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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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nothing beats Thor smashing giant heads after eating entire cows in a wedding dress over a stolen hammer. Thor for bride class confirmed.

I'm fairly familiar with the grecoroman myths, but nothing comes up that currently rivals Thrymskvitha right now. Twelve labors of Hercules is pretty cool though.

Þrymskviða is fucking bomb, yes. My favorite part of it is that its Heimdall's idea to dress Thor as Freyja. Gets me every single time...

I'd have to say Thor and Loki's adventure into Utgard is probably my favorite, if only because that was my introduction to Norse mythology.

Im fond of that too. Its in the Gylfaginning. A lot of cool shit is in the Prose Edda.


Im actually a bigger fan of the Norse creation myth (Ginnungagap) cuz thats just awesome. But Ragnarok is pretty cool. Heimdall vs Loki is just a cool thing.

My favorite myth though? Lokasenna. Thats the one (most believe) that came after the death of Baldr, where Loki shows up and abuses guest right and just mocks the fuck out of everyone. That shit got so funny and then it takes a turn for the worst. Its really the mythical story version of:


Gesta Danorum has some bamfy stuff in it too.

Greek myths? Perseus is a bro.

eclipse tells a bamfy tale of Maui

Nice. Thats pretty freaking cool, ngl.

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... though i could probably roll that into one question, one i will probably use

just not necessarily tomorrow, there can only be one true winner today

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"how would you feel about living on an island?"

note: a real island like malta or hawaii where you're actually pretty limited by space, not like "lol australia's an island :D"

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Eurasia is an island.

Moreso the UK, however.

not like "lol australia's an island :D"

so yeah blow me

EDIT: when i say "island" i mean a proper island like guam or malta

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The UK is a "proper island".

Actually it's two!

How about how "What would you do in a zombie apocalypse"? It's cheesy, but I'd imagine some of the answers would be interesting.

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The UK is a "proper island".

essay question: in what way does the united kingdom & northern ireland, 243,610 km^2 differ from guam, 541.3 km^2, malta, 316 km^2, and oahu, 1545 km^2

[spoiler=answer before reading]you feel confined on a proper island for christ's sake that's literally the point of the question

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It's more than two considering all the scottish isles.

one-up pedantic style

i demand manx representation

EDIT: is the isle of man a scottish isle? i know nothing about it 'cept that 'it exists' and 'mark cavendish was born there'

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EDIT: is the isle of man a scottish isle? i know nothing about it 'cept that 'it exists' and 'mark cavendish was born there'

It belongs to no-one. It's not technically part of the UK and pretty much sits there on its own, independently.

Edit: I believe Guernsey and Jersey are the same.


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