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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I'm just wondering how people get genuinely frightened by someone because they look or seem intimidating

Naive people falling for stereotypes, I've had a tonne of people cross the road because I've been looking shady via my clothes or body expression (obviously it's not always because of that, but it is when they fucking cross back over)

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Naive people falling for stereotypes, I've had a tonne of people cross the road because I've been looking shady via my clothes or body expression (obviously it's not always because of that, but it is when they fucking cross back over)

Well theres that. And theres people being pretty large or tall and that can freak people out. I mean, while im like pretty liberal and wouldnt be afraid of some dude all punk rock or biker, others will even if they live in a big city. (in other, more unfortunate cases, its because of someone's skin color coupled with size. :U Stuff sucks.)

But really, come on, if you dress like a weirdo, you gotta be aware that people are gonna find that kinda creepy. Im all for dressing like a weirdo but yeah. Society sometimes. |:/

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There's also nonverbal language, posture, etc. Perhaps you look like someone that they don't like. Perhaps they had a bad run-in with someone dressed similarly. Sometimes, there's weird logic involved. :P:

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Australia is notoriously xenophobic/homophobic

I'm not so sure we're that much worse compared to many other Western countries. It varies by area.

... Oh, but, yeah, for the former, totally. We're racist as fuck.

edit that was the wrong video but it does not appear shamefully off my point; this was the correct video

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While I'd probably say my assy temper at first thought, I've gotten a decent rein on it and I haven't seriously hurt anyone with it so far (hopefully never), I'm an awful procrastinator and I have a tendency to really put things off until I have to deal with it. Sometimes hell, I do end up doing things too damn late.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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tempers are so much effort to maintain for me

I'd rather devote that energy to something more useful

like, say...procrastinating

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I guess I can get disheartened easily, and also don't really stick to seeing something through if it feels like a chore even if I know it's going to do me good if I stick with it, unless I'm somehow externally motivated/obligated.

Edited by Nightmare
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uh...good question.

it's not that i can't think of flaws, it's just that i don't find any of them to be "major flaws," or in other words, big enough to mention.

i guess there's one thing that comes to mind. in order for me to fight for something, like an internship or something important, i have to be 100% confident in my abilities, almost pride-like or arrogant instead of confident. if i'm not completely confident, chances are i won't go for it as passionately as i would otherwise. i'm working on this, though.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Every aspect of me is terribly flawed, but I guess if I had to pick one it would be my total lack of motivation followed by that wonderfully low sense of self worth

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im a slave to the pussy

Not having sympathy for people with low self esteem because I didn't want any help when I went through it, especially if they're in their late teens or older, I catch myself thinking "shit just toughen up already"

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(seriously though it's that i tend to assume the worst with regards to other people's intentions and it's kind of fucked me over in the past and it hurt someone once and i'm not proud of recalling that)

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I have too many flaws to count, but I'd guess my largest is simply a lack of confidence in most things I do. I go where others want to do and do what others want because I'm constantly afraid of failure or rejection and have no real idea of where my life is going, or an inward drive to straighten things out and take command of anything.

It sucks

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