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Conceptually, the best Fire Emblem Story.


Conceptually, what is the best Fire Emblem Plot  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Conceptually, what is the best Fire Emblem Plot

    • Shadow Dragon
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Eemblem
    • Genealogy of Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Blazing Sword
    • The Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Awakening

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Fire Emblem stories are somewhat unique in the way they are so dependent on the mechanics and gameplay. This sometimes serves as a boon but other times can impair the story. So I ask you, thinking purely on the ideas and themes presented, ignoring the way in which it was actually executed/wrote/acted, what do you think is the Fire Emblem with the best story?

Edited by Jotari
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I would say Awakening because the time traveling shit and all that could've been really cool if done right, but obviously it failed. Conceptually, with the themes and ideas, I think it could've been pretty nice.

But I think I'm gonna go with FE10, it could've been really good story wise if the writing was better in certain places.

Edited by Ciarre
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Fire Emblem stories are somewhat unique in the way they are so dependent on the mechanics and gameplay. This sometimes serves as a boon but other times can impair the story. So I ask you, thinking purely on the ideas and themes presented, ignoring the way in which it actually executed/wrote/acted, what do you think is the Fire Emblem with the best story?

In terms of ideas and themes I have to give props to Thracia 776 for its ground-level view of war among (mostly) ordinary people. Other FE games do make the same points I find resonant in Thracia-- your opponents are people too, the "good" guys might not be as good as you think, the history you take for granted may be BS, politics is messy, and the true horror of war is the suffering it brings to the people just trying to go about their lives-- but I think Thracia does an especially good job at gathering these themes together in one package. Execution-wise, it has the fatal(?) flaw of being a midquel with a totally contrived and underwhelming final "antagonist"-- not perfect by any means, but remarkably rich raw material.

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I like simple concepts. Starting simple and then branching out works best compared to starting complex and then trying to keep everything in check. In that respect, I'll go with Shadow Dragon or Gaiden.

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FE4 has the best, most intriguing, most emotional and most legendary storyline.

The tale of a war that lasts many generations, the tragic events, the grand feel... It is just great.

If the writing was better, and the gameplay was Thracia 776 quality... it would be a perfect game.

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4 and 10 are the only contenders in my opinion, but 4 loses for the following reasons:

1. The love-at-first-sight plotline that the first gen relies on. If this could go away, maybe it can be saved, but as far as I recall that would require some big change.

2. The entire second gen being basically nothing.

RD has its flaws for sure, but conceptually, it clearly has the most to achieve and it really just needs better writing and some finer details ironed out.

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RD has its flaws for sure, but conceptually, it clearly has the most to achieve and it really just needs better writing and some finer details ironed out.

I'd have to agree with what Red Fox says.

While I probably have some prejudices about RD much like how a portion of the fanbase absolutely hates Awakening... Radiant Dawn was trying to aspire to for an "epic" feel.

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Radiant Dawn has pretty terrible execution, but I love the idea of fairly realistic followup to a typical fire emblem story. Daein citizens feeling like post-WW1 Germany. Crimea not just accepting that the secret princess pulled from nowhere by mercenaries is their rightful queen.

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Fire Emblem 4 hands down. It's dark, epic, tragic and it makes the rest of the series (with 1 or 2 exceptions MAYBE) look like a children's fairy tale. It actually shares some similarities with Game of Thrones. This game, percentage wise, has the highest body count of characters in the series and I like that. The game also has the best representation of medieval politics out of the series and it has some darker elements (like the main character getting pwned and his army getting destroyed) that help the story stand out from the series.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like this topic. The idea of looking at a Fire Emblem game objectively without actually delving into it is something I've never really tried to do before. I haven't thought about FE10 much, but seeing it be defended in this way, I fully understand its potential. Awakening's story was also good at a glance, but wasn't entirely put to its best, and that's generally due to the characters. Not many of them have enough real moments to make them strong characters and my overwhelming bias of armor knights just wasn't enough to save Kellam.

But, immediately, I chose FE4. I just love how everything is set up. The small cast leads to stronger development for each character, little to if any, since they are all available and you generally won't have to leave anyone behind (when they aren't Ardan). Hell, I think Noish only has a few lines in the beginning and hardly has any more in the future, but you still remember him(or just me) since he's always there even if he can only do chip damage. In this way, you feel more connected to all the characters since with such a little cast, since even though they may not all be able to ORKO an enemy, they're still building blocks to a strong army to take on an enemy. And although not entirely related to this current arguement, while everyone else seems to dislike the large maps, but that's actually one of my favorite parts since it puts more stress on the player that most other FE games don't.

It's theming is a lot darker than the other series, with the most quick answer that most of the cast from the first generation dies immediately which is much more shocking after you've grown with all the characters. The slaughtering and gathering of children to be servants for Loptuoso I kind of glossed over at the beginning and didn't realize its actual strength mostly due to the fact that I never pay attention to anything and that the game also glosses over it. The fact that FE5 gaining such a huge cast but looking back on FE4 where you only recruit Leif, Nanna and Finn made me think that everyone Leif recruited beforehand died defending the castle or left by other means, but that can probably be argued by another point that I can't think of since I lost my train of thought somewhere.

Even with its restraints at the time, it accomplishes a lot more that the other games couldn't which I feel is mostly due to the smaller cast and the stakes slowly raised throughout the game.

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"Eureka, I've found the best way to phrase a poll about the stories in the fe games to make sure fe4 runs away with it" :p

4 and 10 are the only contenders in my opinion, but 4 loses for the following reasons:
1. The love-at-first-sight plotline that the first gen relies on. If this could go away, maybe it can be saved, but as far as I recall that would require some big change.
2. The entire second gen being basically nothing.

RD has its flaws for sure, but conceptually, it clearly has the most to achieve and it really just needs better writing and some finer details ironed out.

1. At the least, I can construct an interpretation for why it makes some logical sense on Deirdre's end. Unfortunately, this explanation still can't offer a better reason for Sigurd's falling than "he can be kind of an idiot in select things." (I happen to like that interpretation for his character, though, so I'm actually okay with that myself)

2. Oi


The execution might have a dozen-plus potholes, but at its skeletal structure it's basically Star Wars. It's lacking, but nothin? 'atsa bit harsh, gov

Edited by Rehab
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The execution might have a dozen-plus potholes, but at its skeletal structure it's basically Star Wars. It's lacking, but nothin? 'atsa bit harsh, gov

I never was a big fan of Star Wars. The plot of Star Wars isn't exactly super special anyway.
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Out of all I've played so far, FE4 was the most ambitious in scope. However, in execution, it has got to be one of the most frustrating stories I've ever sat through, because it was loaded with interesting ideas and events that it constantly refused to develop in any way, to the point that I had a hard time even understanding what was going on the first time I played it.

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I think FE4 has an interesting story, but i really haven't played it so i voted for sacred stones and it's sad villain ending, it was a nice story to me, i'm also currently playing fe12 and i'm starting to like it, i think i'll give a shot to fe 11 too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh hands down Genealogy of the Holy War. The sheer amount of backstory, plot, main character, side characters, (for the most part, my condolences Noish) a unforseen twist, a continuation, and heck, after ALL of that? Midquel continuation in the next game. I Reeeeeealy do love my Elibe series though but I concede without a doubt, FE4 has the best story.

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Oh dude FE4 has this one in the bag man. The sheer scale of everything is huge for one, and the stakes are quite high at all times. IIRC every two maps consist of a single war that your characters partake in. Like for example the prologue and the 1st chapter when invading Verdane is the war where you subdue Verdane. That's just one example. Pretty sure this is why the final chapter is called the "Last Holy War." The fact that all these characters are veterans in that sense is supremely epic in my eyes and really adds to the overall gravitas the game has going for it.

Seeing the tragic fall of the first generation and the rise to victory of the next was an extremely fun ride for me. With the high point for sure being the fight against Arvis and Seliph, damn that was amazing! The main thing they should have worked on though was to fine tune the story, there should be more narrative than what we got. All we have in there is the bare bones for a plot with some great lines no less. But definitely expand the script if they remake it. Also the many characters who have one or two lines should have more supports if its remade also. And yep, the second gen is kind of blahly done also. It pretty much boils down to "You took back Isaac? Hooray! Let's go get Thracia!" ect ect till you win it all.

I never really minded the love at first sight thing for Sigurd and Dierdre. It's not entirely unrealistic, I'm sure this happened a few times with Lords/tribal leaders/whoever happening upon women they fancied. A lot of women back then wouldn't necessarily object to this because they pretty much have it terrible as lowly serfs. Marrying into the nobility gets you rich quick and hell, it was the only way to live as a woman for thousands of years.

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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