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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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You're Stannis the Mannis Baratheon? Congrats dude. o7

:o: Stannis! Stannis! Stannis!

Whats right with me? Well i possess this ability known as Common Sense so theres that. I also am incredibly comfortable in my own skin (which was a hard road, but i got there). So theres not a lot of insecurities i really have anymore. Im hilarious and i know it. My sense of humor is something people always tend to list as a net positive. I dont live in a bubble of ignorance either. I see everything. Remembering what i see, is sometimes a struggle. lol!! #senile

Im also deeply spiritual which often leads to me being able to help people on that sort of level. Ive had someone tell me that just a nugget of advice from me changed his entire outlook and lead to a huge series of events that changed his life forever. (and for the best)

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Please, sers, do continue!

Aleph will soon find out that I do not give up so easily.

So, yes, this will continue.

I will tame you right into the cage I call "my bedroom"

Careful, I play rough, and sometimes a bit unfairly. I might be the one tossing you into the cage you call "your bedroom".

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literally the lamest sexy dirty talk line i have heard and it goes all the way around to being kinda cute lol

yeah dirty talking isn't my forte

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Do you really wanna be dirty talkin' to ladies? :P:

Anything to stick it in Aleph's craw.

wow this was actually pretty good


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we're not finished little boy

*guillermo waves a checkered flag in his tight cut down shorts and scanty tanktop*

Do you really wanna be dirty talkin' to ladies? :P:

hi eclipse

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wow this was actually pretty good

Mission accomplished~! :P:

(and do be careful about sticking things into other people) :P:

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we're not finished little boy

*guillermo waves a checkered flag in his tight cut down shorts and scanty tanktop*

[engages defensive position]

Mission accomplished~! :P:

(and do be careful about sticking things into other people) :P:

I always come prepared.

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Question 312. Have you ever seen a sports game live at the event?

Two rugby games involving Manly Sea Eagles (then Northern Eagles I'm pretty sure and at a different stadium) and one Sydney/Central Coast A-League match early on in the tournament's history. At the Central Coast end. All matches with my paternal grandfather.

Will almost definitely add to this tally during the Asian Cup.

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Quite a few high school/college American football games, as well as some volleyball games, and a couple of baseball games. Since I was in the band for most of these, the view was abysmal, I couldn't eat, and I was busy during breaks.

I always come prepared.

Ah, so good to hear~! Always keep yourself to yourself~!

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I have seen the San Jose Earthquakes play live several times, years ago, before they moved or disbanded or something (they might've done both, but they reformed or something), and I have seen a game of college basketball.

Also a game of roller derby and some pretty cool table tennis.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head though.

Edited by Euklyd
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Lots of baseball games when I was younger, because I lived near the ballpark and Six Flags. Also like every single school varsity football game because ~band~

Quite a few high school/college American football games, as well as some volleyball games, and a couple of baseball games. Since I was in the band for most of these, the view was abysmal, I couldn't eat, and I was busy during breaks.

haha I feel this

I find football games to be pretty fun though

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