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[Battle:FE9] Losers Round 3 - Shin vs. GeneralHorace


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Round 3 in the Losers bracket of the Serenes Arena Cup I opens with Shin vs. GeneralHorace! A historical rivalry that has now made its way to the Link Arena! Who will emerge the victor and who - the CHUMP?

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!



Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  acc  avo  crt  sk%  Atk  Hit
Oscar    56   25   10   26   26   16   23   16   68   68   13   26
Kieran   50   26    7   26   27   19   23   14   71   73   13   26
Tanith   53   21   18   25   28   22   22   16   72   78   12   12
Nasir    60   23   11   25   29   19   26   28    0   77    0   -
Nasir    60   33   11   30   32   19   31   33   79   83   15   -    43  154
Nasir    60   28   11   28   31   19   29   31   75   81   14   -    38  150
Naesala  62   27   16   29   33   20   23   17    0   86    0   -
Naesala  62   33   18   33   36   20   26   20   86   92   16   -    41  181

Gatrie   59   29    4   25   15   13   30   16   63   43   12   25
Shinon   53   24   10   30   28   16   21   14   76   72   30   15
Rolf     52   25   10   30   28   20   21   14   80   76   30   15
Nasir    60   21   11   25   29   19   26   28    0   77    0   -
Nasir    60   31   11   30   32   19   31   33   79   83   15   -    41  154
Nasir    60   26   11   28   31   19   29   31   75   81   14   -    36  150
Oscar    56   25   14   26   26   20   23   14   72   72   13   26
Unit       HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  avo  crt  Atk  Hit
Falco(slv) 31   17   6   24   25   15   15   18   65    12   32  138   
Peg(stl)   26   14   4   19   20   13   11   13   53     9   24  121
Peg(jvl)   26   14   4   19   20   13   11   12   53     9   20  111

Shin's Tanith activates Shade! He cannot be attacked for 2 turns!

Horace's Rolf activates Shade! He cannot be attacked for 2 turns!


Shin acts first! Choose your character, his/her weapon and target!

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I feel like this is the Krillin vs Yamcha match of the tourney, and I could not be more pumped

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!


Turn 1.


Shin's Tanith summons reinforcements! Enter Magichamp, Donat and Venucruel!


The reinforcements attack Horace's Shinon!

4cg2.pngvs 68.129.png

Magichamp the Falcoknight (Silver Lance-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

7 dmg 49% hit 0% crit

(68 11 79)

Shinon receives 7/53 damage!

4cg2.pngvs 48.85.png

Donat the Peg (Steel Lance) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 32% hit 0% crit

(0 74 80)

Donat misses!

4cg2.pngvs 73.3.png

Venucruel the Peg (Javelin-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 22% hit 0% crit

(26 70 64)

Venucruel misses!

Shinon counterattacks!

67 dmg 100% hit 22% crit

(50 55 86)

Venucruel receives 26/26 damage!

Venucruel is KO'd!


Shin                              Horace
Oscar 56/56                       Gatrie 59/59
Kieran 50/50                      Shinon 46/53
Tanith 53/53                      Rolf 52/52
Nasir 60/60 (13)                  Nasir 60/60 (9)
Naesala 62/62 [17]                Oscar 56/56 
Magichamp 31/31
Donat 26/26
Venucruel 0/26

Horace acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!


Turn 2.

cq4w.pngvs k35x.png

Horace's Rolf (Brave Bow) attacks Shinon's Oscar (Vague Katti)!

9x2 dmg 90% hit 29% crit 15% Deadeye

(9 99 29 88)

Oscar receives 9/56 damage!

(4 61 45 6)

Rolf activates Deadeye!

Oscar receives 9/56 damage! Oscar is fast asleep!

Shin                              Horace
Oscar 38/56^8                     Gatrie 59/59
Kieran 50/50                      Shinon 46/53
Tanith 53/53                      Rolf 52/52
Nasir 60/60 (13)                  Nasir 60/60 (13)
Naesala 62/62 [17]                Oscar 56/56 
Magichamp 31/31
Donat 26/26
Venucruel 0/26

Shin acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!


Turn 3.


Shin's Tanith summons reinforcements! Enter Vilera, Rapiusaur, Butterkey!


The reinforcements attack Horace's Shinon!

4cg2.pngvs 68.129.png

Magichamp the Falcoknight (Silver Lance-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

7 dmg 49% hit 0% crit

(11 32 26)

Shinon receives 7/53 damage!

4cg2.pngvs 48.85.png

Donat the Peg (Steel Lance) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 32% hit 0% crit

(66 91 12)

Donat misses!

4cg2.pngvs 63.45.png

Vilera the Falcoknight (Silver Lance-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

7 dmg 49% hit 0% crit

(75 7 1)

Shinon receives 7/53 damage!

4cg2.pngvs 3.78.png

Rapiusaur the Peg (Steel Lance) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 32% hit 0% crit

(91 11 70)

Rapiusaur misses!

4cg2.pngvs 56.12.png

Butterkey the Peg (Javelin-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 22% hit 0% crit

(71 30 83)

Butterkey misses!

Shinon counterattacks!

67 dmg 100% hit 22% crit

(66 84 42)

Butterkey receives 26/26 damage!

Butterkey is KO'd!

Shin                              Horace
Oscar 38/56^8                     Gatrie 59/59
Kieran 50/50                      Shinon 32/53
Tanith 53/53                      Rolf 52/52
Nasir 60/60 (17)                  Nasir 60/60 (13)
Naesala 62/62 [14]                Oscar 56/56 
Magichamp 31/31
Donat 26/26
Venucruel 0/26
Vilera 31/31
Rapiusaur 26/26
Butterkey 0/26

Horace acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!


Turn 4.

cq4w.pngvs txi4.png

Horace's Gatrie (Vague Katti) attacks Shin's Oscar (Vague Katti)!

15 dmg 100% hit 31% crit 25% Adept


(60 76 39)

Oscar receives 15/56 damage!

Shin                              Horace
Oscar 23/56^8                     Gatrie 59/59
Kieran 50/50                      Shinon 32/53
Tanith 53/53                      Rolf 52/52
Nasir 60/60 (17)                  Nasir 60/60 (17)
Naesala 62/62 [14]                Oscar 56/56 
Magichamp 31/31
Donat 26/26
Venucruel 0/26
Vilera 31/31
Rapiusaur 26/26
Butterkey 0/26

Shin acts next.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Shin's team



GeneralHorace's team!


Turn 5.

z3ve.pngvs m4si.png

Shin's Nasir transforms!

Shin's Kieran (Silver Axe) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

Shin's Kieran activates Nihil!

Horace's Shinon activates Nihil!

22 dmg 84% hit 0% crit

(36 80 74)

Shinon receives 22/53 damage!

The reinforcements attack Horace's Shinon!

4cg2.pngvs 68.129.png

Magichamp the Falcoknight (Silver Lance-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

7 dmg 21% hit 0% crit

(75 48 93)

Magichamp misses!

4cg2.pngvs 48.85.png

Donat the Peg (Steel Lance) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 4% hit 0% crit

(58 93 15)

Donat misses!

4cg2.pngvs 63.45.png

Vilera the Falcoknight (Silver Lance-) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

7 dmg 21% hit 0% crit

(8 52 26)

Vilera misses!

4cg2.pngvs 3.78.png

Rapiusaur the Peg (Steel Lance) attacks Horace's Shinon (Silver Bow)!

0 dmg 4% hit 0% crit

(18 91 30)

Rapiusaur misses!

Shin                              Horace
Oscar 23/56^8                     Gatrie 59/59
Kieran 50/50                      Shinon 10/53
Tanith 53/53                      Rolf 52/52
Nasir 60/60 [20]                  Nasir 60/60 (17)
Naesala 62/62 [11]                Oscar 56/56 
Magichamp 31/31
Donat 26/26
Venucruel 0/26
Vilera 31/31
Rapiusaur 26/26
Butterkey 0/26

Horace acts next.

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shinon kill kieran, assuming he doesn't have nihil, you didnt list that shinon had it (and he does), i just want to make sure you didn't note kieran having it if he does.

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