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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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wow looking down that i even prefer the coke-owned direct counterpart to every pepsi-owned thing wtf

nah man powerade is godlike compared to gatorade what are you on about, plus, it was cheaper at the school canteen

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okay well of those two i don't remember which I've had. Maybe both. They're probably equally gash though in my estimation

IMO if you're gonna drink an energy drink then drink an energy drink and Pepsi owns Rockstar (gash) and Coke owns Monster (good) so the domination continues

is Henchade more or less energetic than energy drink is the question? I assume it's the same basic idea with no caffeine??

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or, you know


also tasting weird and looking pastel

maybe that should be the next question. Coffee, energy drink or Henchade?

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coke 100% fuck the no good pepsi i drink it and then i get the angry and fuck its ass get the caleb bradham in the ring and fuck his ass too and make them the humble. thank you and good night.

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gotta be real y'all I've never had pepsi in my life

so I like coke but for all I know maybe I like pepsi more WHO KNOWS MAN

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coke 100% fuck the no good pepsi i drink it and then i get the angry and fuck its ass get the caleb bradham in the ring and fuck his ass too and make them the humble. thank you and good night.

I read that as "get the candelabrum in the ring" for a second there.

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What kind of terrorist doesn't drink soda?

if you go a week, hell maybe even a few days if you drink often enough, without soda and just have a sip of it, you'll find that it:

1. burns your throat

2. is very disgusting

3. makes you feel like shit

soda is not worth it, especially in the us where it's basically just fake sweeteners in a can. i heard mexican coke is delicious because they use real sugar in it.

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if you go a week, hell maybe even a few days if you drink often enough, without soda and just have a sip of it, you'll find that it:

1. burns your throat

2. is very disgusting

3. makes you feel like shit

False. I've gone months without soda and it was so good to go back.

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I will forever hate Pepsi. Not because it tastes bad or anything but because it changed who I was. Let me explain. I spent my entire High School wearing a tophat. It was my signature piece and what made me me. After High School I went to College. Half way through my first year of college there was a really windy day. The wind blew my hat off and it got flattened beyond repair by a Pepsi Truck. From that day forth my hatred for Pepsi rose up and I vowed to forever hate the blue label and everything it stood for.

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I will forever hate Pepsi. Not because it tastes bad or anything but because it changed who I was. Let me explain. I spent my entire High School wearing a tophat. It was my signature piece and what made me me. After High School I went to College. Half way through my first year of college there was a really windy day. The wind blew my hat off and it got flattened beyond repair by a Pepsi Truck. From that day forth my hatred for Pepsi rose up and I vowed to forever hate the blue label and everything it stood for.

I'd always wondered where that top hat had gone and why he never wore it anymore after high school.

Also, I don't have a preference for either. I can't taste the difference between pepsi and coke. Then again, I can't taste the difference between most diet drinks with their non-diet counterparts either.

Edited by Sangyul
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I will forever hate Pepsi. Not because it tastes bad or anything but because it changed who I was. Let me explain. I spent my entire High School wearing a tophat. It was my signature piece and what made me me. After High School I went to College. Half way through my first year of college there was a really windy day. The wind blew my hat off and it got flattened beyond repair by a Pepsi Truck. From that day forth my hatred for Pepsi rose up and I vowed to forever hate the blue label and everything it stood for.

That's... really dumb. :facepalm:

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