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[FE9: Averages] Refa (nihil limit) VS. Horace


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Makalov be healing with Renewal (48/58)

Turn 9-


Horace's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Refa's Boyd (Silver Bow)

Yaddah yaddah nihils and stuff.

28-1 (27) damage / 100 hit / 0 crit.

(numbers and stuff)/2= (I didn't actually roll)

Boyd receives a flesh wound. (11/60)

Refa may now act.

[spoiler=This has little chance of ending well]

Horace                       Refa
Makalov (48/58)              Zihark (0/52)
Calill (0/54)                Boyd (11/60)
Largo (0/60)                 Brom (0/55)
Nasir(48/60)[13/20]          Mist (53/53)
Ike (26/52)                  Jill (30/48)
Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Boyd, end Ike with your Silver Axe. Not that there's much better that you can do!

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Turn 10-


Refa's Boy Warrior (Silver Axe) vs. Horace's Eisenhower (Silver Sword)

Nihil, nihil, why is typing a word twice so annoying?!

27+2-1 (28) damage / 86-10+5 (81) hit / 0 crit

(51+89)/2= (70)

Boyd defies the curse of the WTD and hits Ike in the face! With an axe! (0/52)

Congratulations headband, you just killed a president, how does that make you feel?

[spoiler=All this nihil is making me tired]

Horace              Refa
Makalov (48/58)     Zihark (0/52)
Calill (0/54)       Boyd (11/60)
Largo (0/60)        Brom (0/55)
Nasir(48/60)[13/20] Mist (53/53)
Ike (0/52)          Jill (30/48)

Horace can go now.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Makalov is using renewal-chi to become one with the hax (53/58)

TURN 11-


Horace's Nohilsir (Breath) vs. Refa's President Killer Boyd (Silver Axe)

Nihil double activation!

Nasir breathes at Boyd, this guy just keeps getting creepier and creepier.

29-1 (28) damage / 89 hit / 0 hit

(37+0)/2= (19)

Aaaaand death. (0/60)

Refa may now act.

[spoiler=I got nothing]

Horace               Refa
Makalov (53/58)      Zihark (0/52)
Calill (0/54)        Boyd (0/60)
Largo (0/60)         Brom (0/55)
Creep(48/60)[9/20]   Mist (53/53)
Ike (0/52)           Jill (30/48)
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Turn 12-


Refa's Mist (Runesword) vs. Horace's Cotton-Candy Head (Silver Lance)

Makalol's Parody kicks in!

Mist uses her witch magic!

24 (24) damage / 55 hit / 0 crit.

(68+47)/2= (57)

What, were you expecting a hit?

Drunken Chair attacks!

31 damage / 88 hit / 0 crit

(52+9)/2= (30)

You know you suck when a guy who trips over diner chairs barely has to try to stab you (22/53)

[spoiler=Remind me why you did that again, Refa.]

Horace                    Refa
Makalov (53/58)           Zihark (0/52)
Calill (0/54)             Boyd (0/60)
Largo (0/60)              Brom (0/55)
Creep(48/60)[9/20]        Mist (21/53)
Ike (0/52)                Jill (30/48)

Horace, action, go!

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Did he count it? Still wouldnt affect that round tho

Yeah, it wouldn't.

Teams with Callil + Nasir seem to be unbeatable. Though I'm still going to beat Athena if my match ever updates :P

I don't think this match really proves anything besides I'm really unlucky.

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Teams with Callil + Nasir seem to be unbeatable. Though I'm still going to beat Athena if my match ever updates :P

To be fair, Athena kept poking at Shinon with Nasir through a Laguzguard. Which were really bad misplays followed by more of em. ZM did the same thing vs Elieson. Why attack with a laguz through an obvious Laguzguard (i mean, the damage displayed got halfed so its clear and since theyre doing poor damage with the laguz why not change to, say, Ike?)

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Makalov doesn't have WTA...

Oh...doesn't matter, Mist still dies. Magic weapons don't get WT effects though, your right.

Renewal-kalov (58/58)

Turn 13-


Refa's Mist (Runesword) vs. Horace's Cotton-Candy Head (Silver Lance)

Drunken Chair's Parody kicks in!

Drunken Chair attacks!

31 damage / 88 hit / 0 crit

(9+73)/2= (41)

You know you suck when a guy who trips over diner chairs barely has to try to kill you (0/53)

[spoiler=OMG edits so original like a whole new thing!]

Horace                    Refa
Makalov (58/58)           Zihark (0/52)
Calill (0/54)             Boyd (0/60)
Largo (0/60)              Brom (0/55)
Nasir(48/60)[6/20]        Mist (0/53)
Ike (0/52)                Jill (30/48)

Refa, action, go!

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To be fair, Athena kept poking at Shinon with Nasir through a Laguzguard. Which were really bad misplays followed by more of em. ZM did the same thing vs Elieson. Why attack with a laguz through an obvious Laguzguard (i mean, the damage displayed got halfed so its clear and since theyre doing poor damage with the laguz why not change to, say, Ike?)

I did the same thing with Nasir on his Ike. But I will admit, I wouldn't have stood a chance if Athena had perfect play.

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I wonder how Nihil vs Nihil teams would be like? First player wins/has the upper hand? It almost would've happened with me vs Shin (as I was considering changing to full Nihil in losers) Probably shouldve changed to Nihil, oh well.

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