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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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which is the one subgenre of metal that tends to have really really extreme gross lyrics

I am sorry I am really bad at genre names

There's a subset of death metal bands dedicated to out-grossing each other (Cannibal Corpses's album covers being the most infamous example).

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probably punk. or most subgenres of metal (i've tried and tried, listened and listened, but i only enjoy dadrock/stoner rock types of metal). probably punk, though.

i would say "noise," but to me it doesn't really fit my personal def. of music.

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metal because it's the one I know the least and I don't dislike any genre in principle

I just think I'll never be able to becone even a bit knowledgeable about metal because it has so many subgenres and they all sound similar to me :(

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in terms of broad genres, i'll say rock because it has most of the sub-genres i like the least (arena rock, glam, jam bands/psychedelic).

honorable mention to nu-metal, which is the worst thing i've heard from an objective standpoint but is fun to laugh at.

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I don't like what effects separating music into genres feels like it has on my perception of music, like sometimes it seems to actually obscure my understanding of "what do I really enjoy listening to?" where I'd hope that it would make it easier to find more of what I enjoy (as in something being rock doesn't guarantee I'll enjoy listening to it, even though the majority of my library could probably be described as some form of that, etc)

Problem being that coming up with some other way to think about/classify music instead is even harder

My least favorite genre may be reductionism, op

Edited by Rehab
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Well hey at least "least favourite" doesn't need to imply that we hate everything within a genre

Country and rap tend to appeal to me the least imo~ But honestly, sadly, there isn't a lot of music I hear that appeals to me a whole lot. I think I just have all the wrong tastes

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I don't like what effects separating music into genres feels like it has on my perception of music, like sometimes it seems to actually obscure my understanding of "what do I really enjoy listening to?" where I'd hope that it would make it easier to find more of what I enjoy (as in something being rock doesn't guarantee I'll enjoy listening to it, even though the majority of my library could probably be described as some form of that, etc)

Problem being that coming up with some other way to think about/classify music instead is even harder

My least favorite genre may be reductionism, op

I agree with this post.

I think many people who say "I hate X genre(s)" are only doing so cause their perception of said genre is only on a surface level or what appears "mainstream," perhaps I should amend an earlier post where I said "I dislike modern country" to "I dislike modern mainstream country" or "the modern country that I am exposed to."

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I dislike many genres so I can't accurately answer this question. There are lots of exception in genres that I dislike.

As far as performing music goes, I prefer western classical/indian classical/ jazz( in a band). Thing is I'm a pianist and there's less work for me to do in a band for other genres. If I'm playing solo then the genre doesn't matter to me (except maybe rap lol) since I have the freedom to make my cover interesting and utilize my technique better.

Ehhhhhh I think I went off topic but I gues it somewhat answers this question and the last.

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most types of music that are like, not melodic or tonal or what-have-you

not so much "that's not singing" since there's plenty of spoken melody but eh

so, on the whole, things like much of rap / metal / various non-metal screamy things

also country but that's probably less about the genre itself and more about where/when/how I usually hear(d) it

also this is a fine question; "generally speaking, which genre is your least favorite" does not mean that there's nothing in the genre that you like

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Whilst there examples of rap songs that I do like, most of what I've come across really hasn't been my thing. I also don't understand dubstep at all.

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