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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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BBM, were you scum? Rajam and I spent like the whole game in the cult QT speculating your role had to be false since it conflicted with mine, but then you simultaneously claimed a result on one of us and a cop result on SB who should've been the actual investigative role and we were even more confused so ??????

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naturally BBM disappears right as I ask that

that was a gambit, taking it back because I'm paranoid some doofus is going to be all "god fucking damn it cult" out-of-thread then get themselves modkilled for being a dunce

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that's dumb cuz i'm smart enough to wait until the game is over to say shit like that (otherwise i wouldn't be worried about modkills)

also, night actions just so we're clear

BBM targets Prims, Shinori and SB

Rajam targets BBM

Shinori targets BBM (and implicitly gets redirected to Rajam)

prims and sb do what they want 8)

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which is probably dumb because there's no real reason to gambit like that at this stage as scum

I'm actually feeling more and more sure that SB is scum? Mafia Cop is a pseudo-Godfather to one of the parts of my role and also foils the Follower

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due to eclipse's mistake we know that both SB and Shinori are telling the truth about their roles anyway so it really just come down to play, unless you want to push me as mafia (and I'd argue my claim is almost certainly true based on the way I went about it + various actions putting me at risk of CC if faked so yeah again it's just down to play).

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Didn't finish my vote analysis but w/e, was leaning on Haze anyways. I'd be really surprised if he flips town, considering we were supposed to be at MYLO toDay.

Confirming I'll target BPM. I think he should have free room to target whoever he wants though.

Shinori should be either on me or BPM, shouldn't matter as long as he picks one of us.

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well it's more like any other target group would be a complete waste at this point since you've been scanned twice and he's obviously not targeting himself

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So it's not going away. Screw it, the show must go on!

You all heard that eclipse had a headache, so you got rid of the most probable cause of it - a song so horrid that she played it on mute on consoles (and scored better as a result).

Dear Haze,

Your song is Rislim -remix-. You are the absolute worst remix that was introduced in 9th Style. For reasons unknown, you still hang around.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Cloak PLAYER with Role Name, Role, and Alliance. If anyone pries into PLAYER'S role PM, they'll see whatever you specified instead of what should actually be there, because you're an awful remix to a cool song.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

It is now Night 4! Night 4 ends on March 11 at 8:00 PM (that's the same time as D4 would've ended, so no new timer). Have at it~!

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Ugh, headache still persists. . .but I refuse to let it get in the way of phase end!

Once again, someone has dropped dead. . .while dressed in drag. . .with a fabulous wig. Spaghetti was seen scattered around the victim's body.

Dear Shinori,

Your song is Twelfth Style. You were quite popular when you first came out, and that's probably because your video is a barrel of laughs. Your chart is easy, unless you're awful with rolls.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Mimic PLAYER. PLAYER's role PM must be public. For the rest of the game, you will use PLAYER's role as your own. You may not take on certain roles, and I will inform you if any of those roles flip.

Since you're the best song in this mafia game, your vote counts for two (and will appear in the votals). This shuts off in MYLO and related variants, as determined by me.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Protecting PLAYER. If PLAYER would die, you will die in their place. The person responsible for the killing will lose their role permanently (if they have one).

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated.

It is now Day 5! Day 5 ends on March 14 at 10:00 PM. It is MYLO (and yes I have this right). Have at it! Timer

Edited by eclipse
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ie a clear on the dead guy again

leaning scumbee but I guess we could like no lynch or something and see if I get a role result on Prims or an alignment result on SB. Although I imagine SB will give a guilty on Prims regardless of his alignment.

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No Lynch would be the optimal play if all three suspects survived, but let's be real, you and Rajam aren't scum. Rajam had Haze and Paper wagon him at the start of D1, and you brought up the 1v1 on D3.

##Vote: SB

The easy explanation for SB being a scum cop in this set-up is that he's a fullcop (scum's missing info role). eclipse has made fullcops flip Cop before, so there's precedent.

N3, it would've been optimal for Haze to target somebody likely to be scanned to either save a buddy or cause a false guilty, so why did he target Rajam instead when Rajam was a clear? Probably because SB was scanning me, and they wanted to frame me as the Cult Leader to fuck up town's perception of the game. Except they got redirected.

I already explained why play matches up with scum!SB and not scum!Prims yesterday.

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in fact, haze's presumed N3 action makes me obviously town

there's no reason for him to tailor rajam when rajam was a town-read, meaning he tailored me and got redirected

if i was scum, there'd have been no reason for him to tailor me as cult instead of tailoring me as town for an easy win

game cracked open

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as for SB?

a cool thing was how he and Haze would jab at eachother all game but never committed to a suspicion on one another until i went "HEY HAZE IS SB SCUM". it's a classic "scum doesn't like how their buddy is acting and doesn't want to seem to have ignored them, but isn't ballsy enough to commit to the vote" scenario, on both sides

sure, he bussed RD, but if he's scum he really was the cop, meaning that it makes sense for him to pull the bus just to make his claim look better later in the game. and even if he voted scum D1, so did I, only I was actually voting scum who had a chance of getting lynched. scum don't start a wagon on their PSEUDO-STRONGMAN ROLEBLOCKER D1 if they can help it so yeah i'm obvtown

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technically everybody doesn't need to survive; only I do so that I can get another night of results. But honestly I feel like this game is dragging on and although I'll kick myself if you flip scum, I think that even if another night of inspection gives anything definitive, you'll scan town.

Plus like I said earlier the RD/SB interactions felt kind of forced and I could see the Haze/SB interactions being such as well.

##Vote: SB

I end class late on Wednesdays so odds are the game will be over by the time I come back... hopefully the results don't necessitate a change of name to BigThrowsMeteor

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Another funny thing:

Haze's defense was that on N1, he'd have tailored RD, not Bal.

But what if Bal wasn't actually a role godfather as suggested and Haze couldn't have tailored RD because it'd have messed with SB's fakeclaim?

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