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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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the penrose triangle is pretty cool. so is the hypercube. :P

on a related note, do you know why the general consensus for 4d objects is the ability to pass through themselves without incident? i mean, i suppose i have a general intuition for why that is, but i don't really know (and can't find on the internet) the answer.

you overestimate me; I'm not actually that knowledgeable about them

I did some reading a few years ago and concluded they were Pretty Cool but I don't remember much beyond that

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for some reason i thought you were a math major or something. i coulda sworn someone on sf is.

I'm doing about as much math as any engineering/CS major

I may take more down the line 'cause it's Coolâ„¢ but I wouldn't want to major in it

iirc Lumi is doing a math minor or maybe a double-major

I know I talk to another SFer who's a math major relatively frequently

so you're right that at least someoene is

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Question 378. Do you hate hypothetical questions between two negative options?

'would you rather shit uncontrollably or vomit uncontrollably' how about no and die

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hamfisted lame ones suck but there've been more nuanced questions that fit what you describe that've been pretty cool

can't remember what they are, though

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