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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Pretty sure it's Hiddleston not Hiddlestone

EDIT: Checked for the 3rd time. I'm pretty sure it's Hiddleston.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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cordially requesting a one (1) day suspension for anyone unable to follow this simple instruction

i see no good reason to deny this request


so reinfleche posted something better than anything i could possibly come up with. gg.

EDIT: oh no that's right

boney please post the rolling raccoon

Edited by Integrity
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I don't understand what is supposed to be happening here.

so waluigi already got it pretty much, but i'll be more pedantic. when you score in basketball, the ref doesn't handle the ball--the game [and time] just keep going. the opposing team takes the ball and passes it back in so that the game can continue.

this dude ran to the basket, tried to net a shot, missed, literally didn't see his team get the rebound, and just kept going until his teammate called to him. if you'll notice, #15 on the opposing team had a bad viewing angle and also thought that the dude scored a basket, but he was smart enough to look at what was going on and realized his mistake before it was too late.

the funniest part of the gif to me is that everyone stops what they're doing to let the guy come back.


Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Question 357. What is your favourite gif that doesn't contain Tom Hiddlestone?

i'm sick of his ugly fucking face and too-pale skin, it's fucking everywhere, i don't care if you like it or what your thoughts are on it, i don't want to see it in this thread of which i am the opening poster

*points and laughs*


Ohhh thats a favorite of mine too.

Here let me see...

this one is extremely funny.


runnerup goes to this one:


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Normally, I'd say it's the george takei 'oh my' gif, there are plenty of those. Hero King knows what I'm talking about. There's also my obligatory sass gif:


Personally I'd also like to add my RDJ and Channing Tatum gifs, but I don't know if they're allowed...not in like...a super weird way, but yeah...idk.

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Normally, I'd say it's the george takei 'oh my' gif, there are plenty of those. Hero King knows what I'm talking about. There's also my obligatory sass gif:


Personally I'd also like to add my RDJ and Channing Tatum gifs, but I don't know if they're allowed...not in like...a super weird way, but yeah...idk.

hehe this must be a gif to go with everything you say <3

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