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Which characters did you like and why?


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Really? I actually like f!Robin a little more than m!Robin. Sure, some of her gender-exclusive supports can be a little grating (namely her A-rank with Chrom), but the way she sometimes doesn't think things through (like in her supports with Lon'qu) or misjudges people (her supports with Inigo, and she later apologized) or is a little catty (supports with Aversa) gives her believable character flaws that m!Robin either doesn't have or has to a much lesser extent. I guess I just have a preference for flawed characters.

Yeah, it's mostly because what f!Robin has are rather dumb quirks, not flaws.

The majority of her exclusive supports I found to be just... awful. [Worst of which, is hands down Chrom.]

The rest were... just annoyances. I greatly prefer m!Robin's more serious nature. He has the right approach in the majority of his supports. [And you pointed out the Inigo one. That's one of the ones where I do greatly perfer M!Robin's Friendship support.]

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I prefer JP!Henry because of his voice. I actually dislike a LOT of the English voices. Henry sounds way cuter and crazier in Japanese.

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THANK you! :3 I'm glad someone else can see Tharja's good qualities.

OMG, Maribelle. That gal has to be the one who had the biggest turnaround for me. I HATED Maribelle when I first encountered her, just... everything about her-- her looks, her attitude, everything. But you know? She actually turns out to be quite the stand-up gal, and an astoundingly brave and gutsy person. I still don't find her attractive in the least, but she's A-OK in my book, haha.

Eeee, Tiki~ >w< Itotallyagree...

Well sure, she's got her flaws, but she's shown multiple times that she does care about people deep down. She offers to help Libra and Lon'qu, she's considerate of Nowi's feelings and seems to have a soft spot for her, and she's shown to care about the welfare of others in her support with Virion. And of course there's her tsundere endgame line if Chrom makes the final strike: “Stop grinning, you shameless fools! ...You want to make me smile, too?” Her supports with Robin and Noire may show the worst parts of her personality (in my opinion), but there are a several good things about her that many people seem to overlook. Or completely ignore.

Also, I admit to kind of having a thing for Tiki.

Yeah, it's mostly because what f!Robin has are rather dumb quirks, not flaws.

The majority of her exclusive supports I found to be just... awful. [Worst of which, is hands down Chrom.]

The rest were... just annoyances. I greatly prefer m!Robin's more serious nature. He has the right approach in the majority of his supports. [And you pointed out the Inigo one. That's one of the ones where I do greatly perfer M!Robin's Friendship support.]

That's understandable. I might like f!Robin's quirks, but I can admit that she's not the type of character everyone can like.

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Tiki sounds like I would've liked her in Marth's games. She seems really cute there. But Awakening? Hell no. All they did with her here was turn her into blatant fanservice. That outfit is awful and her breasts are practically shoved in your face. And did I mention that ridiculous cleavage?

I like Nowi though, despite her outfit as well. I actually find her outfit rather cute, but it would honestly be more fitting as a swimsuit...

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Her supports with Robin and Noire may show the worst parts of her personality (in my opinion), but there are a several good things about her that many people seem to overlook. Or completely ignore.

Two words: Child Abuse. There's a lot about Tharja that's played for laughs, but THAT shouldn't have been. Even if the worst of the abuse was Future!Tharja, the Present!Tharja still runs experiments if Noire's convos with her father are any indication. There's no redemption from that at all, no matter what heartwarming moments she has.

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Two words: Child Abuse. There's a lot about Tharja that's played for laughs, but THAT shouldn't have been. Even if the worst of the abuse was Future!Tharja, the Present!Tharja still runs experiments if Noire's convos with her father are any indication. There's no redemption from that at all, no matter what heartwarming moments she has.

Basically this, and then add in the fact that the game outright states that she doesn't change/there isn't a difference in Noire's solo ending.

And it's not like Walhart's over the top spiel either [that at least is hammy enough to cross the line twice (and you don't see any negative effects either)].

The hate Tharja gets is well deserved.

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I like most of the cast, even the controversial ones like Severa and Tharja whom I find hilarious.

It also helps that Severa reminds me of Rin Tohsaka. Both are tsunderes.

My favorite female is Cordelia, my favorite male is either Lon'qu or Stahl.

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Tharja seems to me to be one of those people who shouldnt have become a parent. She doesnt have the right nature for it. So instead of nurture, Tharja is heavy handed and downright neglectful/abusive at times. Thats not a means to excuse her actions, its just how it appears to me. The game should have resolved her relationship with Noire better and with more fluidity and clarity. For her to be more appealing to Western audiences, to create a development or resolve there (especially in the endings) would have been a better move. Especially if it included Tharja's own admission that she just was never suited to be a parent. But also for her to show that despite it all, she loves her daughter.

I do like Tharja though but i have a rather morbid sense of humor.

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I like Nowi a lot, I think she's super likable and a lot of fun in her supports; the only thing that keeps me from liking her as much as I could is the whole lolicon thing. I ain't down with that, yo. In my MU's canon, MU forces Nowi to wear more clothes LOL (especially after she was apparently a bad influence on his daughter's fashion choices). Other than that, Nowi seems like a pretty straightforward Tiki/Myrrh/Fae baby manakete archetype, and I don't know that there's much else to her...? Still, she's adorable and she makes me smile all the same.

I have to admit something though. I kinda like Kellam too. He got slapped with a bad gimmick, but the poor guy is about as nice as Stahl, yet he used to be a bad kid, causing his family to ignore him. He turned himself around quite a bit.

There we go. Now everyone has some support. To add on, I really like Nowi's standing victory animation (Bride/Mage/Sage) and Kellam makes a useful earlygame utility/pairup unit on Lunatic(+).

I like Nowi though, despite her outfit as well. I actually find her outfit rather cute, but it would honestly be more fitting as a swimsuit...

Fun fact: Nowi can't swim.

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Two words: Child Abuse. There's a lot about Tharja that's played for laughs, but THAT shouldn't have been. Even if the worst of the abuse was Future!Tharja, the Present!Tharja still runs experiments if Noire's convos with her father are any indication. There's no redemption from that at all, no matter what heartwarming moments she has.

I know that she was/is an abusive mother. As I stated earlier, I won't make excuses for that. I agree that what she's done to Noire makes her a pretty bad person, but not a bad character. There's a difference between the two. If Tharja was a real person, I'd dislike her. Since she's fictional, I can appreciate her character and the complicated way she was written.

Tharja seems to me to be one of those people who shouldnt have become a parent. She doesnt have the right nature for it. So instead of nurture, Tharja is heavy handed and downright neglectful/abusive at times. Thats not a means to excuse her actions, its just how it appears to me. The game should have resolved her relationship with Noire better and with more fluidity and clarity. For her to be more appealing to Western audiences, to create a development or resolve there (especially in the endings) would have been a better move. Especially if it included Tharja's own admission that she just was never suited to be a parent. But also for her to show that despite it all, she loves her daughter.

I do like Tharja though but i have a rather morbid sense of humor.

I agree with this. I was just thinking recently that Tharja isn't the mothering type, and if the game had given us that kind of admission from her, the relationship between her and Noire would have been better explained and concluded on a more satisfactory note. It wouldn't have excused Tharja, but it would've brought her actions into a more serious light.

Back on topic, another character I like is Chrom. The guy's got his flaws, but he tries his best and truly cares about his friends and family. He also has great one-liners. I can't help but laugh at his exasperation with everyone and everything.

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...Nowi seriously can't swim? Ahh, I feel like I've heard that somewhere before, but I can't recall where. That's funny, though.

Yeah, I agree with what people (Loki in particular) are saying about how Tharja's relationship with Noire should have been written better. The only possible explanation I can think of for her behavior is the saying that abusive mothers were probably abused as a child themselves, which would explain a lot about Tharja's behavior, but it's little more than a fan-theory (it's pretty weak that they didn't explain stuff like that better). Well, I can't help but like them both ~__~ *shrug*

One thing I like about Chrom is his occasional snark that I feel like a lot of the other Lords didn't have. He's pretty serious business most of the time, a lot like pretty much every lord ever, but it's fun when he mutters sasses under his breath or is blatantly thick-skulled about women in the wash tent and whatnot.

Tiki sounds like I would've liked her in Marth's games. She seems really cute there. But Awakening? Hell no. All they did with her here was turn her into blatant fanservice. That outfit is awful and her breasts are practically shoved in your face. And did I mention that ridiculous cleavage?

Maybe I'm a little biased here, so I'll request that other people back me up if I'm not spouting total BS on this.

I don't think Tiki was THAT bad, or really sexualized that much; the in-game portrait was really the only thing that did it, it's not like her official art tried to sexualize her or anything (like... *ahem* Tharja). I dunno, it's hard to explain, but she just doesn't seem like a sexualized character. Nothing about the way she acts or says ever implies anything sexual (*looks at Tharja again*). I guess they did go a bit overboard with the portrait, but it's not like they made her... erm... assets huge or anything. Either way, I question that that's sufficient reason to hate her, y'know?

But yeah, she is pretty adorable in Shadow Dragon and such.

(TBH I almost think I could make a case for her SD official art being more sexualized than her official art in awakening, although I doubt many if any would agree...)

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I don't know, Tiki's official art has her pointing her ass towards us. Much like Olivia. I hate the pose the artist put her in. It hardly fits her character. >.>

And I do recall child Tiki having a ridiculously short skirt, but besides that, her design isn't nearly as bad as her older self, imo.

The only thing I like about Chrom is his comments at the end of the parent-child conversations in the children paralogues, especially Brady's.

Brady: Oh, Ma!

Maribelle: Oh, Brady!

Chrom: Oh brother.

Just. lmao. Inigo's was hilarious too, because Chrom's his father in my case. XD

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...Nowi seriously can't swim? Ahh, I feel like I've heard that somewhere before, but I can't recall where. That's funny, though.

Summer Scramble support with Sully. Give it a read, it made me like both of them a lot more.

Tiki: I think the main complaint about her looks (mine, at least) is that it looks like she slept for 2,000 years and is still wearing the dress she went to sleep in, it's practically bursting at the seams.

I don't know, Tiki's official art has her pointing her ass towards us. Much like Olivia. I hate the pose the artist put her in. It hardly fits her character. >.>

And I do recall child Tiki having a ridiculously short skirt, but besides that, her design isn't nearly as bad as her older self, imo.

The official artwork messed up just about everybody though, so it's not fair to hold it against Tiki specifically.

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The official artwork messed up just about everybody though, so it's not fair to hold it against Tiki specifically.

Not really. Nowi's pose reflects her childish nature, Frederick's pose reflects his loyal butler thing, Lucina's pose works for her too (though I still dislike her outfit), Stahl looks like he's got a bit of catching up to do in the mornings, reflecting his scatterbrained-ness, Sully's pose shows her desire to be a bit more feminine, and so on. I find that only Tiki and Olivia have really messed up poses as far as I've seen.

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Not really. Nowi's pose reflects her childish nature, Frederick's pose reflects his loyal butler thing, Lucina's pose works for her too (though I still dislike her outfit), Stahl looks like he's got a bit of catching up to do in the mornings, reflecting his scatterbrained-ness, Sully's pose shows her desire to be a bit more feminine, and so on. I find that only Tiki and Olivia have really messed up poses as far as I've seen.

Exactly how often do you see real children doing what Nowi's doing?

Cherche and Panne are also messed up.

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Exactly how often do you see real children doing what Nowi's doing?

Cherche and Panne are also messed up.

I don't understand your question. Her pose looks childish to me. I have no problem with Panne or Cherche's artwork, personally. Hell, Panne is actually COVERING UP her bikini fur, as if she doesn't want to appeal herself to any human men.

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My personal favorite character is Miriel. Don't ask me why, I really don't know. A mixture of personality and being the first mage you get?

I like Emmeryn because of her (sort of) death scene. I forget which chapter, I think 7 or 8, but the one where she threw herself off the cliff. It really made me like her a lot. The only problem is that she didn't actually die, that jump really should've killed her and it seems forced, taking away from the effects of her actions.

Panne is nice, all serious and aloof. (Yes, I am awful at explaining why I like people)

Lucina is nice.

Virion got a lot more writing than most people, making him very likeable.

I would like Maribelle if she had balancing in her personality between her rudeness and redeeming qualities, the shallowness of the characters in this game is a big problem for her.

Ultimately, I like these characters a lot more when I fill in details about their past that are never developed in the game. I'm kinda just assuming they have complicated personalities when most characters are pretty shallow and one-sided.

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Is this what you'd call showing her butt...? I mean, I guess it's pointing out towards us? But... it's not like it's super prominently featured or anything...

I dunno, I agree with the spirit of what you guys are saying (that it's not necessary to sexualize FE characters), but I don't think it really applies to Tiki, personally. The guys in the chat back me up on this one.

Anyway, I don't want to devolve into a huge discourse on the official Awakening art, so I'll agree to disagree if you guys will.

n00srac, they don't fill you in much on Maribelle's better qualities through the in-game script, you sort of need to dig through her supports to find them. One is her first support with Ricken, where she uplifts Rick for being bold and brave enough to do the right thing, and says that she considers him and his family equals to hers even though Rick's fam is basically broke and hers is still wealthy. She values equality and stuff, it's pretty legit.

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*shrug* I don't see a problem here. Take that as you will.


I don't want the topic to devolve into a huge discourse on the official Awakening art, so I'll agree to disagree if you guys will.

So um.

By the way, I've really grown to enjoy Gangrel. I think he's the only one who's more interesting when you recruit him than he even is when you're fighting him, and he's pretty amusing in the first place (if a bit one-note). His whole moral dilemma and how he sort of clings to the course his evil actions have taken him despite initial good intentions intrigues me. He's probably my favorite of the Spotpass Six character-wise.

Also, both he and Walhart prove to be surprisingly charming in their supports with FeMU.

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Lucina - For sheer gameplay prowess and for being a strong character who survived a zombie apocalypse.
Owain - For being hilarious and awesome.
Chrom - I like lords. Especially when they don't have a timed promotion and have access to Aether.

Inigo - Wonderful ladies man. Love dat silky voice.

Noire - Hilariously bi-polar.

Cordelia - I like me some sexy lady! I also like me some awesome combat prowess. Shout out for being one of the best first generation units!

Henry - For being a hilarious sociopath.

Gregor - I love that Russian accent.

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I agree with Florina/Loki, but yes, we're kind of getting off topic here. :P

I was kind of meh with Vaike at first, but his support with Sully made me like him a lot more. He's still a blundering idiot sometimes, but he's funny and the fact that he was inspired by Emmeryn having come and spoken in his village is pretty damn neat. He just wants to help his home out.

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Vaike is pretty cool. I actually grew to respect him from his supports with Chrom, in which he proves to be pretty manly by not wanting to face Chrom in a competition where Chrom would be at a clear disadvantage. His main issue is just that he's sort of immature, and has his immature delusions of what a 'real man' should be like and stuff-- which is kind of funny, seeing as he actually has some pretty legitimately manly values, like honor and protecting others.

EDIT: (All right I know I said I was gonna drop it but... well... I guess I'm just being a hypocrite ~___~)

I'd like to present this as evidence to illustrate that Tiki isn't really fanservice, even if you consider her design sexualized in Awakening (since I'm super lame and don't apparently know how to argue my own points OTL). The point is that it's not really fanservice unless the design serves no purpose other than to appeal to people sexually.

I don't think this applies to Tiki since, as I've said, her in-game portrait is the only thing related to her that is sexualized in any way. Her other art assets, her dialogue, and anything else related to her has nothing to do with it. As for 'serving a purpose', I think it absolutely does-- it's symbolic of Tiki's new maternal role that she plays to this group. It's not as though it's used to advertise the game or any shit like that, unlike Tharja with dat statue (and hell even then I could argue that Tharja's skimpy outfit illustrates her character too).

The point is, I really think you guys are getting your panties in a twist for a really insubstantial reason. I mean, it'd be fine to not like/care about her since there's really not much to her character in this game, I can understand that, but she isn't portrayed as 'sexy' in any advertising materials, comes so late in the game, and is so difficult to recruit to newcomers to the series that I find it impossible to believe that their goal with her design was mere fanservice.

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