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Does nitpicking prevent us from enjoying a series?


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This came to mind when thinking of Fire Emblem Awakening. At first glance, the game's story and character's seem decent if not great. But, once you look deeper and realize how the game ignores the mythos established from previous games, critical plot elements, and how flat some of the characters are, your perspective changes. I'm asking, if we look at these faults, does it prevent us from enjoying the content given?

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I try not to sweat the small stuff. In the end, if the game is enjoyable to you then the nitpicks don't really matter all too much.

Some people really care about the nitty-gritty details like that and that makes lots of sense, too.

Outside the scope of games look at the movie Pacific Rim:

You can tear that movie apart based on plot inconsistencies and generic bullcrap and some hilarious unrealistic physics.

If you are immersed in a film or a game you can be wrenched out of that immersion by noticing a lot of these things. For some people a giant robot wielding a cargo ship as a blunt weapon is so insanely stupid they are jarred from immersion and they aren't "in" the movie anymore, but rather wondering wtf that ship is made of and how it can POSSIBLY float on water.

To me the movie was an awesome nod at all the things I find cool and did what it set out to do: entertain the living crap out of me.

But that aside, I definitely get caught up in details if they screw up my immersion, so I fall into the former category more often than not. I made a rule to avoid reading a novel or graphic novel or whatever that a movie is based on if I haven't yet so I don't spend the movie picking apart why it sucks cause it isn't like the book.

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Depending on how you think and look at things, yes. I feel like the fun is taken out of the experience somewhat when you only try to look for flaws and shortcomings. But at the same time, I do think it's important to understand the problems with something and to keep in mind what should be improved, as well as the fact that no matter how amazing it might be, it's not perfection. There should be a balance struck somewhere in between these points of view, so you can simultaneously enjoy something and acknowledge the flaws. At least, that's how I try to see things...

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You can enjoy content while still being critical of its shortcomings and problematic aspects of it

I have lots of qualms about various things in Thor 2 but it's still my favourite movie and if I didn't have a ton of schoolwork I'd watch it another 10 times (and hell i just dropped $20 on a hard copy dvd I never do that for anything else)

I can't speak for others but I criticise the things I like because I like them and I enjoy them but they could still do better and as a fan I just want them to be the best that they can be

Edited by Thor Odinson
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This came to mind when thinking of Fire Emblem Awakening. At first glance, the game's story and character's seem decent if not great.


But, once you look deeper

not really

and realize how the game ignores the mythos established from previous games, critical plot elements, and how flat some of the characters are

good job!

your perspective changes.

and there you go again.

I'm asking, if we look at these faults, does it prevent us from enjoying the content given?

does a game/show/album/porno's glaring flaws block one's enjoyment of it???

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does a game/show/album/porno's glaring flaws block one's enjoyment of it???

"everyone had their clothes on in this porno, it was the worst!"

(yeah i get what your point was it's just that's what came to mind when you said "porno's glaring flaws")

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I tend to notice nitpicks a lot, but I don't think a few small problems are enough to find a game or a movie bad. I only think that nitpicks are a problem if they're obvious and/or consistent.

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You can enjoy content while still being critical of its shortcomings and problematic aspects of it

I have lots of qualms about various things in Thor 2 but it's still my favourite movie and if I didn't have a ton of schoolwork I'd watch it another 10 times (and hell i just dropped $20 on a hard copy dvd I never do that for anything else)

I can't speak for others but I criticise the things I like because I like them and I enjoy them but they could still do better and as a fan I just want them to be the best that they can be

I got Thor, Avengers, and Thor 2 on hard copy dvd nao. Cuz trilogy!!!

Pretty much this. Theres a lot of stuff i like that i give the side-eye on occasion. I love the game, Legend of Dragoon. A lot. But im not gonna delude myself into thinking its writing is the best ever, or just gloss over it. I love things and when i love things, im going to find some things i dont like about the things i love. Like i love the ASOIAF adaptation (Game of Thrones) but i acknowledge that its not totally faithful sometimes and it does things im not fond of. (Littlefinger Brothel Scene......<.<) Same with the Harry Potter movies and the books' having some very contrived circumstances.

As for Awakening, i hate its plot and think its dumb, so what i do is just play the game for....the game itself. Which is something i love! That game is fucking fun as a party in Odin's hall. Hang the plot. I acknowledge that the plot is crap but it is not taking my enjoyment away from the game.

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I got digital copies for thor and avengers but they're kinda stuck to the laptop

I was gonna order Thor2 dvd over amazon but the shipping and tax by itself went over >10 (it was a 16 dollar dvd what the fuck) and I was gonna get digital because it was infuriating (but then it'd be desktopbound)

but then I conveniently went to a mall to get interview clothes and picked up thor2 there yay

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Mine only came with one deleted scene tho

Will just have to YT the others I suppose

Same. I was a little more than furious. Oh well. You know the deleted scene i wanted. Grrrrrr

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If theres a lot to nitpick and the amount of problems of a series outweighs the good aspects of it, then yes it will. I'll likely just lose interest and drop it completely.

But there will always be things to nitpick at no matter how good a series is and theres nothing wrong with liking it and you can still be a fan while acknowledging those flaws. Its when people blindly defend and get irrationally angry over any criticism for a series is when it becomes a problem.

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There are many games, shows and movies with several inconsistencies or bad plot twists that are enjoyable overall.

This is most common with TV shows, since the writers write as it goes most of the time. Lost is one of my favorite shows and it's ridden with inconsistencies.

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(@ OP) An apt question. The Nostalgia Critic went into this question a bit as it relates to films, but I think some points he makes are still applicable to things like this. Personally, I tend to do the most nitpicking on games I like the most, actually; I nitpick the shit out of FE Awakening and SSB Brawl because of how much I enjoy them, I think maybe as sort of a way of expressing that-- and how much more I'd LIKE to enjoy them. Rather, I think I nitpick because I don't WANT to have any problems with something I like so much, so it's sort of wishful thinking that the game was indeed as perfect as I'd like. Nitpicking could also be a way of keeping developers accountable for their mistakes in a way (assuming devs read game reviews, which I think is a safe guess to make) by letting them know how they can improve for future installments.

It just makes me appreciate games like FE7 and LoZ Wind Waker all the more though sometimes, since I can scarcely think of anything to nitpick with them.

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