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How is meditation supposed to work?


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I don't understand what a person is supposed to do, in meditation. What does it imply? Is one supposed to just close their eyes and stay like that for hours, trying not to fall asleep?

All I know of, is that it apparently makes one calmer.

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Meditation is supposed to allow one to close off their mind from the outside world and calm themselves and be at piece with the decisions they've made and the way the world works. I've personally tried and it was a load of horse crap. So not exactly sure it works.

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You're supposed to clear your mind. Remove all thoughts or fear, anxiety, and anger and allow yourself to be in a state of indifference and away from thoughts like "oh shit I gotta get this paper done or I'll fail" or "that asshole! I should kill him/her"and just focus on your centre pretty much. It's kinda hard to explain it something you have to devote yourself to and work on. Try to find a spot on the wall or something that you can focus on and focus only on that spot and think no thoughts except to keep focusing on that spot until the spot is all you see. Thinking no thoughts are imperative it's not gonna work if you keep going like "this is boring, I wonder what's on tv".

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Try to be in a calm and focused state before starting. Try incense and/or music of your choice to stimulate senses. If you're really into touching something and it doesn't distract you, perhaps try holding onto something you enjoy the touch.

Edited by Woodshooter
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an old creative writing prof. i had had us hike a little into the forest and tried to have our class meditate. being the asshole science major that i am, i just sat there listening to music instead.

however, as of late i keep going back to the idea of meditation and thinking it to be a great one. the idea behind it is to try to alienate yourself from the rest of everything as much as you can, focusing on one small part of you for a long time; things like your breathing pattern, your heartbeat, whatever you wish to focus on that is strictly you. this, in effect, clears your mind of anxiety and other wasteful and disturbing thoughts in order to make you a more balanced and happier person. it is not a quick solution, in fact it usually takes years of practice.

i'd recommend trying it if you're the type of person that worries.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Me and my friends once picked up a mediation music cd at the library. It worked pretty well and I actually got into the meditation state (after noticing that when my hands go limp my fingers are spaced differently due to a decade of playing violin) that one time. I haven't had luck since then, but it definitely is something that can work for calming and relaxing you.

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Like many said, focusing on your breathing is a good place to start. Try to breath as slowly as possible. If you slow it far enough, you can even slow your metabolism and set your body at peace. It can take years of practice to reach more complex meditative states.

Edited by Makaze
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