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Awkward Times When People Flirt With You


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So, uh.

Today, a guy started flirting with me using innuendos. It was creepy and awkward all in one...

And earlier this week, a girl (who knew my FUCKING NAME) started trying to talk to me. I walked away, she tried to poke/hug/poke-hug me.

Yeah that's it.

I'm bored and wanna hear others' stories.

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I've been thinking about putting a note in my locker that says "Thanks for asking, but i'm not interested in a relationship.", and I'll open it when a girl comes for a relationship(probably never). More likely the janitor will start laughing at it.

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I've been thinking about putting a note in my locker that says "Thanks for asking, but i'm not interested in a relationship.", and I'll open it when a girl comes for a relationship(probably never). More likely the janitor will start laughing at it.

a girl asks you if you're single

you turn tail

walk away

she wonders why you're being such a prick and walks away

you stop outside your locker, open it, turn and see there's nobody there

except the girl's sister

who shoves your head inside the locker and breaks your arms

this is a bad plan op

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I once took a walk in the neighbourhood and a girl just said "go out with me," and it was incredibly awkward, I didn't even know them. For some reason, when I was about 14 this kind of stuff happened a lot, but not any year since, which makes me kind of sad actually. I think I need to get in better shape.

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So at my old job we had a pretty notable amount of gay dudes that would come through, and I'm not gay but I've caught on to the fact that gay guys find me a lot more attractive than women do, for the most part, so I always winked at a few of them here and there and that's why I always made the most tips. Same applies for middle aged women.

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i don't understand why people ask your relationship status just to make conversation. it really fucks with me because i don't know if you're flirting with me or not. most of the time i lie saying not at the moment but what i actually mean is i've never had a girlfriend.

im just getting this off my chest

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I've been thinking about putting a note in my locker that says "Thanks for asking, but i'm not interested in a relationship.", and I'll open it when a girl comes for a relationship(probably never). More likely the janitor will start laughing at it.

Hey, janitors get pretty lonely too!

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One time... Some underage girls came into the library and starting hitting on me. One of them tried to sit in my lap.

My mother was at a shelf about ten feet away giggling to death.

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There's a guy back in 10th grade who always came into my chem class but I suspect it's more to be a dick/have some laughs than actually trying to flirt

was annoying

would have shoved a chair up his face if I didn't want a clean record

I have better things to do than deal with some asshole's bullshit

And there's reasons I display as male/genderless in most places

Had enough dealing with getting hit on by internet dudes fuck that shit

If you try to flirt with me without being annoying about it (I will probably hate you if you do be annoying) I probably won't get it, though sorry I'm kinda dense

Best bet is just not because if I'm actually interested in a dude I will take the initiative myself so saves you a letdown anyway

Edited by Thor Odinson
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If i notice unwanted flirtation going on in my general direction, i will send a signal that shuts it down immediately. Its either a stink eye, a roll of my eyes, or just turning away from the flirter. I am aware of the body language involved with this practice and i use it. If someone is leaning in, thats invasive and even when im actually trying to flirt, leaning in is something i do not do. (unless i see an invite for it.)

Had enough dealing with getting hit on by internet dudes fuck that shit

Its kinda weird cuz i havent had to deal with this that much. Ive been told its because i come off a bit unaccessible to the Average Joe Neckbeard webz user. /shrug

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I'm about inaccessible as it gets but I still get hit on anyway

Hmmm. Ive actually been flirted with online at westeros.org by various dudes, but thats really the only place ive experienced that. /shrug

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Hmmm. Ive actually been flirted with online at westeros.org by various dudes, but thats really the only place ive experienced that. /shrug

"When a man's blood is up, anything with tits looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake. Just waiting to be eaten."

Edited by Makaze
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