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Masquerade Part 2: Army of Darkness

Nanami Touko

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Tch! If only I had my hands on that shield! I could sell it for more money! Its beautiful!

"Greetings, Sonia! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I won't lie, but fighting zombies just now was definitely a big surprise. But if we're up against more such unexpected situations... Excellent" Ferdinand immediately struck a pose for aiming an arrow. " I've been training in archery for years... I think I might have found my calling!"

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"If you've been training for years, why are you still working off of such a weak bow?" Angus yawned as he came over, looking for people to. "We've seen zombies and undead before, but there weren't very many of us then. Never seen anything like the leader before. The summoner from our first mission at least looked human, didn't he?"

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"Well I'm not financially well off now... so I'll have to make do with this bow for the time being. But talking zombies... this is definitely the first time I've ever seen anything like it." replied, a little put off by the remark on his weak bow by the new participant in this discussion.

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"Oh, is that it? I can lend you mine if you want. If you're sticking with us, I kind of want you to be well armed." he paused for a moment, realizing that he hadn't introduced himself properly. "I'm Angus, by the way. It's good to finally have another archer coming along with us."

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"Well met, Angus, and thank you for the offer, I'd gladly accept it. It seems you're the only other archer in this group, as far as I noticed during the last battle. You generate so much power in your shots, I'm really impressed." Ferdinand replied enthusiastically.

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"Don't wanna see me in danger, huh?" Valha asked, grinning childishly. "Sooner or later I'm sure that I'm gonna get into somethin' I'll be in over my head in... it's just the way I am, you know? But havin' someone I know'll be there for me makes it seem like dealin' with stuff like that won't be so bad. 'N I know if I get into too much trouble that you'll be there for me." She wrapped her wings around him. "That's why you're the best best friend around."
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"Yeah... you're my valued best friend after all." Lanos responded a tad sheepishly. "I know that, it's part of why I worry so much. You're confidence in me makes me feel better about it though. Besides, I'm sure you'd do the same for me if I ever got in over my head." Lanos didn't have a verbal reply for anything after that as he was trying to contain his emotions. His only response was wrapping one of his wings around Valha.

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"Weather...?" Maja stopped for the slightest moment before processing the comment as just banter. "Oh! Your arm, right. I'll get just to that." She brought up her staff and begun a healing spell as she examined the wound. I think I couldn't heal this last time... can I heal it now? Do I have to get better? I wonder how much better I need to be... While healing was something she had talent for, there was certainly more room for learning.

"...You know, can you really fight with your arm like that? I mean, if it keeps coming back every battle..." She asked, if only for a lingering concern, as she was done with her duty. Most of the recent wounds were well withing her capability, but the wound... still no such luck.

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"Adorable," Ingverd said with a small chuckle as Maja became confused at his inane banter. "Yes, the arm. It's been getting better, but swinging and stretching still causes that sting of pain." He didn't say anything else as she let the magic flow into him, only breathing a sigh of relief as she finished. "Much better. Can I fight? Sure. I'll just use my other arm, if it becomes too much of a problem. Not exactly ambidextrous, but it's better than sitting these things out. And it won't be coming back, soon. I'm going to find an experienced healer in Felson--" he cut himself off, taking a moment to think.

"Not that you're bad at this; you're fantastic. Just need to see someone who's got a bit more experience with these sorts of injuries. I'm sure someone there'll be able to fix it up for good. But, in the mean time, thank you, Maja." He lightly ruffled her hair as he finished, giving her a small smile.

Nerd Interruption

"Hey, bird," came Vriska's voice over at Valha, as she'd quietly approached the two harpies. "What's that bottle you've got on your belt?" She pointed towards the mysteriously colored liquid filling the small flask. She wanted to get a closer look at it, because she had a small thought as to what it was. Of course, she'd didn't exactly know, but she could always check.

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"Well, you should always feel good about yourself... knowin' someone has my back is one of the reasons I can be myself all the time. Maybe it's not always smart, but I don't wanna change for anyone. You shouldn't have to, either. It's not about meetin' people's expectations, it's about bein' who you are the best that you can be." She pulled him in closer when he put his wing around her. "If you need me, I'll be there for you, okay? Always. You don't need to worry about anythin' while I'm here."

She was a bit startled by Vriska's sudden interruption, letting Lanos go and turning to the mage. "What, this? I dunno... I just found it in one of the tents and thought it might be useful, so I figured that I might as well take it. You got any ideas on what it is? Seems like you always know a bunch about random stuff, so yeah..." She pulled off the bottle and handed it over. "Got any ideas?"

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Vriska watched them hugging curiously, until they stopped, not giving it too much mind. "So is he your boyfriend?" she casually asked, as she took the bottle, and flipped open a book she's extracted from her robes. Whatever it was, she was sure she'd never taken any notes on something like this. There was something written, and it was amusing. "So, if you drink this, it'll make you stronger, in some way..." she said, handing the bottle back to Valha, "or it could terribly hurt you. I don't have much else on it other than a name, Geheimnis. Sorry." She then looked at Lanos again. "You should decide, 'cause he's kinda cute."

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Angus hands over his Iron Bow to Ferdinand and nods. "Yeah, we're the only ones here who know how to use bows. We have a couple of mages though, which has kind of made up for it until now." he paused for a moment, then continued. "So, all centaurs are pretty good with bows, right? I've seen a couple running around with axes too, but never anything else, when humans tend to use all kinds of weapons. What's with that?"

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"Ah, some of us centaurs use axes as melee weapons because we live in the woods and its easier to use with the way our bodies are structured. I myself am not very experienced at combat using an axe, but I can hold my own. Do you fight close quarters, Angus?" Ferdinand replied confidantly.

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"Eh, kind of. I can wield a lance, but I'm not that great with it. I kind of figured I would need to spend more time up front with it, but I've spent most of my time firing arrows from afar. The others can handle the close range combat just fine on their own. By the way, who was the lady leading you all? The only things we saw here are centaurs I think, so having a human lead them seems kind of strange."

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"I didn't know much about her either, I only know that her name is Tami. She was... pretty cruel to some of the centaurs. I wasn't really considered part of the group anyway, I was just a traveller who tagged along because I didn't find any other group to start my journey with. I've been looking for a place to practice my archery skill, so this group seems like a good fit for a while. I used to be a merchant back in Ostorav, you know? What kind of bows do you possess? You might be able to sell on for a very good price, you never know!"

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Valha flushed at Vriska's question. Is that really what this looks like? she wondered. "Stronger or harmful? Hmm... I dunno if I wanna have this. Puttin' my luck in a potion that turns out to be bad would be a pretty pathetic way to become weaker, if that makes sense. Maybe someone else would be willin' to give it a shot, but I'm thinkin' this one's not for me." She secured it onto her belt once more, but Vriska pushed the subject of Lanos once more when she had be hoping to avoid a definitive answer. "That's not the sorta decision you just make on the spot, you know," she responded somewhat dejectedly. "It takes some thought and consideration, not just a spontaneous yes or no."

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Having had his conservation all partner taken over by his other common conversational partner, Kendeall decided to go off on his own to search for people to actually converse with - assuming he could stop thinking about that stupid ice cave. Was he drunk when that old lady gave him the fortune about the cave, or did he just not have much in the way of a future to tell? He shrugged; after all, if his future was so unpredictable, that could easily mean more adventure and colourful characters in his life, which never hurt.

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"Well, there's this thing..." he gestured to the Greatbow. "But it's not for sale, it's been way too useful for me to do that. If it's money or my life, I'd rather keep my life, you know? And uh, if you were a merchant, I'm kind surprised that you ended up stuck with one of those cruddy bows. What made you switch jobs?"

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"Well, don't take too long. I think he's cute, too." She stuck her tongue out and started to walk off, stuffing the tome back into her robes. "And give that bottle to someone who's willing to, then!" she shouted. She then crossed her arms and sighed. "Why do the oblivious ones always get the guys?" She shrugged, and returned herself to the ground of the plains, once again reading through the fire tome that had been flung at her.

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Strolling by, Kendeall passed by Vriska and decided to bug the bookish mage. After all, he didn't need much in the way of formal training, and he was apparently doing just fine. Sort of. "Y'know, if ya stare at those pages too long, your eyes'll start to hurt." The axeman said in a low volume, in case she was just sleeping with her eyes open or something. Wouldn't surprise him in this group of whack jobs.

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Valha glared at Vriska as she walked away, glancing at the bottle before she overheard a murmur of "oblivious". "I'm not oblivious!" she shouted back. "It's not about competition... that's childish," she muttered, huffing angrily before looking at the potion again. "Wonder who would want anythin' like this. Guess I'll go have a look around before we get goin' and forget about it completely..." Valha pushed herself up lazily, ruffling Lanos's hair before she left to look for someone interested. "Umm... anyone want this mystery potion I found? It could be good or bad, 'n I don't really want it, but if you think it's worth the risk then it's yours!" she announced.

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"Thanks. And likewise, I'll always be there for you too," was all Lanos managed to say before clamming up again. Partially because Vriska showed up and partially because of the conversation that followed suit. He could practically feel his face turning red as the conversation progressed and Vriska's parting words only served to confuse him. In the end, he ending up sitting there trying to stop his face from getting any redder than it probably already was, knowing he'd definitely have food for thought when they started marching again. Valha's hair ruffling hardly registered but it still made him shake his head -supposedly to fix it- and settle his emotions somewhat, if only for his strong dislike for hair ruffling. He'd have to invest in a helmet if they persisted.

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Quincy noticed the axeman whose Halberd he had taken earlier chatting it up with some mage girl. Now's as good of a time as any to give him back his axe, I suppose, Quincy thought. Now what was his name again..."Hey...you! Red haired dude! Don't you want your axe back? It's a bit too heavy and unwieldy for me," Quincy proclaimed.

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"The only thing that will hurt is my enemies as I set them on fire," Vriska absently said as she continued to read the tome. "Why do you care, anyway?" she then asked, bringing her gaze only slightly in line with where Kendeall was standing. "I'm just making sure I'm not a liability around here. And if I can throw a fireball properly, I won't be. What about you? Got the handle of that fancy water tome, yet?" She almost stuck her tongue out at him, buuuuuuut, she wasn't feeling that bratty yet. And someone else had walked over, so she didn't want to.

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Maja faced slightly down as her hair got ruffled, moreso an automatic reaction from when her parents did that. It did leave a feeling deep inside that she was still a child, which left her unusually pensive. "No, you're right. You have to find a way to heal that since I can't." She faced Ingverd again and returned the smile. "Well, if you can handle it, that's good! Just remember to take care!"

Not long after that Maja let herself be distracted by the harpy shouting about a mystery potion. The prospect ticked her memory to a familiar potion with a horrible aftertaste that improved her magical ability. Maybe that'd be the same thing!

"Hey... Valha, right?" She walked over to speak with the harpy. "I wouldn't mind taking it if you don't!" Not being exactly familiar with Valha, she was straight to the point.

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