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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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No, but that's more to do with the fact i wouldn't want to live in a foreign country, at least for a significant amount of time. Though i admit i'd miss vast rural and forested areas that are so common here if i were to live in such a small island

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I'd appreciate an internet connection, or at least some form of entertainment so I don't die of boredom.

I'd love to see what you'd guys do without an Internet connection.
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sounds like it'd be a lot of /effort to go to more interesting/niche places

it would not be TERRIBLE but not ideal either

I like it where I am a lot kthx

overall there were nine (9) questions that will be asked or were adapted into something that will be asked, good job lads and lasses

get hype

the suspense is killing me

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Um yeah... I would appreciate good internet connection as well ^o^

I think it would also depend on the weather~

But I guess the main point of this was having a limited amount of space and being isolated =o I'm not sure how I would like that. Actually that would probably still depend. Liiiiike depending on the weather and internet connection. How barren would it be, would it maybe be lush with forests and beautiful with tall mountains so that I'd have some scenery to admire? (Though I figure islands are probably going to typically be like a hill/mountain to help them even peak above the water surface.) Or would it just be... like almost all grass? I think I'm kinda all about the visuals~

Also if there's other sources of entertainment around that would help satisfy me as well!!

Siiiiigh there's just so many factors I can think of though idkkkkkk and I also think there could be other stuff that I'm forgetting/not knowing to address ahhhhhh I feel overwheeeeelmed

I'd love to see what you'd guys do without an Internet connection.

Maaaaybe exactly what they said they'd do~!

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Even though I've never been to any small islands, I went up north in the highlands countryside and there was no internet there. I like having internet.

For a holiday I'd probably love a remote island but not to live on for any extended period of time.

(So yes if it wasn't completely remote and devoid of internet and such.)

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