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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Skype and IRC, probably in that order but I'm not sure. If Skype wasn't a piece of shit it would be a lot more certain.

Also, all the time.

Basically I agree with Parrhesia.

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maybe it would've been better to ask this question when IMs other than skype and irc were alive lol

oh also facebook messenger, i use that occasionally.

idk if it counts but as far as I care ipchat counts

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Question 405. What is your preferred instant messenger? Do you use them often?

Preferred: IRC; don't get many chances.

Most used: Skype; daily.

Edited by Makaze
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Skype, Facebook Messenger, and AIM. The last one is only for like two people who dont actually use facebook anymore. And i dont use it unless i really wanna talk to them. Im on Skype and fbm rather a lot. fbm mostly on mobile.

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I used them allllllll the time

skype and irc mostly since that's where everyone is but, agreeing with the hurst here, I like the steam messenger a lot when I get to use it

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I was a fan of MSN until it went the way of the dodo.

Contrary to popular belief, I actually do have a Skype account, but I haven't yet given it away to anyone.

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