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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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This one time, a bonny lass demanded a husband and a belly full of laughs. That wily giantess chose her husband by the beauty of his feet. But she needed her belly full of laughs and no one seemed to be up for the job.

Except me with my rope and a goat.

Forever did the gods know how far my balls would stretch.

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Parrhesia, I require a first and last name for my joke. May I have yours, or a substitute if you prefer?

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this is a bad sort of post that I hope doesn't become the default response template to your question, I'm terribly sorry

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Parrhesia, I require a first and last name for my joke. May I have yours, or a substitute if you prefer?

'Josmer Altidore'

that way the joke's already there for you

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this is a bad sort of post that I hope doesn't become the default response template to your question, I'm terribly sorry

one such post never hurt anyone

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i only know blonde jokes i'm terrible

A blonde walks into an electronics store and asks if she can buy a television.

"No," says the owner, "I'm sorry. But we don't sell to blondes."

So she's pissed off, but whatever, it's manageable. So she goes and dyes her hair red, then goes back into the store. But the moment she asks the owner again, he says, "I'd love to, but I can't. We don't sell to blondes."

She's shocked. "But how did you know I was a blonde?"
"Because that's not a television. It's a fucking microwave."

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'Josmer Altidore'

that way the joke's already there for you

Hee hee! Okay!

So, there are three midgets arguing amongst themselves. The first midget claims that he has the smallest hands in the world, the second midget claims that he has the smallest feet in the world, and the third midget claims he has the smallest penis in the world. To confirm their claims, they decide to visit the HQ of the Guinness. They set up an appointment and all is well once they arrive. As they sit in the waiting room, the first midget hears his name being called. He enters the office nervously, then emerges much later. He says, "It's true! It's true! I really do have the smallest hands in the world!" He sits back down and talks ceaselessly about his small hands. Then, a little while later, the second midget is called. He nervously enters the office and emerges later, ecstatic, saying: "I really, truly do have the smallest feet in the world!" He reclaims his seat and talks with the first midget. Both of them are blabbering on and on about their small parts. Then, finally, the third midget is called into the office. He walks in nervously, and emerges much later on, furious. The other two midgets ask him what is wrong, and so he replies...


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Knock, knock

Who's there

Your neighbor

Your neighbor who?

Geez, I just wanted to tell you that your doorbell's broken.

that was bad

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Hee hee! Okay!


Every blonde joke I know I was told by someone who seemed to believe their basis in fact. She insisted her hair was 'sandy brown'. It wasn't.

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This might be slightly long, but as far as bad jokes go, this is my favourite. Sloppily translated because I'm lazy.

So, a Dane, an American and an Indian are sitting in a hot-air balloon. They are all bragging.

"In Denmark, we have way too much food", says the Dane, and then he tosses half a frozen frozen pig out.

"In America, we have way too much money", says the American, and then he tosses a bundle of thousand dollar-bill out.

The Indian sits silently for some time, contemplating. "In India, we are way too much people," he finally says, and then he tosses out the Dane and the American.

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the best joke of the thread will be quoted in the next update

this is not a democracy

i will decide.

(it's already not mine, don't worry)

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This might be slightly long, but as far as bad jokes go, this is my favourite. Sloppily translated because I'm lazy.

So, a Dane, an American and an Indian are sitting in a hot-air balloon. They are all bragging.

"In Denmark, we have way too much food", says the Dane, and then he tosses half a frozen frozen pig out.

"In America, we have way too much money", says the American, and then he tosses a bundle of thousand dollar-bill out.

The Indian sits silently for some time, contemplating. "In India, we are way too much people," he finally says, and then he tosses out the Dane and the American.

There's a similar joke in Hawaii, though the categories are different!

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[spoiler=How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?]None

inb4 people think they're cool with Latvian jokes

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[spoiler=as promised. still not funny.][02:44:03] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: knock knock
[02:44:13] Euklyd: who's there?
[02:44:27] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: Cabbage
[02:44:36] Euklyd: Cabbage who?
[02:45:27] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: Cabbage you need to eat even though I taste bad *cabbage brings out a gun*
[02:45:35] Euklyd: wait what
[02:45:39] Akinaoki: whaa
[02:45:39] Akinaoki: ...
[02:45:43] Euklyd: that's not a funny joke ¬_¬
[02:45:45] Akinaoki: wait what?
[02:50:42] Euklyd: we got it still not funny
[02:51:03] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: I know
[02:52:35] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: post it anyway
[02:53:08] Euklyd: no you can post it
[02:53:24] Euklyd: :<
[02:53:59] Crystal Aqua Lyrical: too lazy say it's from me
[02:55:06] Euklyd: omfg
[02:55:10] Euklyd: FINE

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How many police officers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they just beat the room for being black.

when people laugh at that I tell them they are terrible people

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i man went a seafood nightclub.

he pulled a mussel

why did the lion get lost?

because jungle is massive!

what did the vampire say to the chav?

yes blood

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Hmmm. . .what's the best way to put this. . .

Think of what the question is asking. For example, if I'd posted something from Scientology, I'd (rightfully) expect people down my throat. Your opinions are your own, but other people are free to disagree with them (how it's done is another matter). How that disagreement is expressed is out of your control; your response to it, however, IS under your control. How you come across while defending your opinion is also something that you'll need to take responsibility for. What you do is up to you (as long as I don't have to cite things in the CoC). If your opinions are super-contrary a lot of the time, you may have people who conclude that you're doing it to be "edgy" (as opposed to you seeing the world in a totally different light; that's your call to make, not mine). If you can live with that, I won't stop you. Just. . .don't be passive-aggressive about it, because that's one of the things that'll transform me from calm to raging in 0.5 seconds.

I would echo two of these points back. Disclaimer: You are right. Want to give some perspective.

How I disagree with others is out of Parrhesia's (and some others') control. Their response to it, however, IS under their control.

I don't think you should have people down your throat, especially if you found the quote from Scientology was hilarious. If I wasn't sure, I would ask you what you meant by it.

I don't mind if people ask me things about my answers to these questions. I am open to talking them out and explaining them. I am less open to people who repeatedly assume the worst and refuse to consider that I was not trying to be offensive. People who just want me to stop posting as the bottom line are not fun or easy to deal with.

How do you propose I respond when someone is caustic to me out of nowhere, with no chance of reconciliation?

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[spoiler=Why did Karl Marx dislike Earl Grey tea?]Because all proper tea is theft.

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What do you do with a dead chemist?

Well you can't curium and you can't helium, so you may as well just barium


bonus joke time

[spoiler=What do you call a cow with no legs?][spoiler=ground beef][spoiler=What do you call a cow with three legs?][spoiler=lean beef][spoiler=What do you call a cow with two legs?]Your moooooom

ooooh siiiiick buuuurn

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What does an electrician think about when his house is broken into?

Oh no, I hope they didn't get into my volt and steal my joules. I better call Sherlock Ohms and Wattson

I thought of that one myself in physics class one day.

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