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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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This site gives a more thorough and precise describtion of the four temperaments

Well that site makes me seem more phlegmatic... On that site's description I fit it nearly perfectly Especially the indecisive section, I fit that 100% ;n;

Meanwhile now I'm looking the complete opposite of blood~ There are only a few things in that I could associate myself with...

I am a tiny bit of melancholy, but only a little. So I guess I'm more dirty water than mud then x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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This site gives a more thorough and precise describtion of the four temperaments

That site looks like it makes up a lot of stuff about the temperaments, tbqh, rather than actually give details of the classical temperaments.

Not to say that's a necessarily bad thing, but if I were to go by that site I wouldn't at all be phlegmatic, for example.

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What I don't really like much about that site is that it seems kinda biased toward phlegmatic people or something...

"cholerics are too competitive and angry and just want to be right and will insult others to make themselves seem better and only admit things that make themselves seem better"

"sanguines are too self-centered and want attention and are super emotional and their emotions change so quickly and party party party"

"melancholics worry too much about perfection and need everything to be just right and worry too much" (it didn't seem as bad about the melancholics)

"phlegmatics, oh they're just nice people who only want peace and don't want to start trouble, they just don't want to be a bother and it's okay that they're weak-willed and indecisive because they just don't want to hurt others"

That or maybe it's only my perception that makes that site seem like that... What if it's just that I'm the one interpreting the descriptions that way? ;u;

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What I don't really like much about that site is that it seems kinda biased toward phlegmatic people or something..."cholerics are too competitive and angry and just want to be right and will insult others to make themselves seem better and only admit things that make themselves seem better""sanguines are too self-centered and want attention and are super emotional and their emotions change so quickly and party party party""melancholics worry too much about perfection and need everything to be just right and worry too much" (it didn't seem as bad about the melancholics)"phlegmatics, oh they're just nice people who only want peace and don't want to start trouble, they just don't want to be a bother and it's okay that they're weak-willed and indecisive because they just don't want to hurt others"That or maybe it's only my perception that makes that site seem like that... What if it's just that I'm the one interpreting the descriptions that way? ;u;

I didn't notice that before you pointed it out, but wow, you're right oO The creator writes that he/her is melancholic/phlegmatic, so maybe it's just personal bias, but once you're noticed it, it's kinda jarring...

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I'd say I'm Choleric > Melancholic > Sanguine > Phlematic

looking at the site

still very dominantly ANGER-driven but I can see a small number traits of the rest as well

Did make us Cholerics out to be really mean sometimes though >:c

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Question 278. Which of the four humours do you associate with?


This is literally the last question but less open to personal interpretation lol

Bonus question: do you agree with your classical element's associated characteristics?

Blood or phlegm.

I like Wind. Water I like less. Water is cruel, not sensitive.

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You call cruel that which is the basis of all life. Aren't you the cruel one?

No single chemical is the basis of all life. Break it down further and hydrogen is the basis of all life. Pure hydrogen is poisonous and causes the biggest nuclear explosions we know of. Water has qualities that hydrogen does not. People have qualities that water does not. Water is cruel inside and outside of living beings.

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Now now, we're not talking about science here. If you wanna go the scientific path, there's no "cruelty", only a total lack of discrimination.

None of that, however, tells me why you think water is cruel.

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Now now, we're not talking about science here. If you wanna go the scientific path, there's no "cruelty", only a total lack of discrimination.

None of that, however, tells me why you think water is cruel.

Very well.

Water is cruel because it bears down on everything and everyone without discrimination. It can be kind by keeping us alive, keeping us cool and even keeping us afloat at sea, but there are choppy seas and currents that pull us under for every good thing. The only truly safe bodies of water are those tamed by man. Man has to be careful around water lest he/she drown, be poisoned, step into its murky depths where dangerous beings await, have it run dry, fall prey to hypothermia, or any number of other dangers.

Don't forget tsunamis.

Fire can kill and spread too quickly, but water can put out fire.

Earth can be unforgiving, but it is neutral at worst and offers few dangers that humans do not accentuate.

Wind can be cruel, but its cruelest actions are those combined with water like hurricanes and tsunamis. It does not hurt as often as it helps and it does not lie. Its behavior and danger is predictable.

Water is the most cruel force of nature because no matter how cruel the wind is, the wind does not lie. None of the other elements can stop it, either.

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Water's like a bad romance. Like one of the quiet ones!

(I like all three)

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Wind can be cruel

wind is at its cruelest when your mate eats a lot of mexican food and washes it down with five pints of kozci

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Very well.

Water is cruel because it bears down on everything and everyone without discrimination. It can be kind by keeping us alive, keeping us cool and even keeping us afloat at sea, but there are choppy seas and currents that pull us under for every good thing. The only truly safe bodies of water are those tamed by man. Man has to be careful around water lest he/she drown, be poisoned, step into its murky depths where dangerous beings await, have it run dry, fall prey to hypothermia, or any number of other dangers.

Don't forget tsunamis.

Fire can kill and spread too quickly, but water can put out fire.

Earth can be unforgiving, but it is neutral at worst and offers few dangers that humans do not accentuate.

Wind can be cruel, but its cruelest actions are those combined with water like hurricanes and tsunamis. It does not hurt as often as it helps and it does not lie. Its behavior and danger is predictable.

Water is the most cruel force of nature because no matter how cruel the wind is, the wind does not lie. None of the other elements can stop it, either.

"It is here, on this edge of sand and surf, where I must have developed a need to see the horizon, to look outward as far and wide as possible. My hunger for vistas has never left me. And it is here that I must have fallen in love with water, recognizing its power and sublimity, where I learned to trust that what I love can kill me, knock me down, and threaten to drown me with its unexpected wave. If so, then it was also here where I came to know I can survive what hurts.

I believed in my capacity to stand back up and run into the waves again and again, no matter the risk. A wave would break, rush toward me, covering my feet, and retreat into the sea, followed by another and another. This was the great seduction. There was no end to the joyful exaltation on this edge of oscillations."

Probably not relevant but your talk of water's cruelty reminded me of that passage.

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This verse is the first one found in Proverbs 15 of the Bible:

1. A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Anyone can say this in any movie and sound badass.

Legitimately though, I like the Zen Buddhist saying "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." Speaks a lot about being humble and that no matter what happens, some things never change. That's how I interpret it at least.

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Ecclesiastes 1:2 is easily my favorite verse of the bible, and probably all religous texts I've read, though I'm sure I really liked a certain part of the Bhagavad Gita, it's been so many years since I read it...

but yeah

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity."

Not out of some sense of nihilism, mind you

I just think it's a beautiful statement

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Titus 3:9 - "But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless."

tl;dr - Trolls existed back then, too.

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