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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I can't just choose one thing. It's everything. I need to become a better person.

Need to pick one for the answer, I'm afraid.

Edited by Makaze
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Just one thing?

I wish I was less lazy. Be able to concentrate on something and actually do it.

Edited by Nobody
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Need to pick one for the answer, I'm afraid.

Nothing really, then. I don't wanna change anything about me, because I like me too much. If anything, it would be a general change, like what I mentioned.

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pretty much same as nightmarre

i love general improvement of myself but i love myself the way i am so i can't point to a single "I WANNA CHANGE" thing because when that happens i just kinda ...change it, right?

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A thought I had a lot while depressed was "I wish I was somebody else," just a whole new person, as long as they're not-me. In particular I hated having to live inside my own head, where it seemed like every other thought I had triggered a simultaneous "I hate myself." At the same time as wanting to be free of mental baggage, I wanted to be a better enough person that I'd never get myself into a situation where I'd trip over what baggage I had.

That was during a period where I had some spectacular shitbrain.

At the moment, "greater willingness to take (social) risks" would probably be up there. Really getting up the courage to talk to people's still a problem sometimes.

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The fact that I can't just magical girl transform into Thor.

Would like the change that.

(more seriously, I need a better work ethic.)

I know this feel. For i would change the fact i cannot make copies of myself so i can be in five places at once.

Seriously though, compassion is something i lack. I do not have a lot of pity or compassion for those who shout the loudest. For im one of those who believes that, instead of crying about something, you do something about it. So when i hear the plight of the Little Guy, im asking him "why the fuck arent you getting off your ass and doing something about it?" instead of "Here, let me help you up."

Opinions are torn on if my default is preferable to the alternative.

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I like the challenge of improving myself mentally, socially and physically. I do fall short most of the time on the mental part, so I wish I could change the fact that I do lose interest in things (from relationships to games) very quickly.

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Are there any limitations? Like, can I change fundamentally who I am? Would this be a change right now, or across life, or what? I mean, there are an awful lot of ways to improve me... Or should I be looking at something as relatively superficial as my appearance?

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Name the thing that you most want to change about yourself for any term.

Edited by Makaze
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I love my hair so I wouldn't change that lmao

I dunno, I'd want to change myself mentally. I ignore things until the very last minute where my pride kicks in and I'm like, "Fuck, I need to do this and do this well." It's not much of that I don't care, it's that I almost physically can't bring myself to do some things that I don't want to do (aka work) until the last minute unless I really force myself to due to years of habit. I think that's what the biggest problem for me is, I've always done well in school procrastinating and cramming so I continued to do just that, but I also know that's not going to work in the future.

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i was about to say that nobody's said anything physical and then esme defies me at the last second ;.;

I'd like to be far more naturally charismatic and assertive. That's the only change I need.

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I'd like to have less of a tendency to procrastinate.

Also I'd like different hair I guess.

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i was about to say that nobody's said anything physical and then esme defies me at the last second ;.;

Heh! Well, I can't change my height but I can become MUSCLE.

Just a matter of hard work and time.

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I'd be more understanding of others and have an easier time empathizing.

Or maybe less forgetful... that'd also be nice. ~___~

I guess that's two things, though.

Edited by BANRYU
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Maybe I'm being too idealistic (or completely missing the joke, as I'm wont to do), but I say 'everything' is too much to change. There's good in everyone, as the cliche goes.

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