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Devoted Hours


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So I've been playing this game since late December and have put over 100 hours into it. This surprises me because the most hours I've put into any FE game was about 60. Keep in mind that I'm the type of player that keeps all animations on (even healing ones) and never skips dialogue. But this is definitely a first! I'm still on my first playthrough, this far in, and haven't even beaten Grima yet. My bro told me that this reviewer was still playing the same file after a year.

Does this game really have that much to do? Have any of you pushed +100h in your files? I want to know if I'm not the only one who devoted this many hours to my game.

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Well damn ._.

When I'm grinding for levels I use spotpass and that takes FOREVER. I'm saving up so I can purchase some DLC maps so this task becomes slightly more pleasant. But between DLC and campaign were do most of the the gameplay hours go?

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553 hours. And most of it is grinding on my first file and filling the support log on secondary files. I just started my first hard playthrough(I also want to get that A support between Brady and Kellam. It's the only one I'm missing to fill my log!). Then I'll give Lunatic a try. And depending on how it goes, I may even take a look at Lunatic+. So I'm far from done with this game.

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I only have about 100 hours on my first file, but 400 hours play time in total; I don't really skip anything besides enemy phases and dialogue I've already seen. Most of my hours came from support grinding and me working on a project or two.

Well damn ._.

When I'm grinding for levels I use spotpass and that takes FOREVER. I'm saving up so I can purchase some DLC maps so this task becomes slightly more pleasant. But between DLC and campaign were do most of the the gameplay hours go?

Campaign, I think. DLC maps are just a battle long, but I think it really depends on the difficulty and how much of the extra dialogue you're willing to read through.

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If 400-500h is the norm I'll continue to grind levels with an "I regret nothing" attitude.

I blame freaking supports. I spent a good chunk of the game getting supports between all my characters, just to drop half of them in the end. Curse my curiosity. Once a support starts I feel obligated to see it through until it reaches A. My avatar is the source of the support problem.

I seriously wonder if I'll ever make it to a second file. If I can basically get everything I want in the first file the only drive to start another one would be creating different pairings.

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Over 400 hours for me; it took over much of my free time last year, though after Pokemon X/Y came out I haven't played it nearly as much as I used to (and now I'm pushing 400 hours in that game.....I have no life XD).

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Probably around 800 hours (too lazy to check), mostly spent on the support log and 199,998 Renown. I've slowed down a bit since Tropical Freeze came out but it's still my most played game by far since I got it (I've only logged more hours on Smash).

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I'm only about halfway through the game on this file and I've already put 197 hours into just this one file. Support grinding brings out the masochist in me, I suppose. I really need to get back into breeding in Pokémon, though, so maybe I'll take a break here soon.

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Meh, I'm still not at 1000 hours...

967:19 total (over the course of 13.5 months)

176:33 is the highest playtime on any of my current files

What's up with the ratios?

Hours and minutes. Doubt that was a serious question, though...

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0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds. I don't think I've played any FE game for more than 100 hours...

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