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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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So a peruvian man, a mexican man, and an argentine are travelling in a bus together. They decide to play a game: they would stick their hands out the window and guess what country they're passing through without looking out.

The mexican man sticks his hand out and says "I know we are in Mexico, because I was able to grab a handful of Aztec souvenirs."

The peruvian man sticks his hand out and says "I know we are in Peru, because I was able to grab some chipas."

The argentine man sticks his hand out, and it comes back empty.

"I know we are in Argentina," he says, "because my watch was stolen."

Edited by fuccboi
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Makaze, Parrhesia and Integ have a certain sort of history such that they, ah, sometimes respond differently to each other than they would to other people

but how did they end up in those circumstances to begin with

there is no question mark because the question has answered itself - they got where they are from the same crap

All parties made only a few valid, and many, absurd, points - during all accounts, not just the past QotD - such that even the normally level headed Parrhesia made a right fool of himself. I am so disappointed that even this plethora of corny jokes cannot rouse my humour.

Or maybe you three are the joke gasp


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I would echo two of these points back. Disclaimer: You are right. Want to give some perspective.

How I disagree with others is out of Parrhesia's (and some others') control. Their response to it, however, IS under their control.

I don't think you should have people down your throat, especially if you found the quote from Scientology was hilarious. If I wasn't sure, I would ask you what you meant by it.

What I think is cool is not superior to what others think is offensive. No matter how funny I think a theoretical dead baby joke is, telling it to a woman who just had a miscarriage is tasteless, and I would be wrong for doing so. This is where considering other people's feelings comes in.

I don't mind if people ask me things about my answers to these questions. I am open to talking them out and explaining them. I am less open to people who repeatedly assume the worst and refuse to consider that I was not trying to be offensive. People who just want me to stop posting as the bottom line are not fun or easy to deal with.

How do you propose I respond when someone is caustic to me out of nowhere, with no chance of reconciliation?

First, stop playing the victim card. Remember that action/reaction are tied, and if you did something else (like ASK before posting something that isn't considered mainstream, much like how Lumi did before posting some Norse stuff; also, for today's QOTD, I made sure that it was okay to post an anti-joke before posting it), you'd probably get a different response. You're the only one that knows your true motives; everyone else has to guess at them. If your outlook in life is one that you know may be offensive to others, you have to make sure that they can see why you're doing things - otherwise, you look like you're being contrary for the sake of being contrary, and that's not cool. You're free to see things differently, but if you want to ease the amount of friction, you also need to make sure that other people understand why you act the way you do. Others don't have to accept you for your views, nor will I force them to.

tl;dr - When in doubt, ask.

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[spoiler=How do the French mete out justice?]With le pain.

Edited by Makaze
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Let me just say this here: you can't tell someone their choice is invalid with regards to religious text (religion itself is SUBJECTIVE i.e. based on the faith of the believer) and then hound them when they post a sarcastic response because they're no longer taking it seriously. Come on. If you want someone to be serious, don't basically tell them "Oh, your opinion doesn't matter". Anyone would respond to that with a form of satire.

With that said, eclipse, I don't think you should be required to ask if your or someone else's religion is "valid" prior to posting a excerpt from its texts. If the original person asking the question is going to put limits on it like that, they should cite those caveats up-front.

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