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urgh pluck facial hair


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10 day stubble= best beard

and no the thickness of your facial hair depends on the no. of hair follicles- depends on your genes basically.

I wonder how you'll feel in your twenties, more testosterone kicks in and all guys get more facial hair then lol

Edited by Bluedoom
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whatchoo know about keratin

Speaking of keratin, I peel off my fingernail tips and chew them. It's not a nervous habit at all, it's actually a whole lot more fulfilling than bubblegum.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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Speaking of keratin, I peel off my fingernail tips and chew them. It's not a nervous habit at all, it's actually a whole lot more fulfilling than bubblegum.

Hasn't everyone done this at some point in their life?

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what you do is

fill the wash basin with warm water

splash it on your face and neck

shake the shaving cream canister, then squirt it on your hand until it is a little bit bigger than a golf ball

apply the cream across your cheeks, chin and neck

jump off the roof for even considering waxing your face

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"durr hurr you're not a real man if you wax you should be like me and keep your pube-stache intact"

come on guys, let him do what he wants

if he does not want hair, then so be it

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"durr hurr you're not a real man if you wax you should be like me and keep your pube-stache intact"

come on guys, let him do what he wants

if he does not want hair, then so be it

This is exactly my reaction. This "herp derp, you wax your face therefore you're not an actual men" talk is beyond stupid

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waxing your fucking face

is a razor not good enough for you posh cunt

its ok soul ilu (but seriously just shave like a normal person it will not kill you)

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I'm gonna wax you!

(I wonder who I'm talking to)

You're talking to me, it's obvious!

Hipsters are too mainstream for Soul

It's funny 'cuz it's true.

And yeah, hipsters love the beard. They look kind of cool.

wait, waxing facial hair what

waxing just sounds painful in general. I have like no visible hair on my arms and legs so yeah why would I ever


contrary to popular belief, this is false. shaving creates a sort of edge around the top of your facial hair giving it a spotty appearance. it also feels stubby.

but honestly soul dont even bother waxing if you dont want facial hair. i used to pluck my eyebrows since i didnt want a unibrow. i leave it alone now, and it is barely noticeable. i'm sure your "facial hair" would be barely noticeable if you dont do anything to it.

wtf is wrong with you chicks dig the stubble

That makes an awful lot of sense, you know.

Also, dafuq you mean "'facial'". It's fucking facial hair. It's there. I wouldn't even be able to wax if I only had a few whiskers...

old women are the only people that are alowed to wax their facial hair off. that i can understand. but not boys in their fucking teens lol

lawlz, get at me.

You are not a true man if you prefer waxing your face!

I proudly display the 5'0 clock shadow at lunch!

Nah you suck, you can't take it. You'd be crying by now.

waxing your fucking face

is a razor not good enough for you posh cunt

its ok soul ilu (but seriously just shave like a normal person it will not kill you)

I mostly dislike the stubble over the mustache area. It looks pretty bad, even after shaving and the small dots are still there...waxing removes that.

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