from Ylisse, under the name Elena. Thankfully, Tellius allowed the marriage beetwen companion, and Gawain proposed to Elena to become his wife.

He was remembered as the premier swords hand of his generation and his name was famous throughout Tellius. It was during this time he trained Zelgius, who called Gawain "invincible" during this period. However, in the year 626 he fled his homeland with his fiancee, the priestess Elena, after she was entrusted with Lehran's Medallion, and the melody Galdr of Release by the heron Lillia, the elder sister of Prince Reyson. They lived in Gallia with Gawain taking on the name Greil, and it was there that Ike and Mist were born.

One day, tragedy struck when Greil made the mistake of taking hold of the medallion, and immediately went berserk. After engaging in a mindless slaughter, the medallion was eventually pulled from his grasp by Elena. When he returned to his sane mind, he found his wife impaled on his sword. After her death, he hired the assassin, Volke, for the purpose of killing him should he lose his mind again, and slashed the tendons on his dominant sword hand so that he would no longer be able to wield a sword. He entrusted the medallion to Mist, who had the same gentle spirit as her mother, and forbade Ike from ever touching the medallion himself.

Greil eventually founded the Greil Mercenaries and earned a living by performing tasks for various villages in Crimea. Sensing the danger that Daein posed upon news of the invasion, he quickly had Ike take on more responsibility within the company, and eventually fled with the mercenaries to Gallia in order to protect Princess Elincia from Daein during the Mad King's War.

Following Chapter 7, in the midst of the night, Greil engages in a duel with his former pupil from his days as General Gawain, the Black Knight. Ike shows up during the middle of the battle, when The Black Knight throws the sword Ragnell to Greil, saying that he wishes to fight General Gawain at his full strength. Greil tosses the sword aside, saying that he has thrown the name of Gawain away. He instead chooses to fight with his axe, Urvan. Ultimately losing to the Black Knight, Greil is mortally wounded and dies as Ike hauls him back to the mercenary encampment.
Following the end of Radiant Dawn, Ike left Tellius with Soren as a companion. Ike will then marry an unknown woman to continue his legacy. This will result in the existance of Priam, who travelled into Ylisse through unknown means.

One day, while browsing the internet to min max his unit, Endgame accidentaly learned about his son. Devastated by the news of Owain's death, Endgame is mad at the Ylissean royalty for ruining his son by not allowing him to marry his companion, forgetting that the reason Owain left is because Nosferatu is too cheap. In his madness, Endgame shouted "FE2, FE8, FE9, FE10, FE11, FE12, and FE13 are not real fire emblem!!" over the main Lord who have Rightful King and Aether in their skillset in FE13. Chrom is confused by this statement because the only Fire Emblem he knew is the same shield that he used as a Great Lord.

Old shit, in either way, I agreed with RJW that Tiki is on crack

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Emmeryn did, in fact, die. However, she was resurrected by the effect of the Valkyrie Staff which someone, Plegian or otherwise used on her, before taking her out of the reach of Gangrel.

Either that or Forseti's pulling strings again like he did with Lewyn after his death at Manfloy's hands (I still call bullshit on that).

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I'm my headcanon, Awakening never happened.

The best headcanon.

And judging by how a prince of a country goes around and ignores the needs of a decimated country of war and the innocent civilians... it's certainly not possible it happened.

Hell, time loop shenanigans.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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TBH, Chrom's popularity astounds me.

Personally, I think he's a terrible person. :P

In my headcanon when Chrom gets to Fire Emblem heaven and tells his ancestors Seliph and Marth about how he let Grima haunt future generations because he couldn't bear to sacrifice his bro Robin, they disown him. :D

(And given Seliph can feed anyone in his army to Ishtar/Julius in chapter 10 and the game acts like it's the cost of doing warfare, I don't think he's on Chrom's wavelength there.)

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Chrom's popularity astounds me too. I heard that Japanese aren't a fan of muscley guys and that that's a reason they don't like Ike. Well, Chrom's muscley too, yet they love him. Plus he's boring as hell. And yeah, he's an idiot sometimes. :/

This isn't really why I decided that Kelli is uninterested in him though. To her, he's just not the kind of guy she'd love, much the same with me. Think of it as him not being "her type" and such, despite being good-looking. He's great as a good friend and she knows that he'd come to her aid should she need it, but she doesn't see him as her ideal husband. It's difficult to explain. xP

And she's a bit starry-eyed and more into knights than princes. lol In fact, I ought to have her mother say that Kelli always liked the idea of marrying a handsome knight. lol

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