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[Battle:FE9] Round 1 - Shin vs Tables


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Pkl did you recalculated Astrid's Hit?

Of course. Supports, Resolve and everything.

23+12 = 35 spd x2 = 70 +15 Lck = 85 +15 +10 from supports = 110 + WTA = 120

Astrid has 188 Hit

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Of course. Supports, Resolve and everything.

23+12 = 35 spd x2 = 70 +15 Lck = 85 +15 +10 from supports = 110 + WTA = 120

Astrid has 188 Hit

Wait, does Resolve work by rounding up? Because there's this difference between 70 and 23*3=69

Also, I'm curious about these calcs pk, T's avo has +10? And yet Asstrid's Hit has -10 there?

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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 3


Table's Tauroneo (Silver Sword) attacks Shin's Astrid (Silver Axe)!

Tauroneo activates Resolve!

Tauroneo activates Wrath!

Astrid activates Vantage!

16 dmg 68% Hit 0% Crit 26% Adept


Astrid activates Adept!

(81 10 15)

Tauroneo receives 16 damage!

(93 23 1)

Tauroneo receives 16 damage!

Tauroneo falls!


Shinon 53/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 62/62 [17/20]


Rolf 52/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 56/56

Giffca 68/68 [14/20]

Shin's turn!

Poor Tables. Having Resolve fizzle out on him like that is just deflating.

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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 4


Shin's Naesala (Beak) attacks Table's Rolf (Brave Bow)!

11x2 dmg 90% Hit 0% Crit

(0 94 57)

Rolf receives 11 damage!

(65 19 42)

Rolf receives 11 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!


Shinon 53/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 62/62 [13/20]


Rolf 30/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 56/56

Giffca 68/68 [14/20]

Table's turn!

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Not that it changes anything, but why was Rolf equipped with the Brave Bow? Also yeah, I knew there was a chance Tauroneo could just die before killing Astrid, but knew it was low, and Wrath reduced the chance further. Of course, Vantage+Adept plus not missing was 3strong5me. About a 16.5% chance of that happening given Vantage was there (and I hadn't expected the Vantage, which meant the odds I'd calculated were even lower, since 50% Wrathblick).

Hmm... based on the current situation, I think I need to go for hax. Rolf Brave Bow Naesala.

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I'm pretty sure Vortex is only available on player phase since it's a command skill like Gamble.

Naesala can use it untransformed though.

Ah, yeah, I was remembering wrong then. Good thing I asked. Brb generating the round

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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 5


Table's Rolf (Brave Bow) attacks Shin's Naesala (Beak)!

9x2 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit 14% Deadeye

(59 91 30 59)

Naesala receives 9 damage!

(63 45 0 6)

Naesala receives 9 damage and is put to sleep!

Both sides survive the fight!


Shinon 53/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 44/62 [12/20] Asleep for 5 more turns


Rolf 30/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 56/56

Giffca 68/68 [11/20]

Shin's turn!

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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 6


Shin's Astrid (Brave Axe) attacks Table's Rolf (Brave Bow)!

16x2 dmg 82% Hit 0% Crit 26% Adept


(38 49 81)

Rolf receives 16 damage!

(51 34 88)

Rolf receives 16 damage!

Rolf falls!


Shinon 53/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 44/62 [9/20] Asleep for 4 more turns


Rolf 0/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 56/56

Giffca 68/68 [11/20]

Table's turn!

Edited by PKL
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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 7


Table's Mia (Brave Sword) attacks Shin's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

9x2 dmg 92% Hit 13% Crit 29% Adept


(50 61 40)

Shinon receives 9 damage!

(18 46 29)

Shinon receives 9 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!


Shinon 35/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 44/62 [9/20] Asleep for 4 more turns


Rolf 0/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 56/56

Giffca 68/68 [8/20]

Shin's turn!

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Shin's Team



Table's Team


Turn 8


Shin's Shinon (Brave Bow) attacks Table's Mia (Brave Sword)!

18x2 dmg 100% Hit 7% Crit 15% Deadeye

(36 35 89 19)

Mia receives 18 damage!

(56 1 28 45)

Mia receives 18 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!


Shinon 35/53

Gatrie 59/59

Makalov 46/58

Astrid 50/50

Naesala 44/62 [6/20] Asleep for 3 more turns


Rolf 0/52

Tauroneo 0/52 Astrid OP

Largo 60/60

Mia 20/56

Giffca 68/68 [8/20]

Table's turn!

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Well, all I need is an adept or crit proc to finish off Shinon. What are the odds of that... hmm... around 46%. Well, there's also around a 1.2% chance of each attack missing, so probably more like 44-45%.

Seems worthwhile enough to go for.

Mia gets hax and kills Shinon with the Brave Sword

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