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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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man, i wish i could remember the radio announcer nicknames my roommates came up with for 2 of our other friends. they were hilarious.

other than that, i call my brothers with insults of any and every kind instead of their names, usually.

here, it's pretty much only "stoly" for fuccboi and the shortening of anyone else's username i don't feel like typing out. i only found out about a month ago that parrhesia is furetchen. not that i really talked to him way back when, but i do remember seeing him a lot.

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I think the only nickname I've ever used here is Stoly.

Every time I see clipsey though I chuckle irl


I like how Stoly flows. Everyone else that has a nickname KNOWS why they have it~!

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If I start from my apartment, at 8 AM, I can walk to the hospital where I was born, as well as every place that I've lived since, and make it back to my apartment before dinner. My legs will hurt for the rest of the week, though.

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