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National Helix Day Petition


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things that really aren't a good idea: clogging up the White House petition website with shit like this. no matter how inefficient and seemingly useless it appears, this just makes it worse

even i, an aficionado of all things TPP, can't really stomach this

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things that really aren't a good idea: clogging up the White House petition website with shit like this. no matter how inefficient and seemingly useless it appears, this just makes it worse

even i, an aficionado of all things TPP, can't really stomach this

Never thought of it that way. ;/

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things that really aren't a good idea: clogging up the White House petition website with shit like this. no matter how inefficient and seemingly useless it appears, this just makes it worse

even i, an aficionado of all things TPP, can't really stomach this

Yeah... Lost of time, money and server bandwidth. It's completly useless.

Also, this could hinder petitions about real issues. (Maybe)

Edited by Naughx
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Another attempt to undermine democracy by the TPP community.

Seriously this is such a shit idea and I really want it to fail.

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Another attempt to undermine democracy by the TPP community.

Seriously this is such a shit idea and I really want it to fail.

It probably will fail, not gonna lie. Still, I'm surprised that the goal has almost been reached in such a short amount of time.

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It probably will fail, not gonna lie. Still, I'm surprised that the goal has almost been reached in such a short amount of time.

Yeah no.



For the record, the leading current petition is


To be fair, though, almost all of the other most popular petitions are legitimate petitions, whether or not you *agree* with them.

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There is a point where a meme goes too far. I believe we are at this point.

Why must every big event on the Internet be accompanied by stupid and annoying memes?

Oh wait, most people become stupid and annoying when in large groups. My bad.

Edited by Fire Flower
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