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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Uh, no, it's not. I've known this guy for over 10 years. I know it's not just "copypasta". As for whether that's "dumb" or not, that's not for you to decide, NM, so stuff it.

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Uh, no, it's not. I've known this guy for over 10 years. I know it's not just "copypasta". As for whether that's "dumb" or not, that's not for you to decide, NM, so stuff it.

Couldn't they just buy a new top hat?

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Uh, no, it's not. I've known this guy for over 10 years. I know it's not just "copypasta". As for whether that's "dumb" or not, that's not for you to decide, NM, so stuff it.

counterpoint: it's ninja monkey

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Couldn't they just buy a new top hat?

He's been looking for one last I heard. Apparently hasn't found one yet.

I would say "prove it" but I'll take your word for it.

Why would I have any reason to lie about this, seriously. He's my IRL friend, and he hasn't done or said anything to offend people. Be nice, or I'm going to get on your case.

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I will forever hate Pepsi. Not because it tastes bad or anything but because it changed who I was. Let me explain. I spent my entire High School wearing a tophat. It was my signature piece and what made me me. After High School I went to College. Half way through my first year of college there was a really windy day. The wind blew my hat off and it got flattened beyond repair by a Pepsi Truck. From that day forth my hatred for Pepsi rose up and I vowed to forever hate the blue label and everything it stood for.

You should be grateful to pepsi for squashing your stupid fucking hat

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Uh, no, it's not. I've known this guy for over 10 years. I know it's not just "copypasta". As for whether that's "dumb" or not, that's not for you to decide, NM, so stuff it.

uh, alright then. then it is a little stupid lol.

Google it if you think it's a copypasta

i did, but i didn't find anything so i figured it to be relatively new or something. i dunno, it's such a silly post i can't see it being anything else but that.

but then again, i saw two military dudes argue on my friend's fb page the other day, and they behaved almost exactly like the navy seal copypasta portrays military personnel to behave.

so i guess i'll take sangyul's word on it, in which case i'd agree with stoly.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I will forever hate Pepsi. Not because it tastes bad or anything but because it changed who I was. Let me explain. I spent my entire High School wearing a tophat. It was my signature piece and what made me me. After High School I went to College. Half way through my first year of college there was a really windy day. The wind blew my hat off and it got flattened beyond repair by a Pepsi Truck. From that day forth my hatred for Pepsi rose up and I vowed to forever hate the blue label and everything it stood for.

changing my vote to pepsi

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so much salt in this thread page christ

coke is a little stronger but pepsi takes longer to go bad. so i prefer coke for a meal and pepsi by itself :V

They're all probably drinking Dead Sea Cola.

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if you go a week, hell maybe even a few days if you drink often enough, without soda and just have a sip of it, you'll find that it:

1. burns your throat

2. is very disgusting

3. makes you feel like shit

soda is not worth it, especially in the us where it's basically just fake sweeteners in a can. i heard mexican coke is delicious because they use real sugar in it.

I drink soda once a month. It's still awesome.

Best meal? Uhhh. . .that one pulled pork that I did with homemade BBQ sauce. Honorable mention to my gratin, which I sacrificed part of a finger for.

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