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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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This has got to be the most random question yet

Pink largely has an unwarranted reputation as an overtly feminine/childish colour. If I was going to ask about perceptions of any colour, pink is the only one that will lead to interesting answers.

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fortunately noted mature forum Far 'From' The Forest is likely above such percepti

It's a girly colour, and you wouldn't see me wearing it.


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It gave the name of a great character in one of my favorite movies.


I look gut wrenchingly bad in pink. But i have nothing against the color. Too much is...well too much though, but i feel that way with all pastels.

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Just like how the preconception before it was switched is that pink used to a be a boyish colour and blue used to be a girlish colour. It's arbitrary.

Wearing pink shirts is confidence in your masculinity, and not that bad looking.

eh, confidence in masculinity is there and obvious to others as long as you aren't insecure in it. i don't need to put on makeup and wear a summer dress to prove to the world that i'm masculine. similarly, i don't need to go out of my way to be macho.

i like the color pink on girls, and the color blue, and the color black. and whatever. as far as wearing pink goes, i don't think the lighter tints of most colors work out for me very well, so i usually stick to dark stuff.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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eh, confidence in masculinity is there and obvious to others as long as you aren't insecure in it. i don't need to put on makeup and wear a summer dress to prove to the world that i'm masculine. similarly, i don't need to go out of my way to be macho.

i like the color pink on girls, and the color blue, and the color black. and whatever. as far as wearing pink goes, i don't think the lighter tints of most colors work out for me very well, so i usually stick to dark stuff.

it was a joke pls this is all i have
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Like any other color, some people can work it and some can't

Not particularly something I favor, but I tend to favor either darker colors, cooler side of the color temperature spectrum, or both, and more desaturated tones so pink is kinda bright for my tastes

saturation -- pls

But it's just like any other color and there's a couple of palettes I like as an artist and designer that features it centrally

it's all about coordination

Edited by Thor Odinson
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If I were to make a list of my favorite colors it would be relatively high. Nothing special completely on its own but works great in combinations of colors/shades

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Pink is an okay color, I just think it's very bright

Some pinks are not all that bright

(and as a fan of more neutral colours, those are the types of pink that I like most)

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pink sucks gatorade is better

Says the guy with the Kirby avatar.

Ahem. . .I like the shades of pink that I can wear, and not look too bad in (which are the ones closer to carnation). The rest are okay.

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