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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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A tryhard would say that caring too much is a strength :P

s-shut up

I said it was both...

But yeah I suppose it isn't a weakness as much as it's just the way that I go about it. I wouldn't be making people mad at me or even eventually hate me and start up so much drama/arguing if I were good at handling it~

I guess, but I would see it as a mostly positive thing. damn it freohr stop doing that

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Question 325. What vices are you prone to?

i can't be fucked to phrase it better

it was alb's request iirc

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Oh, I do declare! I seem to have lost all my money! Won't some big strong man use his meaty muscles to give me more? :0

me and another m8 argued over who's turn it was to sleep on the floor of a friend's apartment.


i'm happy it's not that bad anymore. i'm not even insecure. i'm just an idiot.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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did someone go for the platinum meal plan? ^

i'm very prone to jealousy, and though i keep it inside it does tear at you after a while. but then again it usually does go away with time.

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What backwards world is this a vice in.

if this isn't a vice then i don't think i have vices that i can think of.

i mean, i'm kind of an asshole, so there's that. but everyone says either that or "oh, i'm nice" so i don't think it carries much weight with it these days.

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Gluttony - If pizza or soda are available, I'll consume them consistently without much regard for hunger or thirst.

Lust - Where a handful of individuals are concerned.

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