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Tharja figure released (Mar 17th)

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I've always ranted on this issue, about how silly it was to make one of Tharja instead of an actual main character, when Tharja is pretty much, an indirect way of fanservice herself. But I've said that, before in a few topics, I think.

So instead, I'll actually praise that it's a really well-made figure. Expected the box to be much more square-shaped.

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wow. to think, it's been thirteen months since it was announced, and nearly two years since FE13 was released in Japan too. i freely admit i'm not totally familiar with how release cycles go for high-quality figures but goddamn that seems like a dangerously long time to leave a presumably expensive merch project. the FE13 release zeitgeist is well and truly over, and while productions like those drama CDs are cheap enough to make to still be reasonable to produce even now, a project as expensive to produce as a high-quality figure of a minor character (even one as fanservicey as Tharja) seems like a risky prospect. and that's to say nothing of how the Lucina and Cordelia ones still haven't emerged beyond the prototype phase!

frankly, given how long it's been since the announcement with relatively scarce news since, i was kind of expecting the entire project to never materialise and just sort of be swept under the rug. i guess this is another victory for gratuitous, poorly conceived fanservice? sigh

oh well

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wow. to think, it's been thirteen months since it was announced, and nearly two years since FE13 was released in Japan too. i freely admit i'm not totally familiar with how release cycles go for high-quality figures but goddamn that seems like a dangerously long time to leave a presumably expensive merch project. the FE13 release zeitgeist is well and truly over, and while productions like those drama CDs are cheap enough to make to still be reasonable to produce even now, a project as expensive to produce as a high-quality figure of a minor character (even one as fanservicey as Tharja) seems like a risky prospect. and that's to say nothing of how the Lucina and Cordelia ones still haven't emerged beyond the prototype phase!

frankly, given how long it's been since the announcement with relatively scarce news since, i was kind of expecting the entire project to never materialise and just sort of be swept under the rug. i guess this is another victory for gratuitous, poorly conceived fanservice? sigh

oh well

From looking around at other figures(I don't remember what specifically, but there is apparently some Hatsune Miku figure that's been delayed three times now), a lot of these kinds of figures do take a long time to release, but I agree in that it doesn't seem very profitable :/

Though, Marth sure is taking his sweet time, he was announced at the same time as Tharja, and isn't as high quality so lol

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From looking around at other figures(I don't remember what specifically, but there is apparently some Hatsune Miku figure that's been delayed three times now), a lot of these kinds of figures do take a long time to release, but I agree in that it doesn't seem very profitable :/

Though, Marth sure is taking his sweet time, he was announced at the same time as Tharja, and isn't as high quality so lol

Not surprising considering how GSC and Max Factory prioritizes their Hatsune Miku licenses over all the other franchises

Still it's pretty funny seeing the Nintendo Authentic sticker slapped on there going, WE APPROVE THIS POSE!

Edited by kingddd
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wow. to think, it's been thirteen months since it was announced, and nearly two years since FE13 was released in Japan too. i freely admit i'm not totally familiar with how release cycles go for high-quality figures but goddamn that seems like a dangerously long time to leave a presumably expensive merch project. the FE13 release zeitgeist is well and truly over, and while productions like those drama CDs are cheap enough to make to still be reasonable to produce even now, a project as expensive to produce as a high-quality figure of a minor character (even one as fanservicey as Tharja) seems like a risky prospect. and that's to say nothing of how the Lucina and Cordelia ones still haven't emerged beyond the prototype phase!

frankly, given how long it's been since the announcement with relatively scarce news since, i was kind of expecting the entire project to never materialise and just sort of be swept under the rug. i guess this is another victory for gratuitous, poorly conceived fanservice? sigh

oh well

That's what I thought too. FE13 was the game that revived the series, so you'd think that merchandise like that would be released before two years had passed and interest had died down. I like Tharja well enough, but I'm a little miffed that she got a figure for the sole purpose of fanservice while Lucina's "Marth" figure is still a prototype and Chrom—the main character—hasn't gotten one. But seeing how pre-orders for the Tharja figure were nearly gone in several of the places I checked, I guess the Japanese have different priorities.

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That's what I thought too. FE13 was the game that revived the series, so you'd think that merchandise like that would be released before two years had passed and interest had died down. I like Tharja well enough, but I'm a little miffed that she got a figure for the sole purpose of fanservice while Lucina's "Marth" figure is still a prototype and Chrom—the main character—hasn't gotten one. But seeing how pre-orders for the Tharja figure were nearly gone in several of the places I checked, I guess the Japanese have different priorities.

i could certainly understand a delay of a year or so - wait a bit in case FE13 flops (which as we all know they considered to be a real possiblity), then if it actually doesn't it's safe to go ahead with the merch. coming out with the expensive merch so late is also a bit of a gamble, but of the two scenarios it's certainly the one that has less chance of stinging (for Nintendo/intsys and their ridiculous war chest, anyway)

i was tempted to go on a bit of a spiel about when i think intsys may have looked into commissioning this product, but let's face it. i have no idea what i'm talking about so i should quit while i'm ahead. :P

maybe the delay isn't as big a deal as i believe. i mean, basically every bit of FE3-5 merch there is came out in the early-mid 2000s, but then again, none of it came even close to super-high-quality super-expensive figures like this

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I've always ranted on this issue, about how silly it was to make one of Tharja instead of an actual main character, when Tharja is pretty much, an indirect way of fanservice herself. But I've said that, before in a few topics, I think.

So instead, I'll actually praise that it's a really well-made figure. Expected the box to be much more square-shaped.

Fanservice is the only reason Tharja exists. And from what I've seen, the almost all of these figures exist for fanservice alone too.

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Now that I think of it, those FE4 figurines were released in 2004(ish) so lol

2006, actually, but they weren't so much as pretending to be high quality figurines

still a bizarre choice in timing and all, but being basically oversized gachapon toys in a slightly fancier box probably made them less of a financial risk? idk

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Finaly I can get this figure, or not...

Wait, My payement isn't accepted?! Why amiami, why? It worked for the other products but not for this one?...

After that I have checked my settings and have clicked on "continue" without any update. Now I must wait a new invoice, shit.

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That really is a nice figure. Not worth the dough but nice looking. Dat pose lol...

Ehh, collectors are still gonna want this. And pervy weebs So i dont think its too nutzo that it took so long getting out. It is a bit long, but Awakening now has a worldwide fanbase so who knows.


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Although if it were of Fredrick, Ana would be all over it

Not if he's naked or standing in some dumbshit pose like that. >.>

But otherwise, most likely. :wub:

This figure of Tharja is pure fanservice though. It's well-made, but still. And I agree with the people saying Chrom should've gotten a figure first. He IS the main character. Still, I'd rather have figures that AREN'T just pure fanservice.

I would buy a character figure because of the character, not because of their body.

Edited by Anacybele
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Regardless, it's a really nice figure... figurine. Lots'a details and I'd buy it if I had enough money... If only. I'm still waiting on the masked Marth figurine too, even if I could never afford it.

A little bit out of the topic, but whatever happened to those rubber phone straps?

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Hmm...is Sariya an improper translation now that the box art has SALLYA all over it?

No. That was the fan translation, and we get to translate it however we want to. A lot of the characters already had names in English by the NOJ before the American release: Gaius was Guire, Olivia was Olivie, etc.

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Hmm...is Sariya an improper translation now that the box art has SALLYA all over it?

it was always an improper translation because the katakana reads "sarya". we were stuck with "sariya" until the english release because somebody fucked up in the prerelease hype period, and unlike the initial misreading of "nn" as "soso" nobody bothered correcting it

fortunately, now that we're a year into the english version being a thing, i don't have to get as snippy about it as i used to :P

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Regardless, it's a really nice figure... figurine. Lots'a details and I'd buy it if I had enough money... If only. I'm still waiting on the masked Marth figurine too, even if I could never afford it.

A little bit out of the topic, but whatever happened to those rubber phone straps?

If it makes you feel better, the Marth Figurine should be a good bit cheaper than Tharja because it is a Figma. (still expensive, though, browsing through figmas on a few sites seemed that they were genreally $30-$45)

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