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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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i'm very punctual, and i tend to get to places way too early so i don't risk being a little too late

(in fact, it should be noted that our d&d sessions are always scheduled for 2pm, they never start before 4, and i still go as if they were going to start at 2)

i don't expect others to do the same, but i get annoyed when they go overboard (or when them being late makes me be late)

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There have been times where I didn't go to a class I ended up ten or fifteen minutes late for, despite that in some of these cases I was literally standing at the door watching the class being taught for a bit, because I was so afraid of the professor's reaction (and maybe the other students'? or maybe I was just yellow of walking in and having eyes on me. social anxiety's fucked), and ashamed/positive that it surely meant that on some level I didn't care about the class or have any respect for the professor and was a horrible person and blah. Then that made it harder for me to go in next time, because I had Missed A Whole Class! They Would Never Forgive Or Forget! and before I came to grips with myself I had 3 or more absences in it.

So I fucked up my own GPA, time and money a little, in large part because of my own incompetence, but also because I worried so much about appearing disrespectful of somebody and their time that I ended up doing something that was actually more disrespectful to us both. And since I took up that spot in the class, what if I edged out somebody else who might've actually used the benefit of it wisely? and what if they might have even needed to take the class more than I did? and Why Don't You Just Go Jump Off A Cliff You Shitlord.

I like to be punctual, because I like to get the full benefit out of going to the thing I'm going to, which tends to ask that I'm there for the whole duration of it. That may be outweighed by the extent to which I am afraid of not being punctual, which I have been many times due to procrastinating the fuck out of things, and which I've often gotten afraid reflects how Shit I am as a person, both Objectively and in the eyes of others. I've ended up letting it get in the way of why I actually wanted to go to the thing in the first place, generally because I found the prospect of it interesting and a thing that might actually bring some measure of joy to my life, as opposed to the exact opposite of that.

But other people aren't right on time for a thing I'm going to (and I am), I at least prefer not to dwell on it, because there's an infinite number of possible reasons why which could reflect on them any number of ways etc, and staying mad on it IMO tends to impede accomplishing the task at hand moreso than not anyway and blah.

Basically, I read once in a psych textbook that people tend to be ascribe mistakes others make moreso to internal factors, and mistakes they themselves make moreso to external factors, and proceeded to take entirely the wrong lesson from it

Edited by Rehab
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it's important if you're doing something important (job interview, speech, et cetera). otherwise i can spare a few minutes. if someone's 30+ minutes late (or early!), that's not polite imo.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i cant seem to show up for things on time, i usually end up getting to the event an hour early. i take pride in my punctuality and i do look for it in others. it is courtesy, and if i dont see it in rl friends i usually avoid hanging around them.

yeah it is one of my pet peeves. that and people that text while i'm talking to them.

Edited by Richter
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Basically, I read once in a psych textbook that people tend to be ascribe mistakes others make moreso to internal factors, and mistakes they themselves make moreso to external factors, and proceeded to take entirely the wrong lesson from it

I read that in a psych textbook too. It also said that was more frequent for western cultures, and that eastern cultures have people who seem more likely to do the opposite. I have no idea if they consider Russia western or eastern.

As for me...when it comes to being someplace on time, I'm usually early, sometimes severely so. But this is usually only the case when it comes to meeting with other people. A couple days ago I went into NYC to see some friends. I was at grand central to meet one of my friends half an hour early. But when it came to catching the bus back home, I literally got there as the bus started boarding.

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I'm not punctual and i don't really care about people not being punctual

basically this

although I've taken to arriving hella early to things like bus stops (and certain ~important things~) 'cause I know I'm terrible at it

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I like being early, and I'd rather not show up than be late. Other people not being punctual doesn't bother me because I assume they have reasons.
Edited by PixelmanFE
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i'm very punctual, and i tend to get to places way too early so i don't risk being a little too late

i don't expect others to do the same, but i get annoyed when they go overboard (or when them being late makes me be late)

This describes me
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I'm punctual and if I can't be I tend to contact in advance to say I won't be.

Punctuality itself is important to me, though a lot of people I know don't seem to give a damn about it.

I do remember one interview I mentionned this was something I found quite important and I found it a disrespect to be unpunctual...to a long distance interview where the guy was 15 minutes late.

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While I'm trying to be more punctual (getting there within 10 minutes of when I should be), it's. . .hard. As for others, it depends on how important the event is - if it's something with no time limit, then I don't mind if others are late. If I need to get my ass somewhere, I'm more of a stickler for it.

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I am always on time when I can help it, though I'm sure we've all had a series of unfortunate events that caused us to be late.

I give people so much leeway when it comes to punctuality. Throughout my life my mother has had to pick me up/ drop me off constantly to and form her house to my fathers and she has terrible punctuality.Normally she is punctual, but she seems to not really care when it comes to me. She'll tell me to and then at 2:05 call and tell me 3:00. or pick up time will be 2 and at 11:45 she'll tell me she'll be there at 12:00. It's been going on since I was young so I don't get mad or angry with her or other people. Honestly I don't even notice when someones half hour or 45 minutes late. I honestly think "they're just running a little late is all" without realizing how long it actually is.

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Don't really mind lateness as long as you get there.

good thing too with this thread's update schedule

Question 333. How many truly close friends do you consider yourself to have?

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A couple of people I know in school are good friends of mine.

I can name five people I enjoy talking to on here and could trust with anything.

Also a few on FanFiction.net.

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two offline, a few online

to clarify i have a fucking lot of close and trusted friends but only a few that i would really consider on the pedastal with me

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