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Make up Critical Quotes for FE Characters!


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So, Awakening is the first and only game with voice acting right in the battles, and each character has four possible critical attack quotes. So let's have some fun and make up possible quotes for characters in past games!

I've come up with some for all the Tellius characters returning in my main FE fic.

"Prepare yourself...for HELL!"
"I fight for my friends!"
"You'll get no sympathy!"
"Hero of Tellius at your service!" (starting chapter 24. I take Ike's development to where he becomes more accepting of his fame and legacy)

"Ashunera, guide me!"
"I'm sorry if this hurts a lot!"
"I take no pleasure in this."
"Ike's love keeps me strong!" (obviously because I pair her with Ike in my stories. lol)

"You're in for a surprise!"
"Check out my sharp claws!"
"Time to kill another rat!"

"Kiss my axe!"
"It's clobbering time!" (Yes, Fantastic Four reference lol)
"Hell YEAH!"
"Who's the meathead now?"

"Begone, fool!"
"Brains always triumph over brawn!"
"Oh, hello. Now goodbye."
"There's no defense like a good offense!"

Boyd's "Kiss my axe!" is definitely my favorite. XD That one is so gold, right?

Edited by Anacybele
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I've always thought Joshua could shout "Call it in the air!" for his crits.

Other than that, I kinda like the silent crits best. I like to think that either a.) most FE characters don't enjoy killing others enough to spout one-liners while doing so, and b.) most that do enjoy taking life are the silent type.

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(I don't like crit quotes. They're okay at first, but after about the hundredth quote they get annoying.)

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"Can I get a plain old, normal, not critical hit in seriously this is getting fucking ridiculous."

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Roy: "I will avenge Lord Hector!"

"For Pherae"

"Mother be proud!"

"Father teach me your ways!"

"Don't mess with a Marquess!"

*insert Death the Kid voice when saying these lines*

On an unrelated note,I've been playing Pokemon Y lately looking for all the O-powers so...


"It's bonding time!"

"You got a new O-power!"

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I've posted similar topic some once there. Anyway:




I'm criting more than other people hit.

You know, I have wrath. And you know what that mean? You are FUCKED!

Sun shines, grass grow, birds fly and, brother, I hurt people.


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL How it's possible?!

Maybe this time I can done more than 0 dmg :<

I'll write some more later.

Edited by Nicolas
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"Mother, Father, watch over me!"

"I'm not as weak as you think!"

"I am a warrior's daughter!"

"For Ostia!"


"Mother Earth and Father Sky protect me!"

"I'm proud to have been born a Sacaean!"

"Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman!"

"For Caelin!"


"You're gonna need an army to defeat me!"

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

"You must have a death wish in facing me!"

"Brother, I'll fill your shoes yet!"

And here's possibly the only ones that's gonna be for enemies here.


"Humans are not worthy to rule anything..."

"You have no place in the perfect world!"

"I shall purge this sinful world!"

"Emotions bring nothing but madness..."


"I am the chosen one!"

"I shall rule this world in his majesty's place!"

"No matter how many days pass..."

"All obstacles shall be destroyed!"


"I shall take your Quintessence!"

"Foolish mortal!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"All of your efforts are futile!"

"I am a sorcerer without peer!"

I might think of some more later.

Edited by Just call me Al
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Going to step in and back up Ana here; this isn't FFtF, if you can't post seriously then don't post.

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You are not my rival. Begone!

Sorry! I just needed replacement boots.

You fought hard this time, but who did you think would win?

Take up your weapon cur!


Darkness beyond twilight

Crimson beyond blood that flows
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows

I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed
by the power you and I possess...


Ohhh... You didn't have any rations either.

Why do I feel... something... powerful... in my eye?

Mmmmm... Your boots look yummy!


I am here for a lesson, but you have nothing to teach.

I have no intentions of leaving this war just yet!

May you always be remembered.

I shall endeavor to grow stronger!

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"Y'arr, you be a chump for fightin' a man o' the sea!"

"My peanut noggin' be seeing the end for ye!"


"I will choke the point!"

"It's all muscle, I swear!"

"Ha, I've seen kittens that fight harder!"


"My lance is ready!"

"Shall we?"

"We shall fight as two men, u-ho!"

"Let us do this!"

Father Saul

"It is your lucky day, most people have to wait in line to meet Father Saul!"

"The ladies better be watching!"


"I spy with my monocled eye... something rather unimpressive."

"Such a savage, perhaps a good schooling will satiate your bloodlust!"

I'll probably add more when I can think of some I have some chance of getting away with!

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All of these critical quotes look pretty bad, no offense to those who made them. Awakening's critical quotes may have seemed cool at first, but they start to become grating after a while. And, realistically, can you imagine people yelling any of the things they say EVERY TIME they get a crit? Some of the posted quotes here don't even fit the characters' personalities well or flow well.

I can imagine someone like Ike or Mist saying, "For my father!" or Kieran saying, "I am Captain Kieran insert rank and title here!" or "Glory to Crimea!" occasionally. But not all the time. And most characters I can't even imagine saying anything.

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Hey, that's kind of harsh. It took me a nice amount of time to come up with all of the ones I made. :(

And I can see how the critical quotes could become kind of repetitive for some people after awhile, but I never seem tire of them. lol Especially Frederick's PICK A GOD AND PRAY. Oh, I could listen to his sexy voice saying that all day. :wub:

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The thing is, Ana, the quotes you made up in themselves aren't necessarily bad. It's just that they're bad as a critical quote. To use Soren's for example, I can't see him saying the last three quotes that you listed, it's just doesn't seem in his personality to speak unnecessary words like that. Also, Ike's "Hero of Tellius at your service" doesn't really fit as a critical quote. (Why would he be telling that to the enemy he's killing?)

Awakening's critical quotes worked out, but trying to go back and fit critical quotes to everyone in past games is a bit harder. At times, it sounds kind of "forced" coming from a character.

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On an unrelated note,I've been playing Pokemon Y lately looking for all the O-powers so...


"It's bonding time!"

"You got a new O-power!"

I'm trying not to laugh so hard right now, but I'm failing. 10/10 thanks Jiac

Also, uh:


"If only Dan could see this!"

I 'unno

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The thing is, Ana, the quotes you made up in themselves aren't necessarily bad. It's just that they're bad as a critical quote. To use Soren's for example, I can't see him saying the last three quotes that you listed, it's just doesn't seem in his personality to speak unnecessary words like that. Also, Ike's "Hero of Tellius at your service" doesn't really fit as a critical quote. (Why would he be telling that to the enemy he's killing?)

Awakening's critical quotes worked out, but trying to go back and fit critical quotes to everyone in past games is a bit harder. At times, it sounds kind of "forced" coming from a character.

Yeah, I'll admit that the blunt-as-all-hell Soren was difficult to do. You're probably right. As for Ike's hero quote, I wasn't meaning for him to be directing that at his opponent, but more so his allies. Like an I'll-take-care-of-this-for-you sort of way.

Also, after seeing how many people seem to dislike the idea of characters always saying something when criticaling or activating an offensive skill, I've decided that were my fic a game, there would also be a chance for characters to remain silent as they do these things. Only part of the time will they actually shout a line.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think another problem with making critical quotes for past characters is that we all have our own interpretation on what we consider important to a character for them to be yelling out in battle. There may be some people who think your critical quotes are a bit OOC for the characters you made them for, although they may not seem as such for you. For example, if I were making Elincia's critical quotes I'd probably have her focused more on Crimea or (if FE9) her family. Likewise, I'd have Ike more focused on his father or the Greil Mercenaries.

Basically, making up critical quotes for characters isn't a bad idea in itself, but it's easier for people to not take them seriously (because they do get hammy after a while), or they can come off as being OOC to certain people while not for others.

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