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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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i used to EDIT: scratch and peel, i have no idea why i said bite. i used my other nails. /EDIT the fuck out of my nails

it was horrible

i don't do that anymore

way back in the day i used to, instead of picking my nose, pick my butthole. ain't even joking. i brute forced that habit into picking my nose sometime before i turned about seven and have cut back on that since.


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I used to clear my throat a lot, to the point that I'd get sore throats (my little sister picked this up from me, and she still hasn't broken it).

According to old family videos, I used to blink pretty hard. Like, really put my whole face into it.

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I used to pull and twist my hair while browsing the web

it got to the point where I would get bald spots so I forced myself to stop

I still do it from time to time because UNF IT FEELS SO GOOD but I don't do it as much as I used to

gotta upkeep those luscious curls namsayin

Edited by Esme
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I used to bite the shit out of my nails

I think I stopped because I needed to use them for playing guitar

to this day I am still surprised I was able to stop

also I used to use proper grammar and sentence structure and capitalization and shit all the time as recently as a year ago

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instead of picking my nose, pick my butthole. ain't even joking


I used to suck on my thumb, but that stopped in around the 1st grade. I also ued to "click" my teeth together (like, you bite down quickly, and this clicking noise comes up), but i got rid of that one around the 5th grade

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yeah he is

I hear he touches other users in their no-no spots and that's NOT OKAY

dont be that guy who comments on interactions between consenting adults >:(

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dont be that guy who comments on interactions between consenting adults >:(

but what if it's gross??

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i used to pick my nails off with my thumbs. it was painful because i would pick too far into the nail bed sometimes, or i would give myself hang nails.

i use a nail cutter like a civilized person now. and have been for several years. it's gotten me tail like you wouldn't (and actually shouldn't) believe.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I used to spit a lot too. I forced that down a while back, although I still do it every now and then, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before.

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i used to EDIT: scratch and peel, i have no idea why i said bite. i used my other nails. /EDIT the fuck out of my nails

I still do this. I really don't like biting my nails though.

When I had thick shirts on I used to bite them. Mostly around the neck and at the sleeves. No idea why. I would also sometimes bite my own skin and leave tooth marks (didn't draw blood). Also, I used to get huge blisters on my lips and bite them until I started drawing blood. Blood, lip blood anyway, is delicious. One of the best things I've ever tasted. I am secretly a vampire.

when like i would ask a question and someone would answer, i would like, respond by repeating their answer as a question...

Do you mean like:

Q: What are we having for dinner tonight?

A: We're having small turkey meatballs and kale in soup made from chicken stock.

Q: Oh, so we're having meatball and kale soup tonight?

Edited by SeverIan
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oh, i forgot to mention any good habits that i've dropped

I used to do a bit of excercises early in the mornings, but since i go to sleep late these days, i just cant be bothered anymore :/.

That, and that i've stopped trying to keep my desk organised ever since i started high school

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AHA finally I'm remembering some habits I think I've had plenty of habits but I just had trouble remembering them probably because I've had so many and it's such a broad amount of time and habits to pick/remember from and when my mind has to try think about broad subjects it goes blank stupid brain

I remember having a nail biting problem too.

I also remember I used to jerk my neck a lot (it made it look like I was flipping my hair because it was so fab). My neck just felt kind of weird and when it did that I would jerk my head (cause I gots to do that to jerk my neck!) Glad I don't do that anymore.

Sooooooo you know you've played too much FE when you look at your tiled kitchen floor and think "FE MAP GRID!!!"

I would always step on the tiles when I moved around in the kitchen~ Except the tiles were so small I'd step on every other tile because wooo my legs have the range of a bow/tome~!

Eventually I was like "um why do I keep doing this" and I started getting myself to quit paying attention to my floor as I walk around my kitchen ^o^

I used to scratch myself because i felt like bugs were on my skin, as far as im aware I didn't actually have any skin conditions

I picked that up for like a day or two after we hiked in a place we had learned was very very tick-infested. I had also found a tick walking on my shirt after we finished the hike (but before we got back in the car at least) But yeah it didn't last that long because eventually I checked and found no ticks at all hooraaaaay

I'm pretty sure I had sooo many more habits but I really can't remember

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