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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I'm genuinely puzzled as to how you see arrogance in my wording.

The thought that I could legitimately scare someone is not something that fills me with pride, given the circumstances under which it happened. I do not intend to clarify.

I need to 'lay off' people? No, Florina, you are the one who came after me as though I'd committed some sort of crime, when all I had done was indirectly question you as to why you were so fucking elated that people were frightened of you, which is, generally speaking, not something people tend to be that satisfied with! I freely admit there are times in which I take perceived slights far too seriously, and overreact in response. This time, I'm not the one overreacting.

You are also not a woman. Being scary is kind of a freaking plus because creepers are the likelier to leave you the fuck alone. So tell me again why im morally incorrect at feeling kinda nice about being a little bit scary?

bolded, maybe because you are an arrogant person? At very least you come off extremely arrogant. Im not sure if you are deliberately brushing it off or just not at all self aware.

Im acting this way because im feeling targeted. Its a natural response.

let's all just sit down and hold hands ok

but his hand is all sweaty

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I dont have an issue if hes wording things properly. To be fair, i get a bit annoyed with the constant talking down to people and targeting of certain individuals. Makaze enjoys the pain though, what a maso. But come on, hes been in PMS mode for months now.


From my own experience that I've had so far (both sf and irl) one of the worst ways to get people to improve is to say "you're doing this wrong just stop it"

Majority of the time, I don't think that really helps at all. Especially if it is something that relates to somebody's personality that they're born with.

If you really want him to know why you feel he's behaving that way, point out specific sentences, give details, and give examples/advice on ways you think will help him change. (but yeah you'll have to convince him~)

[spoiler=my own experience:]

Dad: you're doing everything wrong, stop it

Me: um ok just keep putting me down and telling me how much I am the worst daughter ever.

Me *doesn't know how to change and continues being a screw-up*

Integrity: try doing this and this and this and see how that works for you

Me: ok I'll try

Me *tries*

Me *actually starts improving because WOW I KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW I KNOW HOW TO NOT BE A FAILURE*

So if you really really want him to start changing and if he's willing to comply... you probably aren't doing yourself any good sticking to accusations. (I think that this could be different with different people though so idk)

Also idk if Makaze actually enjoys the pain as much as he enjoys trying to justify himself by making Parrhesia look like he's doing bad

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'd like to sugest a question:

"What do you consider your worst flaw?" (Personality wise, not stuff like "i'm ugly" or i'm too short")

Edited by Valesca Popozuda
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You are also not a woman. Being scary is kind of a freaking plus because creepers are the likelier to leave you the fuck alone. So tell me again why im morally incorrect at feeling kinda nice about being a little bit scary?

bolded, maybe because you are an arrogant person? At very least you come off extremely arrogant. Im not sure if you are deliberately brushing it off or just not at all self aware.

Im acting this way because im feeling targeted. Its a natural response.

I literally never said you were morally incorrect. I stated it was unusual. Because it is. Now, finally, you have stated a reason for that. A reason that, guess fucking what, I can accept! I was curious about a thing, and now, I know. You can stop feeling offended now.

I'm confident in my statements, and stubborn enough to rarely back down. Don't mistake that for a genuine belief that I'm any better than most people, a belief I've never professed.

If you're going to insist that I'm targeting you, then at least provide some examples where I have specifically spoken out against you. I've treated you the same way I've treated anyone else.

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"What do you consider your worst flaw?"

Good suggestion, this. And strangely, it's not already been done (only 'which of the seven sins are you most prone to').

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So pretty much take my huge "what is wrong with you" list and find out which I hate most of all ^o^ Hmmmmmm~

Oh and also I'm sure people are happy to be rid of my huge, serious paragraphs now. Because I am going to sleep and I will leave for camping in the morning and will be back on Friday. So I guess I'll answer more stuffs by then~ And you won't have to see anymore huge blue walls of text!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'd like to sugest a question:

"What do you consider your worst flaw?" (Personality wise, not stuff like "i'm ugly" or i'm too short")

Didnt we do this already?

Furet, you want examples, ok.

you assume wrong

i've never seen you in my whole fucking life, why is the fact that i'm not psychic so 'amusing'

How on earth is this not antagonistic and rude?

because it looked more like dutch

also that doesn't even slightly change my response. Why are you speaking Swedish?

How on earth is this not being pushy?

Because Serenes Forest is an English-language forum, in which English is the one language every user is expected to understand to at least a basic degree. Why were you speaking Swedish?

How is this being genuinely curious? Especially when my "why are speaking english" comment was an obvious joke which others responded to in kind by being silly.

All of this looks like coping attitude. Its really easy to see it as being kinda nasty and when someone cops that kind of attitude in a two day period, im going to wonder if im being targeted since you really only get at people in that fashion, who bother you.

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@parrhesia: I think you could probably lay back a little tbh, maybe watch your phrasing a bit, i know you're not ill-intentioned but sometimes you do come off a bit demeaning to people

relax a little man

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Didnt we do this already?

Furet, you want examples, ok.

How on earth is this not antagonistic and rude?

How on earth is this not being pushy?

How is this being genuinely curious? Especially when my "why are speaking english" comment was an obvious joke which others responded to in kind by being silly.

All of this looks like coping attitude. Its really easy to see it as being kinda nasty and when someone cops that kind of attitude in a two day period, im going to wonder if im being targeted since you really only get at people in that fashion, who bother you.

Because you came after me for basically no reason. Yes, I tend to get defensive at sudden hostility. I'd wager most people do.

It literally made no sense why you'd suddenly started to speak Swedish. I do not think it would be constructive if I started to rebutt your points in German.

It is genuine curiosity, only with the added fact that you have asked a simple question three times and each time the person has done the text equivalent of running away laughing. Yes, I was, by then, slightly irritable, and I've already addressed above that I'm fairly stubborn. I asked a simple question. All I wanted was an answer. Christ.

You did one thing that was annoying and later did one thing I was curious about, and both times refused to just give straight answers. I'm not going to apologise for asking questions.

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@parrhesia: I think you could probably lay back a little tbh, maybe watch your phrasing a bit, i know you're not ill-intentioned but sometimes you do come off a bit demeaning to people

relax a little man

When confronted baselessly, I'm going to react. I'm not even particularly agitated, I just want to nip this stupid quarrelling in the bud.

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It's not just this case though

I do feel you sometimes rag on people unwarrantedly

less judgement more bunnies or something

in this particular case probably could've been handled better by just directly asking her why

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Because you came after me for basically no reason.

Ok...whatever. I just got done collecting examples of why im feeling targeted and you still dont see why im mad?

I observe you. I observe a lot of people here. When you chase after Makaze, you use the same tactics you used on me in the examples i posted. Hence why im feeling attacked. (lets face it, you do not joke around with Makaze or the others you dont like most of the time)

People are going to make silly jokes. I forgive a lot of the crap you say 99% of the time. But here i am wondering wtf i ever did to you to warrant you getting at me the same way you get at people who piss you off. If you were curious as to why i was speaking swedish, wouldnt have been nicer to be like "What does this mean?" Instead of "wtf you speaking dutch"

Thy stubborness...mang, im laying it out for you and you are just like ignoring me. You wanted answers, im giving them.

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clipsey time. Warning: I had a hectic day, so the amount of fucks given will be lower than normal.

lol |:/

He meant me most likely. The thing is, my reasons for answering yes are fucking self explanatory. Irl im intimidating as fuck and have had strangers give me a wide berth. My Resting Bitch Face™ is a sight to behold. (also Woman With Confidence = Terrifying to a lot of people in general)

What amuses me is that someone would even ask me to explain why.

I know you through your posts on SF, and MAYBE a pic you posted. Unless you're super-personal with a lot of people on SF, I don't think justifying why you frighten people is out of line.

Maybe its because you take shit so seriously.

Lighten up ffs.

I. . .didn't see a really serious motive behind the second question. I sorta answered it anyway, because I figured why the hell not.

The thought that I could legitimately scare someone is not something that fills me with pride, given the circumstances under which it happened. I do not intend to clarify.

My dad takes quite a bit of pride in the amount of fear he can strike into people's hearts. Then again, that's his job. I think there's a lot of circumstance involved, but I don't view being proud of being intimidating as good or bad - it's how/why the intimidation happens that I care about.

You are also not a woman. Being scary is kind of a freaking plus because creepers are the likelier to leave you the fuck alone. So tell me again why im morally incorrect at feeling kinda nice about being a little bit scary?

bolded, maybe because you are an arrogant person? At very least you come off extremely arrogant. Im not sure if you are deliberately brushing it off or just not at all self aware.

Im acting this way because im feeling targeted. Its a natural response.

This is what I mean by the "why". I don't assume the vast majority of people are "creepers"; thus, I wouldn't want to be intimidating for that reason. It's great if I can turn it on and off, because I don't think people deserve to shit their pants around me without VERY good reason. However, I've scared other people before, because I don't show my temper unless I'm well and truly angry, and it's a sudden change from my happy self to my angry one.

From what I'm reading, it sounds like a quarrel between two completely different philosophies. Florina, if I had to draw conclusions from just the recent posts in here, it sounds like your week didn't get off to a great start. Furet, I'll talk to you via IRC.

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In light of an official response, the original post is below, but states more or less nothing new. If Florina wishes to drop the matter, I won't object. But I'll stand by my words.

Ok...whatever. I just got done collecting examples of why im feeling targeted and you still dont see why im mad?

I observe you. I observe a lot of people here. When you chase after Makaze, you use the same tactics you used on me in the examples i posted. Hence why im feeling attacked. (lets face it, you do not joke around with Makaze or the others you dont like most of the time)

People are going to make silly jokes. I forgive a lot of the crap you say 99% of the time. But here i am wondering wtf i ever did to you to warrant you getting at me the same way you get at people who piss you off. If you were curious as to why i was speaking swedish, wouldnt have been nicer to be like "What does this mean?" Instead of "wtf you speaking dutch"

Thy stubborness...mang, im laying it out for you and you are just like ignoring me. You wanted answers, im giving them.

You collected three examples. Two were of the same 'incident' and the first just happened. What exactly do you mean by tactics?

No, I'm not going to deny that I have reasons, and good ones, to think the worst of Makaze automatically. You are not subject to those reasons. I am not going to pretend that your every word delights me, but I have no reason to dislike you especially strongly.

I am going to directly state what I've been indirectly stating this entire time; I am not seeking to attack you.

You never struck me as someone who wanted their hand held patronisingly. I wondered why you were speaking Swedish. I literally phrased the question; "Why are you speaking [a foreign language]?"

The problem with your answers is, and this isn't going to help your allegations of my arrogance, that they are wrong. I've held my own.

Edited by Parrhesia
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In light of an official response, the original post is below, but states more or less nothing new.

You collected three examples. Two were of the same 'incident' and the first just happened. What exactly do you mean by tactics?

No, I'm not going to deny that I have reasons, and good ones, to think the worst of Makaze automatically. You are not subject to those reasons. I am not going to pretend that your every word delights me, but I have no reason to dislike you especially strongly.

I am going to directly state what I've been indirectly stating this entire time; I am not seeking to attack you.

You never struck me as someone who wanted their hand held patronisingly. I wondered why you were speaking Swedish. I literally phrased the question; "Why are you speaking [a foreign language]?"

The problem with your answers is, and this isn't going to help your allegations of my arrogance, that they are wrong. I've held my own.

Im actually not going to question why you get at Makaze cuz i know why. And sometimes, yer correct to do so. Sorry, Makaze but its true. And im really not questioning that. Nor am i expecting you to think me incredibly awesome. But really, it felt like you were getting at me. And im trying to tell you why. Im glad you can see at least part of what im trying to say here. I think we can concede with this and let it be. The lesson is for both of us. I shouldnt be so quick on the draw, and maybe you neednt be so stubborn.


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He was clearly talking about loki


I think Makaze's a bit too eager to play victim =o

scary victim


I didn't register Loki's reply initially because it was so in-character I didn't take it seriously. Got to admit, it sounds like something Loki would say.

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i don't want to ruin your fun but i will anyway.

it isn't. rhett & link are two pretty funny, popular youtube dudes.

aw man, i read the description and clicked a link to be sure too. shoulda done more research

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