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I have noticed, that the A. I. really lacks in FE13. And I don´t talk about the NPC (always bad as ever), but also about the A. I. of the enemies. I have noticed, that range weapon users (archers, mages etc.) don´t attack units, who can´t fight back, instead units, who can fight back. If I put a mage and a myrmidon (with no range weapon) in range of an archer, he would attack the mage. Sure he would cause more damage to the mage and he would have a better hit rate, but therefor the archer would risk to take damage and die.

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Of course in the old games were so desperate to avoid a counter, they would attack enemies that they can't even hurt over ones that are vulnerable. They would say: "Who cares that that Micaiah dies to a Javelin to the face. Let's rather attack the guy in black armor next to her. Maybe I get lucky and can kill him through that 40 Def of his"

So technically the A.I. has become a lot better.

I do however don't like this new extreme that started with FE11 either. Now enemy units only care about dealing the highest damage possible with zero consideration for self preservation. And they no longer retreat to gain healing either.

They are more difficult to fight but it makes them come across more like robots rather then humans.

Edited by BrightBow
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They went from slightly conservative to overly aggro, which is a bit concerning IMO. Granted, if they actually had healers on most maps, maybe the issue of enemy healing wouldn't be an issue...

FE13 in general is geared a lot more towards newer, more casual players, so I'm not surprised that vets dislike the A.I. in this game. I kinda wish Lunatic and Luna+ added healers so that they could actually impose a bit more challenge to the player, but at the same time throw a bit of a bone to them (since enemy healers are basically free EXP, something Luna/Luna+ players would kill for). That's just my two cents on the matter.

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I do however don't like this new extreme that started with FE11 either. Now enemy units only care about dealing the highest damage possible with zero consideration for self preservation. And they no longer retreat to gain healing either.

They are more difficult to fight but it makes them come across more like robots rather then humans.

I'd say a mix would be the best: Retreat for heals, but do target based on Damage.

And more enemy healers. [And healing timing priority needs to be there. Instead of a Unit that's taken 6 hits and is about to die in range of a Recover user swinging again to their demise, The Recover user heals that guy back to full HP then he swings.] [Also a return of Enemy Dancer, and Enemy Warp, Enemy Rescue. (Seeing... 1... Telegank would make my day. Not even FE5's units that were smart enough to use Armories did Teleganking-- Ugh. Bosses always threaten to do it, but so far, only the Player and Grima in FP has actually done it.)]

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Well it messed me up a bit because in the past I would deck out bow users to draw aggro and soak melee hits only to find out they just ignore em and kill weaker units. Also if anyone dies I reset so it makes it harder for me.

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Of course in the old games were so desperate to avoid a counter, they would attack enemies that they can't even hurt over ones that are vulnerable. They would say: "Who cares that that Micaiah dies to a Javelin to the face. Let's rather attack the guy in black armor next to her. Maybe I get lucky and can kill him through that 40 Def of his"

So technically the A.I. has become a lot better.

For the recent games, probably since GBA era at least, enemies will always prioritize attacking a unit they can kill, even if that unit could otherwise counter.

And the enemy AI in this game varies by difficulty. On Lunatic, I've actually seen an enemy move back out of the way just so a ranged enemy could get in and attack the healer I thought was blocked and safe.

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Enemy units in this game are too focused on making the player lose units and restart than actually killing Chrom.

Which is more obnoxious than anything, really.

I have found that they will target a non-death risking Chrom over a death-risking Frederick in Lunatic+ (Although Chrom didn't have any weapons equipped).

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Yeti told me once that the reason his AI is better than GBA/Console/FE13 AI is because in his engines, he has the processing power to compute all the possible outcomes from a complicated enemy AI math algorithm, but the GBA had a very tiny processing chip and even the console games were comparatively small compared to a pc. Therefore, they lack the power needed to make those decisions with speed and so the designers had to use a less complex algorithm so as to expedite the enemy turns. Otherwise, say goodbye to turn skipping w/start button in FE13.

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I have noticed, that range weapon users (archers, mages etc.) don´t attack units, who can´t fight back, instead units, who can fight back.

after playing a lot of FE6, i'm pretty sure that this is not strictly true.

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I do however don't like this new extreme that started with FE11 either. Now enemy units only care about dealing the highest damage possible with zero consideration for self preservation. And they no longer retreat to gain healing either.

They are more difficult to fight but it makes them come across more like robots rather then humans.

In my experience, enemies do move back to heal if they can (at least in the higher difficulties), provided there's a healing item to grab and use (somewhat rare, as very few enemies bring ones that aren't droppable). Otherwise, they'll continue their suicidal crusade and then the staff using enemies might patch up whoever happens to survive (although, since the enemy staff users are all promoted, they're more likely to join the suicidal charge with their weapon).

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I think the AI actually plays more like a human now, strategically, just a semi meta-aware and ruthless one. It understands it has 20-30 chapters to beat the player just once and can kill a single unit for victory, against most people. If the player were in the AI situation, one of the stronger strategies would be in the same vein. Though, the AI still holds back a lot such as wrt to aggro behavior, particularly the bosses, probably for variety and the player’s sanity.

If you’re expecting simulated compassion on their side (valuing survival), that’s more of a purely immersion/roleplay thing, and is often antithetical to challenging gameplay. It's a balancing act in several aspects.

Which is more fun? Eh, certainly can’t please everyone. Clearly, the answer is to have different selectable AI behaviors (<_<), but perhaps that would just lead to more raging about the presence of optional content.

If the AI got and was competent with Warp tho…

In my experience, enemies do move back to heal if they can (at least in the higher difficulties), provided there's a healing item to grab and use (somewhat rare, as very few enemies bring ones that aren't droppable). Otherwise, they'll continue their suicidal crusade and then the staff using enemies might patch up whoever happens to survive (although, since the enemy staff users are all promoted, they're more likely to join the suicidal charge with their weapon).

Yeah, the AI is there for retreat/healing (I specifically remember a certain Concoction enemy in C7 Lunatic), but we don’t see the behavior too often because of the limited item distribution overall and because they don’t actually get many chances to use it. Typically in the harder difficulties, you usually don’t want to leave things alive at half health or you might get overwhelmed.

Edited by XeKr
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It's too bad the enemies don't carry around more healing items. At least it's not as bad as Blazing Sword where they would carry around healing items and never use them because the AI script only told enemies to heal when their raw HP was 3 or less. >.>

If the AI got and was competent with Warp tho…

Reinforcements are kind of like them having a limited Warp, especially when they appear right in the thick of things and act immediately.

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For what it's worth, in Lunatic the AI is there for enemies to trade with other enemies for healing items. I haven't seen them do it with weapons, though, but that's still pretty advanced.

There are unpromoted healers in CoY/LB.

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I agree it's a shame, because now I remember thinking that the Concoction C7 Wyvern was surprisingly smart/annoying, especially compared to previous games (I think FE9 was on my mind: everyone to the Healhedge!!!)

And tbh competent enemy Warp would just force you to only deploy your durable units, otherwise Warp Boss -> kill Dancer/Healer would be too trolly.

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The AI in this game isn't as bad as some of the other ones.


Well the thing with the FE4 AI is that if you kill a group's commander, they usually devolve into anarchy. While their commander is alive they'll often focus attacks a little more. Or maybe this is just my cognitive bias telling me that's what happens, I haven't hacked the games to check, but that's what it always seemed like to me.

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FE4's AI isn't all bad. It's just bizarre.

For one, they manage to hold formation, the squad leaders retreat to get reinforcements, etc.

But then you get truly strange shit like Pamela's squad in chapter 4 which, for me, always goes crazy if you recapture Silesse fast enough.

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Well the thing with the FE4 AI is that if you kill a group's commander, they usually devolve into anarchy. While their commander is alive they'll often focus attacks a little more. Or maybe this is just my cognitive bias telling me that's what happens, I haven't hacked the games to check, but that's what it always seemed like to me.

Oh no, this was with the commander alive.

But then you get truly strange shit like Pamela's squad in chapter 4 which, for me, always goes crazy if you recapture Silesse fast enough.

Oh jeez, yeah

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Well the thing with the FE4 AI is that if you kill a group's commander, they usually devolve into anarchy. While their commander is alive they'll often focus attacks a little more. Or maybe this is just my cognitive bias telling me that's what happens, I haven't hacked the games to check, but that's what it always seemed like to me.

Nope. FE4's AI is just plain bizarre.

Captains don't really do anything besides run away and spawn reinforcements that are an exact copy of the squad you just fought. ..forever.

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I always found the enemies retreating for healing(unless it's quick, like trading for a healing item) only makes things easier for the player.

Once they're healed(after spending X turns on a fort, heal hedge or by a healer) because they've been triggered to pursue your units they'll start heading back towards your units alone, it essentially removes an enemy for a couple turns when their HP drops below a certain point and then brings them back alone into a situation where they have even less chance to beat your units than if they were suicidal.

Perhaps if retreating enemies moved to another enemy formation after healing if their initial group was under a certain number of units(So if a group of 5 enemies had one retreat and three die, the retreating unit would go to a larger group) it could make the player have to think whether or not to chase that unit down since leaving them would make the later enemies group more difficult.

Edited by arvilino
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I think it'd be pretty cool if the retreat to heal guys acted like the "[Mob name] Runs away in Fear!" enemies in WoW: Basically, they run away to the nearest group of enemies to heal, but once they enter the attack range of said group, said group then aggros- immediately. Obviously this wouldn't do anything if it were a map where everything auto aggros, but on others, that could be a devil of a scenario, since it could have enemies pulling before the player is ready.

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I think it'd be pretty cool if the retreat to heal guys acted like the "[Mob name] Runs away in Fear!" enemies in WoW: Basically, they run away to the nearest group of enemies to heal, but once they enter the attack range of said group, said group then aggros- immediately. Obviously this wouldn't do anything if it were a map where everything auto aggros, but on others, that could be a devil of a scenario, since it could have enemies pulling before the player is ready.

I'd like that as well. One thing I really like about Lunatic in Awakening is that, in most situations, the majority of each map will eventually aggro and attack you on a timer. There's a decent number of individual groups that don't aggro until you're in range (chapters 2-3 especially), okay, but in most other places everything except the boss and a few guards will aggro you. But in most other FE games, they're too patient. FE8 - and I guess FE6-7 as well would probably be the same - challenge runs can often feel like there's two or three turns of desperate fighting, then another eight or so of just mopping up the remainder. Once wave one falls there's no more enemies to worry about. And that's not really good. If enemies aggro'd as wounded allies got close things would be a lot tenser.

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