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Which characters did you like and why?


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One of the reasons I love Freddy and Avatar's support is because of the awesome twist it gives to the old saying "the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach." lol

It's not the typical feed-the-guy-his-favorite-foods scenario, but a relatively more complex help-the-guy-get-used-to-food-he-hates-so-he-stops-starving-himself scenario.

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[spoiler=a new twist]

One of the reasons I love Freddy and Avatar's support is because of the awesome twist it gives to the old saying "the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach." lol

It's not the typical feed-the-guy-his-favorite-foods scenario, but a relatively more complex help-the-guy-get-used-to-food-he-hates-so-he-stops-starving-himself scenario.


“The fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach. The curve of this knife's blade makes it easy.”
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift description

Anyways.... my favorite characters are probably Cherche, due to her charm and poise, while still being a badass, and Lucina, for being an overall well-written and interesting character, as well as a character I like as a person as well as being very attractive and graceful ofc. Also: for being a badass.

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After using Gangrel in my most recent playthrough, my love for the character has grown; cliche but delicious in his own way.

"Where's the messy end I was promised?" I always get a chuckle from his quips.

Edited by Shades
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[spoiler=a new twist]

Well, that was slightly morbid. You better hope Ana doesn't take offense.

Gangrel has the honor of being the one aesthetic reason why I ever play Casual mode. ARRRGH, HOW ANNOYING! How DARE they defeat me!

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Behehehehe Kukri joke.

Fred's supports just annoy me because he CLEARLY has a personality and some unique quirks that (I think) we actually haven't seen before in a character like him. Writing his supports about such a mundane topic is a waste of his character; I think it does him an injustice, honestly. The only thing about his supports that seems particularly fitting for his character is his quite manly proposal.

Gangrel has some of the best goddang one-liners in the game. That old crazy bastard is just a delight.

Edited by BANRYU
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Why would I take offense to that? It's morbid, like you said, but it's not trying to insult any of my opinions or nothing. I think. xP

Banryu, Freddy is definitely unlike past Jagens, lol. None of them are as nagging, pessimistic, nanny-like, and just plain ridiculous as he is. But I love him to so many pieces anyway because of what I said in my first post in the thread. :3

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Miriel and Laurent have this weird kind of charm, I always like reading their supports for reasons I absolutely can't put my finger on. It's... pleasant in an odd way, not always particularly funny, but...

Male Morgan is awesome, and the fact that he's voiced by the legendary Todd Haberkorn just seals the deal for me. Todd Haberkorn definitely knows how to properly play the badass who's a bit of a b**ch. Male Morgan's just so likeable and I love his supports with Noire. I've never played with a male avatar (Mostly because I can't bear the thought of Morgan without Rightful King) so I can't say anything about Female Morgan.

Owain is awesome, I love nearly every word that comes out of his mouth.

Noire. Dear god Noire. NOIRE. Seriously, the first time I did her paralogue and she shifted into her "I AM THE FIRE AND THE FURY!" mode, I burst out laughing, she's amazing.

Cynthia is just adorable. I love her little victory hum she sometimes does when she beat the enemy, as well as most of her other battle quotes, and her interactions with Inigo are friggin' cute as all hell.

And that brings me to Inigo. While some of his womanizing and "desperate for the company of women" moments made me cringe, there's something strangely likeable about him. Plus he's awesome on the battlefield.

Henry, oh god he's awesome. I especially love his interactions with Sumia. It's disturbing how pleasant and endearing that little sociopath can be. I also like how his injured face (which is almost never seen outside of that context) is pretty much the excalibur face.

Chrom's also great, as is Lucina.

Also Nowi. She's really likable and her antics can be hilarious.

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Does Henry really qualify as a sociopath? I know we see from his supports with Ricken that he basically doesn't value the lives of even those that are nice to him (including your own company sometimes), but then again he also winds up being a fantastic and super-caring dad as well. I guess you could say he doesn't warm up to other people very well despite his behavior, but if you earn his trust he's probably one of the most caring people in the camp? Assuming I'm right I don't think that quite qualifies as true sociopathy.

I dunno, Tharja and Henry's weird social abnormalities make them all the more endearing to me haha. It's just... interesting.

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Lon'qu: Dude was my bro. The speed buffs and critical hits that he gives you in supports and in combat are so useful when you make your avatar the point man. His strength and defense stats are weak at first but after some grinding when you combine them with his speed and critical rate he can just about one shot any normal enemy and most bosses. Upgrade him to a swordmaster and he is nigh untouchable.

Cordelia: How much can I say about Cordelia? Access to Galeforce, High stat growth and high caps all around. Great support character for speed and strength. I always ended up reclassing her to a mercenary and later hero bc of her high melee stats. Her only weakness is her low magic growth but other than that she is a great unit. Plus imo she is the prettiest of the females. She's a strong female character with a tragic story and helping her get over her first crush was fun. What can I say? I loved Cordelia.

Sully: Once again another great character. While not as gifted stats wise as Cordelia I liked how tomboyish she was. Mainly that she could pull off being so aggressive without being annoying about it. She also gives some great stat boosts in strength and range.

Frederick: While the poor Knight suffers from the Jagen syndrome, I still loved the guy. While he seems serious at first once you get past that part you learn that he is actually a chill guy. Hard to believe that when you learn he wears a butler suit under his armor. Even though hes not the right option in the beginning of the game, he can help characters early on with his great support buffs and double attacks. I would recommend getting a second seal and reclassing him into a lower tier class to regain the stat growths bc he is still a solid tank if trained with patience.

Gaius: Gotta love old sweet tooth. He's a gamble though. While his personality is great his use in combat is a little suspect. He gains great attack and speed for a theif but his defense is usually very low. On the other hand having a character who can always open chests and doors is usually useful.

Lissa: Lissa is a character who is very hard to hate. Gameplay wise she is a great character. Healers are always welcome but you'll be much happier when you upgrade her to a sage as she will destroy the battlefield itself. Story wise she has a pretty good plot centered around her and is very likeable (if you can put up with her pranks.) I also really liked the smile she gives you when you first wake up in the field.

Severa: Maybe I'm biased towards my daughter but I really liked Severa. She can gain Galeforce and several great skills if you play your cards right. Story wise she has a great plot to her. Her relationship with her mother is very interesting and despite how many times she made my wallet cry I grew to like her.

Edited by Shadow Knight
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It's hard not to be biased toward your kids lol.

Most of these characters' use in battle is pretty subjective; most of them can be useful if given the proper training. Personally, my Gaius actually would up having higher Strength and Defense than Lon'qu did at the same level, so part of it varies on their growths.

Kind of the nice thing about this game compared to other FE games is that generally anyone you like and WANT to be useful CAN be useful when you focus your efforts on them (as you're bound to do with characters that you like, haha).

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It's hard not to be biased toward your kids lol.

I just feel a little creeped out by the people who treat the characters as their ACTUAL kids. *shiver*

I really hope the people in this forum I can name are joking about it when they behave like that.

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Shadow, I've seen enough of your stuff to know that you've got the waifu/child bias too lol. Don't even pretend like you don't.

I'm pretty sure 90% of Awakening fans who participate in perceived 'waifuism' (or husbandoism or w/e) know better than to think they're really in a relationship with the digital fictional character. When people refer to 'my' wife or 'my' kid, I think it's safe to assume that they mean their avatar character.

It's just fun to roleplay, that's all it is. I'm pretty sure they're not serious to any capacity that should significantly disturb you.

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Shadow, I've seen enough of your stuff to know that you've got the waifu/child bias too lol. Don't even pretend like you don't.

Yeah, I play it off as a joke.

Please tell me I'm serious when I go "Maaaaaku chaaaaan"


It's just fun to roleplay, that's all it is. I'm pretty sure they're not serious to any capacity that should significantly disturb you.

Oh I know most just poke fun of themselves.

...And some of the people on this forum... don't.

That's what I'm specifically creeped out about.

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Does Henry really qualify as a sociopath? I know we see from his supports with Ricken that he basically doesn't value the lives of even those that are nice to him (including your own company sometimes), but then again he also winds up being a fantastic and super-caring dad as well. I guess you could say he doesn't warm up to other people very well despite his behavior, but if you earn his trust he's probably one of the most caring people in the camp? Assuming I'm right I don't think that quite qualifies as true sociopathy.

I dunno, Tharja and Henry's weird social abnormalities make them all the more endearing to me haha. It's just... interesting.

Yeah I don't think he REALLY qualifies as a sociopath, it just felt like the right word to use there at that point.

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That's what I'm specifically creeped out about.

Well I suppose it's not probably too difficult to tell when people are going a bit overboard with it... I suppose I just haven't noticed it or else have had the good fortune not to run into anyone like that.

Yeah I don't think he REALLY qualifies as a sociopath, it just felt like the right word to use there at that point.

Yeah, maybe I'm reading too much into the word choice lol. Still, it's kind of fun to think about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sumia, libra, henry and noire, cause they all have some trait that i have too:

Sumia cause like her I'm a hopeless klutz, tripping over THIN AIR,

Libra cause people always assume i'm a girl.

Henry because i have a slight blood fetish and Noire because when i snap, i snap HARD.

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I have a lot of favourites. Sumia, Olivia, Cherche, Henry, Tiki, Inigo(*cough* I mean Azure *cough*), Gerome, and Morgan. Most of these characters, I can relate to:

Sumia reflects my clumsiness. Let's just say I can trip on flat ground and I delete my save files constantly by accident...

Olivia is incredibly shy. I have severe stage-fright but I love to sing and dance(not that I would do it in front of people, it's too embarrassing!). Olivia risks her life to help others with her talents, which is admirable.

Cherche and I kind of have the same definition of cute. Minerva is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Henry can keep smiling though all the hardships he's been in through. I understand it's a really hard thing for some people and he made me almost cry when I read one of his supports with Cherche about his wolf friend.

Tiki, gods, this started a long time ago. I played Shadow Dragon on the DS long before Awakening. On her chapter, I had killed her, not knowing that I needed Bantu to recruit her and not realizing Shiida was literally right in front of her. I didn't reset because I had a strict rule about it, under no circumstance should I ever reset. I regretted it. Soon after I finished, I immediately started a new file, this time remembering to keep Shiida from slaughtering everything in her way, including Tiki. I loved her like a little sister. She was adorable.

Azure had one of the saddest backstories for me. Keeping out the fact that he's Olivia's son, I immediately fell for him. He's always smiling, yet he is hurting so much on the inside. He was the only child to see their parent killed before their eyes, as she was dancing for him. I couldn't stop the tears when I was playing "The Future of Despair." He had to be strong though, because so many people were depending on him as a emotional wall, but in my opinion, he had it worst of all.

Gerome is Batman. Enough said.

Morgan despite losing their memories, is naturally cheerful, too the point where it's contagious. Whenever I feel down because of all the pressure from others to be cheerful in school, I just read some of Morgan's dialogue and they perk me up instantly.

Wow...I wrote a lot...

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Azure had one of the saddest backstories for me. Keeping out the fact that he's Olivia's son, I immediately fell for him. He's always smiling, yet he is hurting so much on the inside. He was the only child to see their parent killed before their eyes, as she was dancing for him. I couldn't stop the tears when I was playing "The Future of Despair." He had to be strong though, because so many people were depending on him as a emotional wall, but in my opinion, he had it worst of all.

Owain's dad?

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Owain's dad?

I actually haven't seen Owain's supports before. At all. On most of my files(the one exception is because my friend was playing on it to decided if she wanted to buy it and had killed him on his map), I have Owain's map sitting there, but I've actually never gotten around to getting galeforce for him. I don't want to get him without galeforce because I'm spoiled by galeforce. If a child can get galeforce, I don't recruit them until the moms have galeforce. I'm slowly getting around to it though...like a turtle.

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  • 8 months later...

Wow. It's great to see so much love for this game. Now for my favorite character...It's sooooo hard to choose! To me it's like deciding my favorite child, in more ways than one! But if I had to, I'd say...Lucina. Not just for the reasons everyone else listed for her. And not just because I can relate to her. It's because she reminds me of a hero in real life. One who I don't think is given nearly enough credit outside of their home country. That hero...is Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc was a peasant in the time of the Hundred Years War. She was kind, gentle, and cared deeply for her friends and family, yet possessed a quick tongue and was always direct in her speech. But when she believed God had choosen her to end the terrible war plaguing her country, she tossed aside her shepherd's cloak, took the appearance of a man, donned her armor on, and fought against the near inescapable fate of her home country and was successful. Sound familiar?

Lucina is direct in her speech, kind and gentle, cares deeply for her friends and family, has a quick and sharp tongue with direct speech, and oh yeah: She was dressed as a male! I can't help but feel that Lucina might just be inspired by Joan of Arc. It may seem like a silly reason to love her, but I can't help it. Knowing a character might just be based off a hero I look up to IRL, I can't help but love them.

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