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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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No way, how??

(f you're ok w/sharing)

Sorry, IMO it's really embarrassing so I don't really want to. Don't mean to be such a tease :( but I had to submit my best for bragging rights.

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You might all laugh at this, but as far as I can remember the closest thing I've gotten to arrest was detention in high school and junior high. In case you wondered, I never got either, but I think I came really close. In high school, one time I left class early, and some other people did too, and my teacher told the rest of the class of the class that didn't leave early that she would be giving detentions to everyone who had left early. I found out about this later from my other friends, and I completely freaked out, I was so worried and I thought I'd never go to college because it'd be on my transcript. So, I went in to talk to her later, and she basically said that she'd let us off if we cleaned up the classroom for her (OF COURSE), so I did that, and...that was all.

In junior high, I was fooling around with some of my friends when we had a sub. We were using whiteboards and markers to do some kind of class exercise, can't quite remember what. And then I was playing with one of my friends and waving the marker near her face like I was going to write on it, and the sub yelled at me to stop. And our teacher had said that if a sub left our name down in their notes about how the class went, we'd get detention right away. No explanations allowed or anything (to this day, I think that was the biggest piece of BS and laziness I've heard from that teacher). So I was terrified that I'd get detention because the sub screamed at me. And of course I didn't, I mean, that would've been ridiculous, but I was really scared at that time.

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Sorry, IMO it's really embarrassing so I don't really want to. Don't mean to be such a tease :( but I had to submit my best for bragging rights.

is ok then..

A friend shanked someone else while I was around

Like "fold-in prank knife" shanked or "shaved toothbrush handle" shanked?

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is ok then..

Like "fold-in prank knife" shanked or "shaved toothbrush handle" shanked?

"Shaved toothbrush handle", It was made from plexiglass from what I could see

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I've been stopped by cops late at night when I'm walking. I don't know why I like walking at night, but I see why people think it's suspicious.

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Ding dong ditch/nigga knockin/whatever it's called these days

Yeah, hitting up the same house three times (heck, even one time is dumb enough) in one night is not smart but darn if it's not hilarious. They were so mad the last time we did it, they were threatening to shoot us if we came back (something like "get the gun, we're shooting the next time they come by"). We stopped after that lol

Shortly afterwards we saw police cars in the area. We were stopped by one of them because we were still roaming the streets like idiots but I was too innocent looking and well spoken to be a suspect ;o they just told us to go home. Thinking back on it now it must have been so obvious that we were the culprits lol. We could have gotten arrested for public disturbance or trespassing or something. Lucky us~

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Never been close to arrest. :x

Actually, there was this one time my cousin and I wanted to sit in some public place, but a police officer (complete with body armour) sternly told us to go away. I guess that sort of counts?

Edited by Nightmare
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Actually, I was arrested by the police while doing a street art piece with my friends, it was our fault however, we weren't really dressed like professionals. We were arrested until we were brought to the owner of the restaurant who explained that it had been commissioned.

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i drove RIGHT by a cop while doing like 25 over the speed limit once

I was really surprised he didn't pull me over. Edited by Frank Castle
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Heehee yeah 25 is preeeetty bad x3

My own dad normally drives 5-10 over the limit, he said the cops don't seem to care until it's about 15 over... around our areas at least~ One area in particular won't even accept a couple mph over the limit

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Either when the cops crashed a high school party, and I was pretty tipsy at that point to really care, or when I was in a scrap downtown once many, many years ago.

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I'm an Indonesian

That should pretty much said it all

Assume for a minute that it doesn't.

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